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Author Topic: Red Tails movie  (Read 30676 times)

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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #96 on: January 21, 2012, 12:19:14 PM »


good attempt but too much drama, too much propaganda, too much heroes and honor.
and that D-Stang doing the Pull up powerslide and fu*king the 109 with full left rudder and aileron...

come ON! good to convey a bit of fighting and aviation passion, but that's it...

Il-2 1946 movies are better than that.

Actually this move is possible, but maybe not that spectacular. The thing is to put left rudder full, then Stick full back. The plane will highspeed stall and move left due to the rudder. Immediately after that push the stick forward and put right rudder full to recover. With a little bit of practice you get it such that you end up in the same direction. I tried it in Il2 (flying with keyboard currently), and I did 3 loops like that before recovering. If I go to 1/4 speed I manage it immediately.
Dunno in english but in german it's called "gerissene Rolle".

Is this similar to what FW-190-pilot Norbert Hanning described in his book Luftwaffe Fighter Ace? He mentioned that in a FW-190 A, at high speeds, one could pull the stick all the back rapidly to make the aircraft go into a snap roll to the left. This would lead to a 180 degree change of direction and was, according to Hanning, the best way to shake an enemy fighter off one's tail.



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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #97 on: January 21, 2012, 12:23:40 PM »

Maybe similar, but not the same :
-On this one you give rudder left (or right) input before and while taking the stick back. So you actually decide which way to turn.
-Normally you don't make a turn, but end up in the same HDG than before. If you are lucky you can even get at the six of the previously attacking plane...

Not sure if the Würger can do that, but the Mustang is the most know for it I think.


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #98 on: January 21, 2012, 02:09:44 PM »

You don't decide nothing in a dogfight ;) You think, you're dead. Its all reaction. The problem for this manuver for the P-51 is that although it can snap stall, recovery takes to much time. No good in a dogfight. 109 will come and blow you from sky.. but, the P-51 relies on superior numbers to protect each other and get the job done.

True, so better : Your reaction (rudder left or right) decides which way the plane turns  ;) And if you have quick reactions (starting recovery as quick as possible) then you can recover quick enough to be at your enemy's six.

In theory  :P


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #99 on: January 21, 2012, 02:26:48 PM »

Wow, amazing story ! That pilot was courageous ! And to die like that, because of Flak...not what he deserved IMO.


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #100 on: January 21, 2012, 02:48:26 PM »



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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #101 on: January 21, 2012, 02:58:11 PM »

Please, this isn't the place for politics. Yes, some terrible things happened in WWII, and aircrew from both sides died in horrific circumstances, but we could just as easily talk about the British and American aircrew lynched by German civilians, or shot out of hand by German forces, or Russian pilots shot after bailing out on the Eastern front. I understand that it is a highly emotive subject, but I don't believe that SAS is the forum for it.


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #102 on: January 21, 2012, 03:02:15 PM »

This isn't politics at all, just a fact. No one said anything related to politics I think. And yes all war-countries did such things, it's terrible but it's a fact.


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #103 on: January 21, 2012, 03:07:18 PM »

Back to the snap roll maneuver in the -51, Glen Eagleston, top ace of the 9th airforce used a half snap roll turn reversal as a last ditch maneuver.  Yes, half snap roll in a P-51. 


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #104 on: January 21, 2012, 03:21:35 PM »

I know its a fact, but where do you stop? I could list terrible deaths all night but where does it get us? Is one death worse than another, or one life more important than another?
Yes, its tragic that ofw. Maximus died like that, but it was nothing to do with the discussion we were having......


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #105 on: January 21, 2012, 03:31:15 PM »

I know its a fact, but where do you stop? I could list terrible deaths all night but where does it get us? Is one death worse than another, or one life more important than another?
Yes, its tragic that ofw. Maximus died like that, but it was nothing to do with the discussion we were having......

I agree, so we shall stop with that.

Back to the snap roll maneuver in the -51, Glen Eagleston, top ace of the 9th airforce used a half snap roll turn reversal as a last ditch maneuver.  Yes, half snap roll in a P-51. 

Wow, even recovering from a full snap roll is hard, then a half one ?  My respects !


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #106 on: January 21, 2012, 03:44:55 PM »

Mmmm "no politics from me" but a whole paragraph about the politics of the German fighting man of WWII. Interesting....


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Re: Red Tails movie
« Reply #107 on: January 21, 2012, 03:56:03 PM »

Mmmm "no politics from me" but a whole paragraph about the politics of the German fighting man of WWII. Interesting....

You do realize what Jagdwaffe has posted is not politics, right?
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