This is not just repost of my old quasi-6DOF mod from AAA. Mod get some improvements since then, and now consists from two relatively independed parts - heavily modded PilotHook class (
6EABC2640E2C18C4 file), bringing moving POV & new padlock, and tweaked AircraftHotKeys class (rest of the files), bringing some other features, like new FOV range, I describe later. While first part is really 4.09 & 4.10 compatible, second part is not designed for 4.09.
Mod features (first part - modded HookPilot):
Moving POV.This mod is alternative to 6DOF (mouse version) mod. While 6DOF mod for trackers is undisputable, impossibility to do linear and angle moves simultaneously, necessity to hold mouse buttons, while head moves supposed to be intuitive and natural, makes mouse version of 6DOF mod almost unusable for those, who uses trackballs or mices, IMHO. And, for those, who uses joyhat or padlock view, mouse 6DOF mod is absolutely useless.
So I propose my version of such mod, that, by imitating natural head movements in cockpit, allows pilot to look over rear armored plate, over cockpit side boards (check it in byplanes), close look to instruments without necessity to change FOV, all only by intuitive mouse (or hat) moves. Thus, this mod should be useful for those, who using head tracking systems without linear capabilities [3DOF only].
Now you have full-360 view around in look-around mode with your mouse.
With your joyhat, view to six'o'clock will be wider,-180 to 180, automatically swaying from limits to limits.
Your "head" will do longtitudal, lateral, and vertical moves, corresponding to its tangage and azimuth angles.
(At first "head" in my mod also did some bank rolls, that, while looks natural, disorientatated a bit in combat, so I removed this feature.)
Aestetic drawback is that, now you will able to see parts of your plane and cockpit, you not supposed to see in stock game (but not in real life). On planes, maked prior "Pearl-Harbour", U may see whole sections of wings and fuselage absent. Don't fear this, your plane still air-worthy
Stock game has two cockpit view modes, "look-around" & "through-sight", but in my mod these modes are really different.
New padlock.In look-around mode, there is no azimuthal limitations, vs. -155-to-155-degrees limitation in stock game.
Also, padlock will no sway to center if locked target unlocks. No snapping to center, then your line of sight is close to sight reticle.
Through-sight mode basically same as stock one, except that, your eye is closer to sight, snapping angle is narrower, and azimuthal limitation is -90 to 90 degrees. Your "head" will do linear movements, typical for aiming. When angle of your line of sight exeeding limitations, through-sight mode will automatically switching to look-around mode.
Auto-zoom feature engages automatically, when U locking target with padlock, disengages, when U changing FOV manually, and re-engages, when actual FOV becomes same as calculated optimal FOV.
Also in this mod removed those features of stock padlock, that making me frustrated in play. For ex., if your padlock locked to target on your six, view will no jumping from side to side no more.
Mod features (second part - tweaked AircraftHotKeys):
FOV range extended to 120 degrees. FOV switching key operation changed.
Stock FOV switching order was 30 - 70 - 90 - 30 - 70 - 90 deg., now it is 45 - 90 - 113 - 90 - 45 deg. for "look-around" mode and 45 - 90 - 45 for "through-sight" mode.
Changing position to cockpit-up in naval planes is simplified. Now U have just tap one or two times "cockpit-up" key.
Now U can open bomb bay for a short amount of time (to check ammo, for ex.) by using "gunpods on/off" key.
Level autopilot now enabled for all aircrafts, not just bombers.
Autopilot enabled for on-line play. Not much sense in that for dogfight, though. Autopilot can only take-off in direction it facing, trying to crash plane after take-off procedure is completed. But, in coop play it can be more useful.
I suppose, my mod have much room for improvement, and, I definitely will do some over the time. Chances of trackers and mices users still far from gettin' even. If somebody have any suggestions, that can help to make this mod better, U wellcome to share.
Credits to sHr, original 6DOF mod maker.
Achtung! This mod will interfere with your 6DOF mod, if installed.
You can download this mod here: install mod, unRAR the RAR file to
\MODS folder in your IL-2 directory.
Enjoy !