Hi guys, I would like a skin made up for a B-17g tail#42-38053 CAP'NCROW of the 349Th BS 100thBG, this aircraft had quite a sad story to it, as it had an accident on forming up over the suffolk countryside after the flares being stored in the upper turret exploded and a bail out order was given, 5 of the crew were killed.
Then in 1968 (I was seven) i lived at Somerlayton in Suffolk, the local farmer and the village policeman gathered the local kids and farm workers and told us we were going to clear the local wood and that all bits of metal we found were to be bagged. Anyway as we marched through the wood it wasn't to long when i heard a crie of "I goten engun ere" and i could tell (even at age 7 ) it was a radial, then i found some very large bullets, then my friend found a round glass lens with acrass hair in it, i told him i thought it was out of a bomb site....I knew this was an aircraft we were picking up bits of..but i hadn't a clue what kind.
Fast forward to 1992, thanks to the late great Roger Freeman and the advent of the computer, i now know the story of Cap'N Crow and her il-fated mission.
The strange twist to my story is, back in 68 i was wondering around looking for bits of a 100Th BG B-17, and in 1987 i started work at RAF Mildenhall with the 100Th air refueling wing ( the USAF flying memorial to the 100Th BG ).
I would love to be able to fly this aircraft in IL-2 as a tribute to the 5 guys who didn't make it out...I have included the one and only picture i have managed to trace of the aircraft...Many Thanks in advace...Gary