Ah YES! let the taunting begin ! There was much rejoicing, and somebody must go get brother maynard and tell him to bring the holy hand-grenade.

There should be some great fights amongst the protagonists of the respective aircraft, as overall, models from the same time period were very competive. I'm a Mirage guy myself, but I'd love to take one on in a Mig-21 with the appropriate weapons of course. Don't wanna get into no slugging match with a pair of 23mm (or no guns at all depending on model) v. those two 30mm Aden on the French product. The skies over the mideast and the Indian subcontinent will light up with glory online I predict......

Looking forward to the skinners stuff as much as I am the planes themselves. some rich history and a huge number of skins possible for this pair.
I'd still prefer any model of sidewinder over any model of an atoll though..........