Since my retirement I've been tinkering with my C&C objects, and have come up with several new ones. This package represents a complete overhaul of the C&C and Randomizer objects, now included in one download. Details are in the included readme, but some of the new features include:
- New objects, including "Special Effects" objects like running soldier spawns, box barrages, and dynamic city fires (with 30km visibility).
- Many objects now have variables that can be added to a mission to switch between different modes, set delays before objects go active, or adjust areas of effect.
- Refined Dynamic weather object that starts off with the mission-default weather. I've also included a "StormFront" object that lets you place bad weather in a mission.
- New "Vector" object that acts like a GCI station for AI planes and will vector them to incoming targets.
- New "Jamming" object which will cause AI planes to lose target tracking.
- New universal in-flight refueling object for players and AI.
- More sophisticated FAC which can read terrain, warn of AAA in the area, and give players a BDA at the end of a mission.
- Object which allows L-5's and T-6's to act as airborne FAC's, complete with smoke marking.
- "Aimpoint" object which allows players to act as pathfinders. Player bombing accuracy will affect group bombing. Can also be used to make fighter-bombers drop bombs like level bombers.
- Many small tweaks to improve previously included objects. Many objects now have new features - check out the readme for more!
Download (v 2.0):
https://www.mediafire.com/?n5w5d63wzzmpklgPatch for 4.09 Users:
https://www.mediafire.com/?49jjc1im8ysa47w*note: Please remove previous versions of both the C&C and Randomizer mods. This package replaces both of them.
This package has been tested with HSFX 5.1 and DBW.
Thanks to:
Slipper for help testing, suggesting new ideas, and research.
Sputnikshock for help testing and new ideas.
Jt189 for help testing.
Beo for support and ideas.