As we now,
thanks to Uzin, have a map over parts of Poland I have built a campaign for it. It is called "Desperate Days":
This is a 10-mission static campaign that portrays the aerial fighting in the so called “Polish Corridor” during the intial phase of the German Invasion in September 1939. You are Polish fighter pilot, flying the PZL P.11c (although two missions will be flown in the Lublin R-XIII recce biplane).
You can download it here: “Polish Corridor” was among the first the fall before the massive German onslaught, being overtaken around the 5th of September – save some small enclaves. This means that the fighting is quite hectic, with you often flying several missions each day. Even though the odds are not impossible, they ARE against you, as it was in real life for the Polish pilots. This is not a campaign for the faint-hearted. You can really understand what the Poles were up against.
Requirements: If you use DBW (Dark Blue World) you have all that you need to play this game.
More screenies:
Thanks for looking!