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Author Topic: Tiger Moth SAS v3  (Read 32136 times)

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Re: Tiger Moth SAS v3
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2011, 05:58:09 PM »

Great plane, a joy to fly. Thank you. Non-skinnable yet? It would be great to make some SCW skins for it, since it was used in good numbers by both sides as liason and trainer.


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Re: Tiger Moth SAS v3
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2011, 06:05:25 PM »

Great plane, a joy to fly. Thank you. Non-skinnable yet? It would be great to make some SCW skins for it, since it was used in good numbers by both sides as liason and trainer.
I had the skinnable version wish I could find it again. :'(


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Re: Tiger Moth SAS v3
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2011, 01:12:05 AM »

That would be awesome.


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Re: Tiger Moth SAS v3
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2011, 03:01:02 PM »

There is my Tiger skin (MOD) in Czechoslovakia (1938) colors. This (mod) change default skin into this one. Dont use markings. Markings is painted directly in the skin. If you want change markings, repaint it directly into the skin files. I hope you find it beneficial and cute. This skin was made by Lynx23 for special action Palba 1938 (Autumn 2010).




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Re: Tiger Moth SAS v3
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2011, 04:25:51 PM »

Thank you so much, Lynx23. If you give me your permission, I'll try to change the markings as soon as I get the photoshop CS5 to access the TGA files. By now I'm only trying bmp skins with CS2, but I hope to have the last photoshop soon. I promisse to share the result if it's not too awful :D


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Re: Tiger Moth SAS v3
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2011, 01:01:31 AM »

Thanks for the skin mate 'll be really useful!!!!

Thank you so much, Lynx23. If you give me your permission, I'll try to change the markings as soon as I get the photoshop CS5 to access the TGA files. By now I'm only trying bmp skins with CS2, but I hope to have the last photoshop soon. I promisse to share the result if it's not too awful :D

I use gimp and I got a lot of satisfaction with it!

And it's freeware also!!!!

All the best!



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Re: Tiger Moth SAS v3
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2011, 01:48:28 PM »

there are some pictures of it:

It is in army colors with cz markings, because it was used as training and transport aircraft before IIWW in the czechoslovakia (1938). There are also some cockpit colors changes.

Thank you so much, Lynx23. If you give me your permission, I'll try to change the markings as soon as I get the photoshop CS5 to access the TGA files. By now I'm only trying bmp skins with CS2, but I hope to have the last photoshop soon. I promisse to share the result if it's not too awful :D
Permision  granted  ;)
PS: You can edit it in Photoshop simply by rename .tga to .bmp. But dont forget rename it back after adjustments.



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Re: Tiger Moth SAS v3
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2011, 04:14:14 PM »

Thank you both for your advice. I've been trying a little bit (not much free time lately) and I could edit in photoshop. I also installed gimp and it looks like a nice easy use program, thanks Walter. Nice pics, Lynx23. I couldn't find the modified files in the version you uploaded though. I only find the same templates as in the original version. Where are they?


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Re: Tiger Moth SAS v3
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2011, 03:25:04 PM »

Thank you both for your advice. I've been trying a little bit (not much free time lately) and I could edit in photoshop. I also installed gimp and it looks like a nice easy use program, thanks Walter. Nice pics, Lynx23. I couldn't find the modified files in the version you uploaded though. I only find the same templates as in the original version. Where are they?

Tiger_skin_MOD/Files/3do/Plane/U-2TM/summer/skin1o.tga  (=wings-low distance)
Tiger_skin_MOD/Files/3do/Plane/U-2TM/summer/skin1o.tgb  (=wings-low distance)
Tiger_skin_MOD/Files/3do/Plane/U-2TM/summer/skin1p.tga  (=wings-middle distance)
Tiger_skin_MOD/Files/3do/Plane/U-2TM/summer/skin1q.tga  (=wings-far distance)

Tiger_skin_MOD/Files/3do/Plane/U-2TM/summer/skin2o.tga  (=torso-low distance)
Tiger_skin_MOD/Files/3do/Plane/U-2TM/summer/skin2p.tga  (=torso-middle distance)
Tiger_skin_MOD/Files/3do/Plane/U-2TM/summer/skin2q.tga  (=torso-far distance)

Tiger_skin_MOD/Files/3do/Plane/U-2TM/summer/skin3o.tga  (=engine cover,propeller-low distance)
Tiger_skin_MOD/Files/3do/Plane/U-2TM/summer/skin3p.tga  (=engine cover,propeller-middle distance)
Tiger_skin_MOD/Files/3do/Plane/U-2TM/summer/skin3q.tga  (=engine cover,propeller-far distance)

Tiger_skin_MOD/Files/3do/Plane/U-2TM/gear_DH.tga   (=gear)
Tiger_skin_MOD/Files/3do/Plane/U-2TM/TM_loadout1.tga   (=tank)

It is a little confusing, but it wasn't my system. It was made by Tiger Moth author like this, but we must be thankful for this.


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Re: Tiger Moth SAS v3
« Reply #21 on: May 26, 2011, 03:36:42 PM »

I had a skin of the Tiger Moth that was green with white checks on the upper wing and tail.
Loved that skin and in all the updates and upgrades I lost it.:(
If anyone has that would you mind posting it.


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Re: Tiger Moth SAS v3
« Reply #22 on: May 26, 2011, 04:15:36 PM »

Thanks again. I guess I'll need to modify every file to make a SCW skin and it won't be interchangeable, am I wrong? Well, if someone finds any of Crancky's or Gunny's skins while I'm dealing with the hard way to make mine, that would be great.


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Re: Tiger Moth SAS v3
« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2012, 11:25:03 AM »

It's been a long time...almost a year, since I promised to make some SCW skins for this wonderful mod, but it took me this long to learn the way to make them and to get time enough for it.
Since These are not exactly skins, but a compilation of tga and tgb files, I'll post them directly here for those interested. They are not the best skins, but I had to use Lynx23 tgas to make my own templates. Thanks a lot Lynx23 for sharing and for the advice. Thanks to Walter solito too, but I used photoshop because I'm used to it.

In this link


you'll find a pack of 7zipped folders for 5 SCW historic versions. I included in each folder the whole mod with its original name to make it easier to install and replace every version.

THIS MOD WAS ORIGINALLY CREATED BY RANWERS, It's the SAS version, so all the credits go to the creators,
including the default skin for which I don't know the author.

I made the SCW templates from the tga files for the Czech version made by Lynx23. Thanks a lot for sharing, Lynx23.

Instead of uploading a bunch of tga and tgb files and driving you crazy telling in which folder you have to put each one,
I included them into a complete mod folder to make it easier to install and replace with every version, so you just have
to unzip the folder of each version and copy the complete TIGER_MOTH_SAS_V3 folder to your mods folder following these


1 - FOR 4.10, MODACT, UP, ETC., If you haven't the Tiger Moth mod yet, just drop the folder called TIGER_MOTH_SAS_V3
in your mods folder (#MODS, #SAS, whatever) and add the following line to air.ini (plane-ru is optional)

ADD TO air.ini

U-2TM             air.U_2TM 1                           NOINFO  r01   SUMMER



U-2TM                Tiger Moth, 1931


# Tiger Moth
U-2TM.default                           Default
U-2TM.none                              Empty

2 -  FOR THE SAME INSTALLS DETAILED ABOVE, If you already have the mod, SAVE A BACKUP. You don't have to change the line in air.ini,
just replace the TIGER_MOTH_SAS_V3 folder you already have in your mods folder for one of the SCW versions and that's all. If you want
to come back to your default version, just overwrite it again from your backup. You can do this as many times as you want with as many
versions as you want.

3 - FOR DBW USERS. The easiest, no lines to add, no folder to backup. Just add one of these TIGER_MOTH_SAS_V3 folder in your #DBW folder
and you'll have this version working. To come back to the default one, just delete the whole folder or inhabilitate it.
You'll be able to change as many versions as you want.

The only problem seems to be that you only can have one version at a time.

And now, some pics:


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