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Author Topic: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7  (Read 146115 times)

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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.3 - version 03
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2011, 12:01:02 PM »

A)Am playing a Lowengrin DCG in a 1942 Japanese Navy Fighter New Guinea campaign

B) Keep seeing this historically inaccurate unit frequently generated among allied ground frontline units

It is this Russian 45mm anti-tank gun below which does not belong in this Pacific theatre of operations

C) No mods active other than Lowengrin DCG and Jiver's DBW sound mod and have not done any manual editing of any files

D) I would have put this in the DBW bug report thread but  I dont know how to test whether this is a Lowengrin DCG issue or an underlying DBW issue.



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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.3 - version 03
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2011, 12:41:32 PM »

Nothing to do with DBW or mods, it's just IL2 and DCG.
Since IL2 has no Western allies light AT guns, DCG uses the closest 'red' equivalent, although you normally get the US Browning MG, would be nice if there was a US 37mm available but there's only the 3" M1, which is a bit of overkill. These guns appear at the front if you have active front activated in the options for some extra ground action, disabling it should remove them.
The only other possibility would be a countries mix up, check if your forces are correctly identified in briefings and reports, if not I'll have to look at the countries assignments in FC, but I think they should be OK, haven't noticed any problems yet, but I'll just check... FC off, FC standard or FC full?

(Thinks, do jsgme options still count as mods, or should we distinguish between jsgme (native DBW) and (seperate, user added) mods?)
Looks like the Japanese planes need updating next...


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.3 - version 03
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2011, 02:45:03 PM »

 I agree it is likely caused by lack of an appropriate model for the slot which causes the program to
fall back upon using the "Next Best Thing". And yes,  I do have active fronts checked which
is a contributing factor. Thanks for taking the time to reply and clearing that up.



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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.3 - version 03
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2011, 09:34:50 AM »

There is currently a bug in version 03 class.dcg file in
lines P_39D1 and P_39D2. Their intro date is set to 1942xx, which causes a crash on any campaign generation. Other than that everything seems to be working fine so far.
thanks for this one.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.3 - version 03 (2) fixed
« Reply #16 on: July 18, 2011, 03:50:14 PM »

Thanks for the tip off, fixed in new download, or if you already downloaded put 194105 & 194107 to replace the 1942xx for p39D-1 and D-2 in class.dcg for early P39D, use 1942 for actual D-1/2.

First early D series deliveries May 5 1941, production being concurrent with the P-400. D-1/2 actually start in 42, but then we only have the P400 for a year, so better to start earlier even if not 100% accurate?
If the P-400 model had an option for the 37mm +tank/bomb, as currently on the P-39D-2 model, (which apparently did not have the 37mm?) then it could be used as either P-400 or P-39D(early);
the engines are the same but weights may differ, armour at 157lbs+37mm and 291lbs+20mm, both have self-sealing tanks and radio, but comparative weights of guns +ammo?

"By September 13, 1940, the Army had added contracts for 623 P-39D Airacobras, which was the Bell Model 15 with wing guns and Hewitt Rubber Co. self-sealing fuel bags, and ordered that these additions be made to the last 60 aircraft on the previous contract.
To expedite production, it was soon agreed to standardize most P-39D and P-400 features except for the latter’s 20-mm gun and British-installed systems like oxygen and radio.

The first 20 P-39C production aircraft were completed from January 16 to April 7, 1941, with 1,150-hp V-1710-35 engines, camouflage finish, and the same five guns as the YP-39. Selfridge Field got them for the 31st Pursuit Group, although three were shipped to Britain on June 26.
Thirty more sets of leak proof tanks were ordered on March 8, 1941, for later installation on YP-39 and P-39C models.

The P-39D and export P-400 came off the assembly lines at the same time, both with the V-1710-35 engine, self-sealing tanks, four .30-caliber wing guns with 4,000 rounds, and two synchronized .50s with 400 rounds in the nose.

The P-39D had a 37-mm M-9 gun with 30 rounds, 191 pounds of armor, and 66 pounds of armor-glass. Since tank protection reduced internal fuel capacity from 170 to 120 gallons, a February 1941 order added provisions for a 75-gallon belly drop tank, or a 600-pound bomb, on the P-39D.

The P-400 used the more rapid-firing 20-mm HS gun with a 60-round drum, 231 pounds of armor and 60 pounds of armor-glass, the heaviest protection of any American fighter, as well as the 240-pound leak proof fuel bags and a 110-pound radio.

The first P-39D, priced at $41,479, was delivered February 3, 1941, but remained at the factory until December, while regular deliveries to Selfridge Field began May 5. Bell completed 429 P-39D models in 1941, too quickly for the available guns or Curtiss Electric propellers;
only 390 37-mm aircraft guns in total were completed that year. The aircraft were sometimes flown to an Army base where the propeller was removed, shipped back to Bell, and reused to fly away another plane.

Lend-lease funds were used for the Model 14A, first ordered June 11, 1941, to follow the Model 14 in 1942.
The first 336 were designated P-39D-1 and had a 20-mm gun with 60 rounds, two synchronized .50s with 430 rounds in the nose, four .30-caliber wing guns with 4,000 rounds, 177 pounds of armor, and 65 pounds of armor-glass, and a 129-pound radio.
Most were requisitioned by the AAF, and 158 similar P-39D-2s were delivered to the AAF and the Soviet Union with V-1710-63 engines.

Aeroproducts hydromatic propellers were substituted on 229 P-39Fs, delivered beginning in December 1941, and 25 other ships on this contract were designated P-39J with Allison V-1710-59 engines rated at 1,100 hp at 15,200 feet with automatic boost control.
All these aircraft were known as Model 15 on company records and had similar characteristics."


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.3 - Version 03 (2)
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2011, 08:58:34 AM »

Am I the only one having instant death problems on some maps? Problem is in DCG generated missions (DCG 1.46 + this patch for DBW) planes spawn several feet in the air and off the airfield. So they blow up 1 second into the mission. One example of such problematic map would be Normandy. Not just player flight either - all the a/c.
Can this be fixed with alterations to airfields.dcg? And if so - how do i get proper coordinates for that file?


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.3 - Version 03 (2)
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2011, 12:00:21 PM »

The maps & airfields are not the problem, it's the exploding spawning aircraft which came with 4.101 if there is a false regiment or loadout entry in the mission file.

DCG uses allpayloads.dcg to assign the loadouts for a mission, so if there is an error here it will still get put into the mission with the above result.
The master reference for allpayloads is normally weapons_rus.properties, which has the 'raw' entries and the often more comprehensible text overlays.

However, the problem has been that the weapons file in DBW is full of placeholder entries for loadouts which are (as yet?) not there, if you look at the included copy of the weapons file you can see for example that the Spitfire Vs have entries for drop tanks, but in game there is only default or none; if these entries are then carried over into the DCG allpayloads file they will also go into the mission file if you select that loadout in DCG, and then we get the exploding spawns again.
Some planes like the Seafire 3s have doubled entries in game, and some weapons entries are also longer than the 20 character DCG limit, but I should have got all of those.

Getting the correct loadout entries is further complicated by the fact that DBW is built on top of UP3, which has a weapons file (actually all config files) built into one of the SFS files, so you can't disable the DBW weapons file and see the raw loadouts in QMB, you always get the UP entries, which also seem to have some errors.

Nobody ever pays much attention to weapons_rus.properties as it's seen as just cosmetic, but here it's a real problem, trying to eliminate all the placeholders and/or errors is an ongoing process currently, I keep finding another one, which is probably the problem you're having now.

One or more planes used in that campaign (in this case Normandy) probably have a loadout entry which isn't implemented in game, producing the error.
The way around this is to check for which one it is, make a copy of the mission file for reference and then change all the loadouts in the original misison file to default, and the mission should now load and play, but with no loadouts.
You can then look at the original mission file and add one of the loadouts back in, load and test. Boom means that's a bad loadout, and needs to be reported, normal start means the loadout is OK and it must be a different one.
A long and wearisome process, but that's troubleshooting, and why this is still a WIP, it won't go to version 1.0 until this is finally sorted out, but shouldn't normally be a problem in the first place.

It is of course also possible that the original DCG mission files are referencing a squadron which isn't in DBW, some of them were changed in 4.101, but the DCG mission files should be good for 4.101 as far as I know, Paul would know for sure; to fix this all the DCG campaign mission files would have to be updated to 4.101 regiments.

You can check this by opening the console after your planes go boom, scroll with Page Up/Down and look for an error saying can't find regiment or loadout xxx.
Forgotten Countries (standard) should deal with this, as CirX put all the changed regiments back in original form, but maybe this needs to be confirmed.

I covered this problem in some detail in the original post, where all loadouts were set to default for testing, but looks like I took the explanations down too early, still, new version coming up so things are improving, hang on and maybe I already fixed it, but we still really need a definitive weapons file with no errors and no placeholders, but there probably isn't one and it would would be a huge job to make one, for which I'd have to ask CirX if he has the time, and this is my shit and not his responsibility, but just reporting errors is always helpful.


Tried all three Normandy campaigns, only to find it's the last one, 44, that seems to have the problem;
The napalm loadout for the P38s is wrong, instead of 2x175napalm (as in the weapons file) it's 2x154Napalm (case sensitive).
Had to use a test mission to read out the loadout, Normandy 44 campaign then loaded fine (but that doesn't mean there aren't any more hiding in there somewhere).

Fixed in new, coming, version.

If anyone finds any more bad loadouts, report it here so it can be fixed, post the mission so I can check it, or just say which campaign and I'll look into it.

Also noticed the stock campaigns are badly in need of updating, there's so much more we could do with DBW versions, correct planes, weather, AA & C&C from CY6, new maps for some campaigns like Normandy would be a big project though. However, first get these files working, then there's my BoB campaign, or redo the stock ones, have to ask Paul when the forum is back up.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.3 - Version 03 (2)
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2011, 04:16:10 PM »

For Monty, Slit & Lonestar, I already have an alpha BoB DCG campaign in progress, fairly huge and still needs lots of work, and is intended to be chronologically extendible forward and backward to eventually cover the whole 39-4? period using timetable grand campaign progression, but currently July to October 40 inc.

Using a test cross-channel map for now (map_h, tex & actors...) but eventually need a bigger one, also being worked on but with minimal actors/max airfields due to size, and experimenting with CY6's C&C objects, weather & vector in particular (but get regular stalls in the game).

Looking at something like this, already ran some tests but DCG doesn't handle the size well, transit times can be very long so needs some tricks. Interceptions also seem to override any range settings, so you get 109s from Leeuwarden flying over the North Sea with no hope of getting back, but CY6 vectors could replace this, need a way to switch them off.
Runs just like any other map as long as the actors is kept to a minimum.

The idea is that anybody can then build a campaign period and add it to the grand campaign for a sort of coordinated standard DBW DCG Europe grand campaign, which should also prevent duplication of effort?
Currently still working on the base DCG compatibility files, but I'll try and pull a basic test version together if anyone is interested, runs almost entirely from the timetable (probably in two weeks...).

And in order to not hijack Monty's campaign thread, better to go to the DCG/DBW thread and then move this there (done), I'll start a new thread if there's any interest.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.3 - Version 03 (2)
« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2011, 08:11:28 AM »

Thanks for the detailed explanation Slink, at least now I know where the problem is. Unfortunately DCG seems not to be very popular these days, but those of us who are aware of its awesomeness sure appreciate your efforts.

As for BoB, that map sure looks sexy, but also a bit monstrous and unwieldy. I was trying to update Lonestars awesome BoB @ https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,7407.0.html to work with DBW actually, as well as hopefully slice it inside global Luftwaffe and RAF western campaigns (currently BoB takes place on Gulf of Finland map in default DCG grand campaigns).
Idea of all western front air war taking place on 1 map is interesting, but quite daunting. Regular progression of smaller maps seems much simpler and allows detours to Africa, Balkans, Italy etc. Then again if you think you have technical know how to pull it off - I'm sure there will be some interest, although DCG isn't getting the love it deserves.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.3 - Version 04
« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2011, 02:50:48 PM »

Found another faulty loadout.
On P-47-D10 all the loadouts containing 2x500lb bombs aren't implemented. Thats:
Code: [Select]
P_47D10                            B tank2x5006x45
P_47D10                            B tank2x500
P_47D10                            B 2x5006x45
P_47D10                            B 2x500
P_47D10                            B 1x10002x5006x45
P_47D10                            B 1x10002x500
in allpayloads.dcg

Now, how do I go about fixing it? Is deleting faulty lines in allpayloads enough or do i have to edit payloads.dcg as well? Anything else like mission files need to be edited?


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.3 - Version 04
« Reply #22 on: July 24, 2011, 05:01:27 PM »

Thanks Slit, you seem to be good at this!

You can just delete those entries from allpayloads, I started commenting them out (asterisks) in case they get implemented later, but there will be new versions to download before then,
so you can just take them out.

If you have them selected in DCG you only have to update the loadouts on screen, once they're deleted from allpayloads.dcg you only have to select a different loadout from the list and the old entry will be automatically overwritten in payloads.dcg.

If you have them in a current mission you can just generate a new one with the button at the top of the screen, date won't change, just generates a new mission file with the same parameters.

I'll check the other P47s too, tends to be a case of all or nothing most of the time, so looks like v5 is due already. (done)

Thanks again for the help, I sometimes think I'm losing track...

EDIT: Campaign posts moved to dedicated Clash of Eagles thread...


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.3 - Version 05
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2011, 04:49:09 PM »

Got a problem DLing the 25 megs file ".../download-1aeaa310.html"! All I get is "get.php.html" which is a firefox page! Fix is not using the FF dTA manager!
And you can fly, high as a kite, if you want to.........
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