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Author Topic: **Jiver's Total Sound Mod (JTSM) Version 2.0**  (Read 142364 times)

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**Jiver's Total Sound Mod (JTSM) Version 2.0**
« on: July 05, 2011, 03:28:11 AM »

A Complete Sound Replacement Pack for IL-2 1946 v4.09, 4.10, and 4.101

Featuring Jafa's Engine Sounds!

Fully Compatible With:
Ultra Pack (UP), Dark Blue World (DBW), History Mod (HSFX), SAS Mod Activator, and Classic Mod Installations

* Realistic and authentic aircraft engine sounds (by Jafa)
* Enhanced mechanical sounds (landing gear, flaps, air brake, etc.)
* Realistic weapon sounds (Machine guns, cannons, rockets, bombs)
* New explosion sounds (bombs, torpedoes, rockets, bullet/shell hits)
* Enhanced ground unit sounds (tanks, trucks, cars, motorcycles)
* New environmental sound effects (rain, thunder, buffeting, wind)

All sounds sampled at 16-bit, 22 kHz, Mono, for efficient operation and quick downloading!

Yet another year has gone by since the original release of Jiver's Total Sound Mod. I have spent a better part of said year making enhancements, adding new sounds, fixing bugs, and further refining and balancing nearly all the sounds used in the game. As mentioned above, JTSM is a complete sound replacement pack for IL-2 1946. Nearly every sound used in the simulation has been replaced with realistic, high-quality samples or has been enhanced in some fashion. At a minimum, sounds that were retained from the stock version of the game have been cleaned up, adjusted for proper volume levels, and resampled. You will not hear any hissing, popping, or crackling noises from the sounds in this pack!

The base engine sounds used in this mod are from various versions of Jafa's excellent engine sounds that he released here at SAS and on other forums. Jafa has given me permission to use his engine sounds in my mod, and I am grateful for this. Thank you Jafa! In many cases I have used Jafa's sounds pretty much out of the box, but with some minor tweaking to clean up the samples, adjust pitch and volume levels, and resample to 22 kHz. In some cases I have heavily modified and/or replaced Jafa's sounds with other engine samples I obtained from YouTube or other public sources. The result is a complete set of  replacement engine sounds that will put the stock sounds to shame. You really must hear the new DB 600, BMW 801, Merlin, and Allison sounds - they are music for the ears! Likewise, the enhancements made to the Jumo 004 turbojet and Me-163 rocket engine are spectacular! Also, both the US and Russian jet engines in this version are using Jafa's latest sounds, and as can be expected, they are awesome! As before, the Russian and Japanese piston engines have retained that cool growl from the previous release but have been further refined and tweaked. All in all, the engine sounds in this version have been heavily polished and balanced to provide the best sound immersion possible, and I think you will enjoy them.

As for weapon sounds, I have made every effort to obtain actual sound samples for all of the machine guns and cannons used in the game. Unfortunately there are very few good sources available to do this (especially for cannon sounds). So although many of my gun sounds have been sampled from "real" weapons, most of them are not from the specific gun for which they are named. For example, because I could not find an actual audio sample of the German MG FF, I had to improvise by using an audio clip of a modern 20mm Oerlikon naval gun. In most cases I really don't think anyone is going to notice the difference! However, in the case of the US (and Brit) .30 and .50 caliber machine guns, I was able to find audio samples of the actual weapons firing. For the German MG 15, MG 17, and MG 81Z, I used a sample taken from the live firing of an MG 42 and then adjusted the rate of fire using audio editing software. For the external sound of the US M4 37mm cannon used in the P-39 and P-63, I sampled the sound of a 37mm AT gun from a video found on YouTube. Likewise, the M4 internal cannon sound is taken from an actual 1940's P-39 training video! The 57mm Molins gun used in the Mosquito Tse Tse was sampled from a video of a modern Bofors 57mm cannon. I think you get the idea! My pride and joy though was finding this YouTube video showing the firing of an actual Browning M2 AN .30 caliber machine gun:

As mentioned above, this is the sample I used for both the US and Brit .30 caliber MGs in the simulation. So when you pull the trigger on that Hurricane, Spitfire, or P-39 (among others), you are hearing the real deal!

Explosions, flak, and bullet/cannon shell hit sounds have been completely redone as well. All naval, anti-aircraft, and ground vehicle sounds have also been enhanced. Ground and naval battles really sound authentic now with deep, bassy cannon sounds and realistic machine gun fire, flak bursts, and surface explosions!

Environmental sound effects such as rain, wind, thunder, and buffeting have been given an overhaul also. When your plane's engine (or engines) have been shut off in flight you can hear the sound of the wind from both inside and outside the airplane! This creates a high level of immersion when your engine has failed and you are forced to make an emergency landing as the wind noise is sensitive to speed (the pitch increases or decreases based on your air speed). Very cool stuff!  8)

So as you can see, this is a complete sound package for IL-2. Between Jafa and I, I'm guessing that well over a thousand hours of work has been put into developing this mod. I hope you all enjoy it!

Changes in Version 2.0

The following fixes, changes, and additions have been implemented in JTSM v2.0:

*Fixed dive sound problem (dive sounds no longer play sporadically or on respawn).
*Fixed dive siren on Ju-87 (was broken on previous version).
*Fixed issue with inside gun sounds not being heard over engine in some Russian planes (HSFX only).
*Fixed sound cutout issue when more than ~20 planes are in a map.
*Fixed console errors caused by missing engine start presets.
*Fixed issue causing Jumo 213 engine sound to cutout sporadically.
*Fixed issue where MGs and cannons could not be heard when switching from internal to external view.
*Fixed issue where starter sounds could not be heard when switching from internal to external view.
*Fixed issue with large naval guns being silent.
*Reduced volume level of Napier Sabre sounds slightly.
*Reduced external volume level of DB 600 sounds slightly.
*Made several small changes to various external engine sounds.
*Removed "bang" sound from Napier Sabre start-up sequence.
*Increased volume of electric flap and landing gear sounds.
*Increased volume of pneumatic flap and landing gear sounds.
*Increased volume of manual flap sounds.
*Increased volume of manual landing gear sounds.
*Increased volume of switch sound heard when turning on cockpit lights, navigation lights, etc.
*Decreased volume of flap warning siren sound.
*Increased volume of internal wheel/landing gear rattling sound heard during taxiing, take-off, and landing.
*Added external wheel/landing gear rattling sound.
*Changed external tire screech sound heard on landing (shorter and sharper now).
*Increased volume of internal landing sound heard on hard landing.
*Increased volume of air brake sound slightly.
*Modified canopy opening/closing sound length so that it is in sync with all canopy types.
*Cleaned up and lowered volume of all morse code and navigation beacon sounds (4.10, 4.101).
*Added external canopy opening/closing sound.
*Added internal and external wing-fold sound (HSFX only at this time).
*Added internal and external bomb bay door sound (HSFX only at this time).
*Added internal and external side door sound (only works with some individual mods at present).
*Added external wind noise for every plane (except open cockpit planes).
*Removed "stress" sounds as they were much too loud and irritating (HSFX only).
*Added Reidel starter sound for Jumo 004 jet engine.
*Added new starter sounds for AM-38, GM-8, BMW 6, BMW 801, and DB 600.
*Added missing external starter sound for Griffon engine.
*Added custom sound for Molins 57mm cannon used in Mosquito Tse Tse.
*Replaced internal and external sounds of M4 37mm cannon with realistic samples.
*Replaced internal and external sounds of Pak 40, BK 3.7, and Vickers 40mm with realistic samples.
*Replaced internal and external sounds of Browning AN .30 caliber MG with realistic (actual) samples.
*Replaced internal and external sounds of Breda 7.7mm machine gun with realistic samples.
*Changed Russian ShKAS machine gun sounds back to stock and shortened sample lengths slightly.
*Made changes to almost all other MG and cannon sound samples to improve sound quality.
*Changed bullet and cannon shell hit sounds.
*Increased volume level of internal and external rocket firing sound.
*Increased volume of all bomb explosion and flak sounds.


JTSM v2.0 is available in five different versions to work with the most popular IL-2 mod packs currently in use: Ultra Pack (UP), Dark Blue World (DBW), SAS Mod Activator, History Mod (HSFX), and Classic Mod. All versions are JSGME compatible which makes installation and removal very simple. In addition to the base sound mod, I have also created a dive sound remover option for those players who do not like the screaming sound heard when planes approach 400 mph. Frankly I think it sounds pretty cool but several people asked for such an option and so I created a patch to remove the sounds. Now on to the downloads...


Ultra Pack 3.0 (will also work with UP 2.0)

Requirements, Installation Instructions, and Configuration Guide:

Base Mod Package:  https://www.mediafire.com/?4cck74g0ku5eb58

Dive Sound Remover (Optional):  https://www.mediafire.com/?ds872soj7ep831a

NOTE: the Ultra Pack version of JTSM is currently in non-SFS format. The SFS version will become available if (and when) the UP developers decide to include support for it.


Dark Blue World (DBW)

JTSM v2.0 for Dark Blue World can be downloaded from this topic created by CirX: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,16540.0.html
Install this first, and then install the Hotfix 1 Update below.

Audio Configuration Guide for JTSM v2.0:  https://www.mediafire.com/?6tf69du1wa1g3oi

Hotfix 1 Update:  https://www.mediafire.com/?nt8d115hgo3nim6
This is a small update that applies several of the fixes and changes listed above.

Hotfix 1 Update Instructions:  https://www.mediafire.com/?4ru5l8ab44vhze4

Dive Sound Remover (Optional):  https://www.mediafire.com/?ktmr4gxy1q85mxb


SAS Mod Activator (v3.06 and later)

Requirements, Installation Instructions, and Configuration Guide:

Base Mod Package:  https://www.mediafire.com/?5m23zee2ed7wkox
This base mod package is in SFS format. Install this first, and then install the Hotfix 1 Update below.

Hotfix 1 Update:  https://www.mediafire.com/?8vg57824k4ejdeh
This is a small update that applies several of the fixes and changes listed above.

Hotfix 1 Update Instructions:  https://www.mediafire.com/?04b83yd7yuxdqql

Dive Sound Remover (Optional):  https://www.mediafire.com/?15vm2556fc5hbxw


HSFX 5.0 (History Mod)

Requirements, Installation Instructions, and Configuration Guide:

Base Mod Package:  https://www.mediafire.com/?qlkc3gxfcs9al2t

Dive Sound Remover (Optional):  https://www.mediafire.com/?5mwoisqey9iob6e

NOTE: the HSFX version of JTSM is currently in non-SFS format. At present there are no plans to release an SFS version. If the HSFX folks would like to incorporate it into their mod pack in the future, I would be happy to work with them.


Classic Mod Installs

This version of JTSM is for those who are still running one of the classic mod installers such as AAA Universal Installer or similar. It will also work with SAS Mod Activator when the "Classic Mod Game" option is selected. In either case, you will need to install the latest SAS buttons for best compatibility. Non-SFS version only.

Requirements, Installation Instructions, and Configuration Guide:

Base Mod Package:  https://www.mediafire.com/?xoadvdxso8d8d4v

Dive Sound Remover (Optional):  https://www.mediafire.com/?vek478ivzuhf8h2

Thanks and Credit

Although I was pretty much a one man development team for this sound mod, I have several people to thank for their assistance in getting this "big ship" sailing! At the top of the list is CirX, as he spent many hours of his time integrating the changes in my sound mod into DBW and SAS Mod Activator. He (and several others behind the scenes) are responsible for getting JTSM v2.0 into SFS format for use in DBW and SAS Mod Activator. And I know he has been in contact with Hades from Ultra Pack to see about putting JTSM in SFS format for use in UP 3.0. So a HUGE thank you goes out to CirX for his invaluable assistance in getting this mod off the ground! Likewise, I want to thank all of the guys here on the forum who provided valuable feedback on version 1.0 of my mod over the last year, namely, Dakpilot, Karaya, Walter Solito, Razor1UK, and several others who's names I can't remember. You guys uncovered problems that I probably would have never found on my own and have contributed to making JTSM v2.0 a nearly bug free mod. So thank you all! I know I have forgotten the names of several of you who provided me with important feedback on the early version of my mod. If you will send me an email I will be sure to list you here along with the others.

I must give also give credit to several modders here who allowed me to use their work in my sound mod. First and foremost is Jafa for the use of his superb engine sounds! This sound mod would only be half of what it is today without Jafa's sounds. Thank you again Jafa! A big thanks also to Tiger33 who allowed me to use his excellent plane crash sounds and his air brake sound. Thanks Tiger, and we are all hoping to get our hands on your new fly-by sounds when they become available!



As before, I will be available to assist with bugs, installation issues, and technical problems related to my sound mod. Just post a message here under this topic and I will do my best to help you out. However, I have noticed that a few of you have issue with some of the sounds in my mod pack. Almost all of these issues come down to a matter of personal preference in regards to aircraft and weapon sounds. It is impossible to please everyone and so I am not going to alter the sounds in my mod to suite individual preference. However, if a fair majority expresses dissatisfaction with a particular sound or sounds, I'll consider making a change to the samples in question. I have typed my ass off today and I'm sure you guys are sick of reading this wordy diatribe. Cheers to you!



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Re: **Jiver's Total Sound Mod (JTSM) Version 2.0**
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2011, 03:30:04 AM »

Waiting for this. Thank you Sir!


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Re: **Jiver's Total Sound Mod (JTSM) Version 2.0**
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2011, 03:43:03 AM »

A true must have for any mod install - no other sound mod comes close!

Congrats on the new release, there definitely went a lot of work into this masterpiece


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Re: **Jiver's Total Sound Mod (JTSM) Version 2.0**
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2011, 03:58:48 AM »

I can see this is going to be another "must have" mod.  :)

Great Stuff  :D



PS. Does it work for CloD too??  8)
Just Kidding.



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Re: **Jiver's Total Sound Mod (JTSM) Version 2.0**
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2011, 06:50:39 AM »

You are my hero

Thank You so very much


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Re: **Jiver's Total Sound Mod (JTSM) Version 2.0**
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2011, 07:14:48 AM »

Is it true that the soundmod 2.0 was included in the DBW 1.1 package?
Cause CirX's readme for DBW 1.1 says "Included as a jsgme option, is the complete total soundmod by Jiver, v1.0.in SFS!"
So, what do we miss if we use this soundmod V.1.0 not 2.0?
Thank you anyway for this beautiful pack!!! :-*


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Re: **Jiver's Total Sound Mod (JTSM) Version 2.0**
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2011, 08:40:12 AM »

Is it true that the soundmod 2.0 was included in the DBW 1.1 package?
Cause CirX's readme for DBW 1.1 says "Included as a jsgme option, is the complete total soundmod by Jiver, v1.0.in SFS!"
So, what do we miss if we use this soundmod V.1.0 not 2.0?
Thank you anyway for this beautiful pack!!! :-*

Yes, JTSM v2.0 is included in the DBW 1.1 update. CirX made a boo boo when he typed up his documentation. You will also want to grab the Hotfix 1 update I just posted a few minutes ago under the DBW section above. It adds several last minute fixes and enhancements to my sound mod.


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Re: **Jiver's Total Sound Mod (JTSM) Version 2.0**
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2011, 04:06:01 PM »

Thanks for your update Jiver
Just a small question
To activate your mod in DBW I have first activate version 2.0 through jsgme, and then activate the hot fix 1 update, or I just have to activate the hot fix1 without the version 2.0?


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Re: **Jiver's Total Sound Mod (JTSM) Version 2.0**
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2011, 04:34:45 PM »

Thanks for your update Jiver
Just a small question
To activate your mod in DBW I have first activate version 2.0 through jsgme, and then activate the hot fix 1 update, or I just have to activate the hot fix1 without the version 2.0?

Hi Gerson,

Yes, you have to first activate version 2.0 of my sound mod in JSGME and then activate the Hotfix 1 update. The hotfix update is applied over the base mod.

Sorry for the confusion.


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Re: **Jiver's Total Sound Mod (JTSM) Version 2.0**
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2011, 05:36:39 PM »

Thanks for the fast reply
Ill do as you say
All the best


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Re: **Jiver's Total Sound Mod (JTSM) Version 2.0**
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2011, 08:31:07 PM »

hi  jiver. 
The engine sounds are very nicely done.
The mg & cannons are a bit to low for me, but I think I must have something set wrong though because in every aircraft the sounds looking forward are very low while looking out either side they are just fine. 

I have a brand new working  install from 4.07 through 4.10.1/HSFX5.0/HSFX  hotfix & HSFX modact.  I then unzipped your sound mod into the jsgmemods folder.
I'm using realtec onboard sounds with their newest driver.   I wanted another sound card, but lost my job so that will have to wait...

Anyway...thanks for sharing this masterpiece with the rest of us.  I'm in awe of how your are able to put all of this stuff together and make it work...just awsome...

A Pilots Prayer:  "May you not run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas all at the same time".


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Re: **Jiver's Total Sound Mod (JTSM) Version 2.0**
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2011, 08:46:50 PM »

hi  jiver. 
The engine sounds are very nicely done.
The mg & cannons are a bit to low for me, but I think I must have something set wrong though because in every aircraft the sounds looking forward are very low while looking out either side they are just fine. 

It sounds like you may have a sound configuration issue. Did you read through the audio setup guide I posted? Off the top of my head I would verify that the speaker type you have selected in your sound utility matches the type of speakers you have (i.e. make sure your speaker settings are not set to "5.1 surround" when you have a 2.1 system or vice versa).
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