Because of the recient crash of my PC and the lost files of my 3D, I'm allowing you all to take whatever models I was working and finish them if you wish. My laptop cannot handle the workload to mod anything in IL2. If you have any questions, pm me and I'll see what I can do to help out. I am not giving up IL2 or quitting the the SAS

The first section is future plans to mod, but if you want to, take the ideas. the second section is my actual work in progress...but please read the disclaimer at the bottom about some of the planes.
Bf109G-03 "V-tail Use the tail off the Me-262 HG v tail and size to fit.
ME-262HG-I (V-9) Wing editting, and use the cf_d files from the Me-262 HG
Vultee P-48/P-66 Vanguard A shorter nose and underpowered version of the F4UA (Wildcat engine), and straighten the wings
A-20A Remove all forward firing guns minus the one for the glass nose (if installed). Use the B model.
Old 666 B-17E 41-2666 Heavly armored B-17E
Allison B-17F Allison inline (P-40E) engines in place of radials

Adopt a project:(
If memory serves, these planes are all flyable at the moment, but some issues will occur)
Bf-110B4 (2 blade) WIP***ANDYTOTHED WIP***,25760.0.htmlP-40Q WIP(4 blade bubble canopy) Needs a mapper skills to finish.
B-25 TSIf you are to use or finish these models and upload them, all I ask for is credit for the work I or others who helped had done on them.