Yeah take as long as you need, i've got to practice online after someone tells me what mod pack i need as i have never played vs actual people with jets in il-2, only in rise of flight have i played against people! 
image a server called "Phantoms vs Fishbeds"
with all scenarios and planes from Korea to Lebanon
should be like a dream
Sounds Awesome, sure would love that server!
kaxxi, i offer my humble service as your Second in this honorable air duel, should you not feel up to
Thanks! I will see if I can do it, and if some problem comes in the way then you will be my first choice!
Not sure what the mod pack might be.
I think someone will have to tell me as i don't know what server it will be, and whether we both need the same mod pack to fly together, as i use sas modact for 4.101, so it might not be compatible with what you are using.