I am posting this here and I am sticying it, because it is important, and it has consiquences.
While working on UP3/DBW, we have gotten a fixed up new 3d model of the I-15_m from Birdman, modeled by Ivan750. It is very good, and a great imporvement. But I cannot find skins for it, or a template, and need help, because the one default skin it has, is not good enough.
If none can be found, the model cannot go into DBW. This is a horrid situation, and brings me to this post.
I have thought long and hard about this, as this issue affects a few new 3d model planes, most notable Japancat's zeros. The bottom line is this: A plane's model can be as accurate as possible, and as good as can be, but if it does not have skins, is not being supported by skinners, has not templates, then brother, it should step aside untill it does.
I have now countless times since the release of HSFX5, called guests into my PC room and told them I want to run a little test, and showed them a game I setup with all JC zeros and the olds ones mixed up, the old ones with FBDSM or other skins, the JC ones with the Kanjimi skins, which are the only ones available.
I ask them to tell me which one is the better 3d model, you know, which ones looks more real?
No one has yet ever picked one of the new models. ever.
And this is simply due to a lack of template, which leads to a lack of skins. Kajinami's one or two (?) sets of skins are realy good, but he cannot possibly make up for 5 years of 100's of highly talented skinners going ape-shit on the old zeros.
So, if there are no template for JC's zeros in the next few months, I am putting out a patch for DBW that will alow users to overwrite the new slots with the old models, which will make all the old skins useable again. it will be optional. But it will still be sad.
Same goes for any other radical overhaul on any plane that disables olds skins, ESPECIALLY if it is on a high profile plane, and doubly especially, if the default skin sucks bricks.
I think, that the historians and musem researchers must build their own pack, with all the best 3d models, that they can stare at and study and admire.
And I will make a pack for guys who want to rock.
So, skinners, template makers, and especially modelers out there. Support your stuff. Share your templates, make more skins, because without great skins, and choice, even the best 3d model in the whole world is completely worthless to a simulation game environment.