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Author Topic: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7  (Read 145876 times)

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Yes, if present also in the .mis files, timetable.dcg and maybe "DGen/squadronsXXX.dat" file for the certain squadron!
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Hi Slink. I looked on here for a P47 D10 issue but actually I had a crash on runway in DCG with the ChannelBattles120 DCG campaign. I thought it was my missing B-26 files which I had no clue was missing hehe. So i added those from Windwpn's post and I still get exploding spawn. Are the 47's really hurting right now? I could find no error in my report. Here is my dcg error report:

[2012-04-15 09:05:21.355] Parameter String0 = C:\IL-2 Sturmovik  1946\DGen.exe
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.355] Parameter String1 = debrief
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.356] Parameter String2 = missions/campaign/us/DGen_8_Channel43corbett13/
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.356] DCG.ini processed.
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.361] Loaded messages processed.
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.363] Game version checked [1946].
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.363] Game version includes IL2AEP [True].
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.363] Game version successfully set up.
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.366] Begin Parameter Check
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.370] Debrief Routine.
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.487] Campaign Data Files = C:\IL-2 Sturmovik  1946\IL2DCG\ChannelBattles120\
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.488] Campaign Backup Files = C:\IL-2 Sturmovik  1946\IL2DCG\Backup\Channel43_US\
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.576] Campaign Info processed.
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.594] Target Locations processed.
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.595] Patrol Area check has reset the Minimum Action Radius to 80 Kilometers.
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.597] Read Territory information.
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.597] Set Target Nation Began.
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.624] Set Target Nation Ended.
[2012-04-15 09:05:21.626] Checking Stationary List
[2012-04-15 09:05:22.654] Minimum Action Radius reset to 140 Kilometers.
[2012-04-15 09:05:22.654] Squadron base routine ended.
[2012-04-15 09:05:22.792] Stationary Objects Check.
[2012-04-15 09:05:22.810] Master Log routine begins.
[2012-04-15 09:05:22.814] Game Path = C:\IL-2 Sturmovik  1946\
[2012-04-15 09:05:22.815] Finding configuration file to determine log file name.
[2012-04-15 09:05:22.816] Logfile = eventlog.lst
[2012-04-15 09:05:22.818] Copying Eventlog to log.dcg.
[2012-04-15 09:05:22.831] Mission Path = campaign\us\dgen_8_channel43corbett13\
[2012-04-15 09:05:22.832] Player seat = 8AF_056FG_0HQ001
[2012-04-15 09:05:22.848] Player was killed and mission scrubbed.
[2012-04-15 09:05:22.996] Debriefing Compiled and Saved.
[2012-04-15 09:05:23.136] Events Log Written.
[2012-04-15 09:05:23.280] Log Parsed.
[2012-04-15 09:05:23.281] Master Log routine ended.
[2012-04-15 09:05:23.281] Checking Bridge Status.
[2012-04-15 09:05:23.284] Parameters processed.
[2012-04-15 09:05:23.284] Form Create Complete

I'm flying other DCG 3rd party campaigns well so I don't know if it's some files you are still working on, this new campaign, or something else I haven't seen yet. Just thought I'd share and maybe others have the same issue. Thanks.


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Ok it was just a certain airfield I guess. I chose the 47 D10 on another mission and I was fine. This is weird. hmmm. Well I guess I'll have to see what the response to this is because I have been down this road before and it's usually loadout issues. Now I'm running 1.7.1 with 3.47 and current DCG for DBW it seems odd. However I only got 3.47 beta 2. Your link to beta 3 I looked everywhere and couldn't find on Lowengrin's site.


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How did you copy and paste that info?  I couldn't seem to get it selected.
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How did you copy and paste that info?  I couldn't seem to get it selected.

I went into my DCG folder and pulled up "dcgerror.txt"  It was in note pad or text pad form and I went to edit at the top, selected all and then clicked copy and pasted it here.

*** I even took a shot at the Libia41 campaign which I know is being redone but I took my chances and same thing. Planes exploded as soon as spawn. This could be that these campaigns were created on the 4.09 template and not 4.10m. These are very old campaigns for DCG and is probably why they aint workin. But I'm a stickler on trying to investigate exactly how and why they aren't working. My goal is to one day create mods and campaigns. I'm still studying hehe.


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Hi to all!! A new beta (6) of DCG is available. check here (Check post#49):

Quote from: Lowengrin
...Some fixes between this and beta 4 (there's no public release of 5)...

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Does this version of the DBW mod for DCG work with DCG 3.47b6?
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Please,I need DCG files(class,payloads & allpayloads)for SCW new planes from DreamK(Breda 65,Dewoitine series,Ro 37,Bulldog etc..)anyone?Thanks


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Quote from: Lupus
Does this version of the DBW mod for DCG work with DCG 3.47b6?

Yes I installed the beta 6, pasted the compatiblity files for DBW 1.7 (Thanks a lot Slink!), started a campaign in the crimea and my plane didn't explode ;D unfortunately I can't do more testing but for me it seems to work.
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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - updated files for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #237 on: April 19, 2012, 05:41:15 PM »

Files updated, new download in first post.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - updated files for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #238 on: April 19, 2012, 08:23:15 PM »

Awesome. Thanks much for the work.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - updated files for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #239 on: April 20, 2012, 03:33:10 AM »

Slink,the download link seems broken or inactive!
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