Hi mates!
I realized a new skin for the great Ranwers Tiger Moth with a more uniform paint and more historical panel lines!
It have:
- a nice metal engine cover (Thanks to the great Nightshifter for it!);
- some nice internal details (Thanks to the great Lynx23 for them!);
- a historical DH marked wheels cover;
- some reworked dirty stuff.
It have anyway some glitch because:
- the tail cable have not uniform yellow skin (if someone can point me to the correct cable skin location I'll correct it immediately)
- some aileron shadow don't coincide with the wing one because there are distortion and common skin area usage that avoid me to gain full coincidence!

So , if you still like to use or test it....

....here is the link to a blank version that you can customize with your favourite markings:
http://www.4shared.com/file/h_-GSIWF/TIGER_MOTH_blank_skin.htmlUsage of it is totally free also for further development or pack inclusion!
All the best at all!
EDIT 07.09.2001
A blank customizable version of this Black/Yellow skin

is also available here: