Are you both using the SAS Selector switch that is bundled with the latest SAS Mod Activator? On my installation I enable UP 3.0 RC4 and JTSM v2.0 via JSGME. I then run the selector switch and change my game type to Ultra Pack 3. I also usually disable "mod caching" as it can sometimes cause problems if you have been playing around with any of your mods (as I commonly do).
Yes, my settings are as you describe them above.
In my main game folder is the #UP# folder in which I have the following mods enabled:
00 SSE2+SSE3+SSE4+Light v.1 beta (4 101)
CarsmasterWater v3.16 beta ( NOT compatible OLC Water V2)
Cirx POV
I've disabled the #UP# folder by putting a - in front of it. This disables your mod so I get the UP3 sounds.
I've also disabled the mods within that folder one by one, this hasn't brought any difference.
I use the 'P39 v Bf 109' track as a test - when the track goes to the 109 externals at 9 seconds the droning sound begins. This droning is present in the stock game aswell, but not in the standard UP3 sounds. Is there something in UP3 that disables the droning that could need to be included in yours?
I use this track because your mod is noticable at 25 seconds when the P39 is on internals and it opens fire - the gun sounds are very different