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Author Topic: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09  (Read 58250 times)

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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #60 on: September 12, 2011, 02:44:16 PM »

Last Release test -- installs ok.
No problems using basic functions.
Will post comment if any problems occur.



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #61 on: September 14, 2011, 11:11:28 PM »

Pablo ,

I've noticed something strange that was not a problem before in previous versions. In single missions when you toggled the switch for Player skin all the planes in the flight would have that skin. Now , the flight members do not have the player skin. If the mission has a mission skin , they show that skin. I would be gratefull if you could look into this.

I've spent most of my money on Whiskey and Women. The rest I just wasted.


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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #62 on: September 15, 2011, 10:15:54 AM »

Pablo ,

I've noticed something strange that was not a problem before in previous versions. In single missions when you toggled the switch for Player skin all the planes in the flight would have that skin. Now , the flight members do not have the player skin. If the mission has a mission skin , they show that skin. I would be gratefull if you could look into this.


               now I don't know exactly where it was documented, but since the release of this mod for DBW1.5 it was decided to work this way:

  -The Skin switch to the Mission side (to the right) drives you to an Arming screen similar to the QMB one: you can set everything for the flight, Country, Regiment, Fuel, Loadout... and plane by plane Skin, Noseart, Pilot and Markings. It will be kept exactly as you set it there, and the configuration of your current player will be set if you Start the Mission as the user one for that plane. This is valid for Single Missions and all of these is absolutely WYSIWYG, you can see every change and no doubts are present.

  -With the skin switch to the Player (to the left) the MissionPro drives you to the original Arming screen. Where you can select the weapons of your army flights and eventually enter and adjust the specific data of your plane. In this case they will work by setting the User data only, and they will be applied when you launch the mission.

  -If you make a specific selection in the Skin Combo in the briefing screen, it will be applied to all the planes of the flight in any case. So it will always be a general setting, and the ones in Arming screen will be particular ones. The big difference was that previously, any background operation of the MOD, when it had to adjust what the Skin Combo showed, applied the change to all the Flight. Now it doesn't and it is a huge difference, so specific Skin / Noseart / Markings configurations are kept by plane except you make a real selection in the Skin Combo.

  -The Weapons Combo in the Briefing still works as usual: the changes there affect all the planes of the flight, because the loadout is a per-flight setting.



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #63 on: September 15, 2011, 10:27:28 AM »

Pablo ,

I've noticed something strange that was not a problem before in previous versions. In single missions when you toggled the switch for Player skin all the planes in the flight would have that skin. Now , the flight members do not have the player skin. If the mission has a mission skin , they show that skin. I would be gratefull if you could look into this.


               now I don't know exactly where it was documented, but since the release of this mod for DBW1.5 it was decided to work this way:

  -The Skin switch to the Mission side (to the right) drives you to an Arming screen similar to the QMB one: you can set everything for the flight, Country, Regiment, Fuel, Loadout... and plane by plane Skin, Noseart, Pilot and Markings. It will be kept exactly as you set it there, and the configuration of your current player will be set if you Start the Mission as the user one for that plane. This is valid for Single Missions and all of these is absolutely WYSIWYG, you can see every change and no doubts are present.

  -With the skin switch to the Player (to the left) the MissionPro drives you to the original Arming screen. Where you can select the weapons of your army flights and eventually enter and adjust the specific data of your plane. In this case they will work by setting the User data only, and they will be applied when you launch the mission.

  -If you make a specific selection in the Skin Combo in the briefing screen, it will be applied to all the planes of the flight in any case. So it will always be a general setting, and the ones in Arming screen will be particular ones. The big difference was that previously, any background operation of the MOD, when it had to adjust what the Skin Combo showed, applied the change to all the Flight. Now it doesn't and it is a huge difference, so specific Skin / Noseart / Markings configurations are kept by plane except you make a real selection in the Skin Combo.

  -The Weapons Combo in the Briefing still works as usual: the changes there affect all the planes of the flight, because the loadout is a per-flight setting.


Pablo ,

Thank you for your quick response and the information you provided , it gave the answer. Also , many thanks for all your contributions to the community!

I've spent most of my money on Whiskey and Women. The rest I just wasted.


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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #64 on: September 16, 2011, 06:15:01 AM »


A quick question:

Did the nation/regiment menù work only for DBW or for any installation?

I'm asking because I didn't  have it on a SAS Mod Act installation!

All the best!



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #65 on: September 16, 2011, 07:23:19 AM »

I have make a quick test on a clean vanilla 4.101 + SAS 3.6 installing it (the version for 4.101) in a clean #SAS folder and I got a CTD when loading at the 70% if I don't add the diffFM mod inside!

Apart this I can't got it working as in my first screen , only in the way as second screen is!


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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #66 on: September 16, 2011, 07:41:48 AM »

I can't refly after I die in an offline campaign (DBW).
The refly button does not appear.

Your work is awesome, thank you. :)



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #67 on: September 16, 2011, 08:33:53 AM »

I have make a quick test on a clean vanilla 4.101 + SAS 3.6 installing it (the version for 4.101) in a clean #SAS folder and I got a CTD when loading at the 70% if I don't add the diffFM mod inside!

Apart this I can't got it working as in my first screen , only in the way as second screen is!

                  the situation you are descripting doesn't seem to be related with the MissionPro MOD. A 70% CTD that is solved by adding DiffFM speaks about some plane in your air.ini that is being loaded and have an independant FM. Check always your log.lst and you will know.

  I don't see any reason why it would affect. Please check the log to see if it hangs when loadint he planes, I'm basically positive that it will be the case.

  And regarding your previous question, it should work exactly the same if you are not working over a DBW installation. If you Vainilla works OK before the MOD, it should continue working with the MissionPro activated.



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #68 on: September 16, 2011, 08:34:56 AM »

I can't refly after I die in an offline campaign (DBW).
The refly button does not appear.

Your work is awesome, thank you. :)


                    didi it happen to you only once? Had you the chance of verifying if that is general or it was only in a campaign?



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #69 on: September 16, 2011, 08:52:31 AM »

I have test it in my netbook where I have a test installation but afetr the last test something happen and it don't work anymore so I have deleted it and I must came back at home to reinstall IL2 so I can't test it no more!

The positive thing ìll be that I'll test it on a vanilla installation + SAS 3.6 so nothing 'll hamper the test!

I'll report asap!!

Thanks for your help still here!!!

All the best!



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #70 on: September 16, 2011, 09:42:32 AM »

I'm at work now, but I will test when I go home. :)



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #71 on: September 16, 2011, 03:37:36 PM »

Sorry to report that I have reinstalled 4.101 strting from 4.07 on my netbook and after I came in the same condition as before (4.101+SAS 3.6 + buttons 9.3 offline + IL2.exe v1.5.2) when I install this mod in the #SAS folder (empty apart wide screen mod) I can't got your mod working.

Someone have also test this mod in such empty condition?
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