Hi, western0221,
the tile settings you show in your image, affects
the texture (FloorM1.tga) that is used
in your material (FloorM1).
When you render the scene in 3dsMax with this material applied to your mesh, (the floor of Rental model) it shows the tiling you've set in the parameters of the texture, as you said.
But settings in material editor of Max doesn't apply to IL2 engine. And, if you change the material for another one with no tiling in the texture, obviously, no tiling will be shown when you render the scene again.
What you need instead, to make it show properly in game, is to edit
the mapping of your object (the FloorM1 of the Rental model) as to "carry" the tiling within itself, so, if you apply a texture to it, his surface will show a tiling effect, ever.
For this, you need to apply an UVWmap modifier (from the list on the right panel) with a Planar projection, the one by default. (I'm assuming that FloorM1 is a planar mesh surface)
Choose the correct axe for the projection and use the Fit and Center commands in the panel rollout as a starting point for the correct alignament of the texture.
In the tiling parameters for the U and V coordinates enter the number of tiles you want for the texture. (these two parameters here, are the ones about you asked)
If you need to tweak the position of the texture in the mesh, select the Gizmo level under the UVWmap modifier and then you can select the gizmo to move, rotate or scale the placement of the texture as needed. There's a couple more of options that you can mess around but with this basic ones I think you'll have enough for this matter.
When you're done with the edits, just collapse the stack to an editable mesh (if you think that not more edits will be necessary later on), or put an Edit mesh modifier at the top of the stack to be able to export the mesh if you still need to make a few tweaks or rework something.
hope it helps, beautiful model by the way...