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Author Topic: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7  (Read 146109 times)

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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - new for DBW171 & DCG347
« Reply #168 on: March 13, 2012, 04:27:48 PM »

Thanks mate, will check it out, found a few bugs already, check... squash... wipe... update coming...


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - new for DBW171 & DCG347
« Reply #169 on: March 13, 2012, 08:36:00 PM »

Hi Slink,
I wanted to thank you for all of your efforts. They are appreciated!
I am flying DCG in Singapore (British) and everthing has been working great. I know there will be some bugs somewhere so thank you in advance for all of your work in finding them.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - new for DBW171 & DCG347
« Reply #170 on: March 14, 2012, 09:27:30 AM »

So, tried all the European campaigns in stock 171, and this error happens only with Normandy44, and also with the original files, so it doesn't seem to be related to the new files. Have to check it with original/modded 347 installed in 411, which is what it's actually meant for, but could be a bug in the beta. Needs to be confirmed before reporting though, but this did happen once before as I remember. Can't see anything obvious at first glance however, apart from the mismatched locations in campaigns and allcampaigns, but that didn't help either. Will have to look deeper and try the Pacific/Russian campaigns too, but this is where it gets complex doing files for a modded 171 based on 4101 for a beta version meant for 411, so we may be getting a bit ahead of ourselves here, having to differentiate between possible bugs in the beta and possible bugs in the files, but it will all come out in the wash eventually...
thinks, have to try it with the 171/346 files, and see if it happens there too, or not...
but thanks for the reports and support guys, a little bit of credit goes a long way... ;)


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - new for DBW171 & DCG347
« Reply #171 on: March 14, 2012, 10:07:09 AM »

Let me clarify, in order to try and help narrow it down.

When I picked the Normandy 44 DCG with the FW 190A-5 I got the error when I hit generate. After I restarted IL2, I went to to another campaign that was already started in the Pacific. So there might have been some conflict that a simple force close of IL2 and restart didnt fix. Like DCG was still "stuck" on that campaign I tried to start.



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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - new for DBW171 & DCG347
« Reply #172 on: March 14, 2012, 05:24:31 PM »

You're right, same thing happened when I crashed it on Normandy44; DCG got stuck on the crashed campaign. Tried a bunch of other campaigns in the meantime, with the debugged files and a set of loadouts assigned in payloads.dcg, no problems so far. So, adding in all the other planes...


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - new for DBW171 & DCG347
« Reply #173 on: March 16, 2012, 03:02:04 PM »

So, another glitch, this time France44 crashing out with a "not a decimal" error. Plane files are mostly done with optionals and some extras, but looks like I really need to do the 346 version too (without the long loadouts). Hang on, get there soon.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - new for DBW171 & DCG347
« Reply #174 on: March 16, 2012, 07:06:22 PM »



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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - new for DBW171 & DCG347
« Reply #175 on: March 17, 2012, 11:29:05 AM »

Chaney, here's the same 171 data in DCG346 format if it helps. http://www.datafilehost.com/download-fc0e11ff.html
(without the over-long loadout strings, you need to set the loadouts, WW2 only as yet, will get the jetset out soon but I have a RL project to do...).

Hiya Slink. I am trying to understand this post and what you said on the next page. This link you gave me is for people running 1.7.1 and DCG 3.46 right? Because that is what i am running because I think you said there is still work that needs done for the 1.7.1 and 3.47 to work correctly.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - new for DBW171 & DCG347
« Reply #176 on: March 17, 2012, 01:27:10 PM »

Yes, you got it, although the current files are just buggy drafts for testing, one for 171 with 346, the other for 171 with 347beta. You have to assign any loadouts yourself in the DCG control panel, but just assign them for the planes you're using in your current campaign, some planes have up to 40 loadouts, so the choice is yours... but there will be some problems with these files, the new ones will fix this.

The 2 new full versions are almost ready, just testing and polishing, with all 171 planes, optionals, a few classics (more later), vehicles and ships.
Two sets, one for DBW171 with DCG346, for reliability, but without the long loadouts, as before.
              one for DBW171 with DCG347 beta, for the adventurous, but with all loadouts active.


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New files are up, see first post.

Note stupid mistake in first post/readme

Squad IDs and Nations/Markings
These are currently the default stock/DCG set with NO FORGOTTEN COUNTRIES.
Ignore this, it's a load of crap. Should read DBW DEFAULT, i.e. not off, and not full, just as it came straight out of the box.


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First Fix for B-26
« Reply #178 on: March 19, 2012, 01:49:54 PM »

Obsolete, included in new download, see first post.

First fix!
Thanks to 78thFG_WindWpn for spotting this one.
The B26 loadout data is for the original version, v2.2 has new loadout data, just copy paste this over the entries in allpayloads.dcg (make sure the spaces line up) and set your own loadouts in the DCG control panel.

Code: [Select]
B_26B                                    B 20x100lbs
B_26B                                    B *30x100lbs
B_26B                                    B 10x250lbs
B_26B                                    B *16x250lbs
B_26B                                    B 10x260lbsFragBombs
B_26B                                    B *16x260lbsFragBombs
B_26B                                    B 10x300lbs
B_26B                                    B *16x300lbs
B_26B                                    B 6x500lbs
B_26B                                    B *8x500lbs
B_26B                                    B 4x1000lbs
B_26B                                    B 2x2000lbs
B_26B                                    B 4xSupplyBoxes
B_26B                                    B 12xM26IncendiaryClusters
B_26B                                    B 100xParaF
B_26B                                    T 1xTorpMk13
B_26B                                    T 1xTorpMk13Late

If you're using 346 with the 20 character limit delete the 12xM26IncendiaryClusters entry, it's too long, the rest are OK.
I'll wait and see if any more turn up before putting an update out, saves everyone downloading, or put an updated file in with the extended Xtraplanes data when it's ready.


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Re: First Fix for B-26
« Reply #179 on: March 21, 2012, 11:35:53 AM »

Obsolete, included in new download, see first post.

First fix!
Thanks to 78thFG_WindWpn for spotting this one.
The B26 loadout data is for the original version, v2.2 has new loadout data, just copy paste this over the entries in allpayloads.dcg (make sure the spaces line up) and set your own loadouts in the DCG control panel.

Code: [Select]
B_26B                                    B 20x100lbs
B_26B                                    B *30x100lbs
B_26B                                    B 10x250lbs
B_26B                                    B *16x250lbs
B_26B                                    B 10x260lbsFragBombs
B_26B                                    B *16x260lbsFragBombs
B_26B                                    B 10x300lbs
B_26B                                    B *16x300lbs
B_26B                                    B 6x500lbs
B_26B                                    B *8x500lbs
B_26B                                    B 4x1000lbs
B_26B                                    B 2x2000lbs
B_26B                                    B 4xSupplyBoxes
B_26B                                    B 12xM26IncendiaryClusters
B_26B                                    B 100xParaF
B_26B                                    T 1xTorpMk13
B_26B                                    T 1xTorpMk13Late

If you're using 346 with the 20 character limit delete the 12xM26IncendiaryClusters entry, it's too long, the rest are OK.
I'll wait and see if any more turn up before putting an update out, saves everyone downloading, or put an updated file in with the extended Xtraplanes data when it's ready.

Hi Slink. First thanks a ton for your hard work. This is awesome. Next is that I am not sure how I'm supposed to open the allpayloads.dcg file and place in the B-26 data above. Would I open that file with notepad? I don't want to try it and totally screw this up so I'll wait for your response hehe. Also will I even need to bother with this if I'm running 1.7.1/3.46?
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