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Author Topic: Sound and Effects compilations  (Read 22876 times)

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Re: Sound and Effects compilations
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2011, 05:22:47 PM »

@ Gerson: The "-" will do the job...(that's what I did, anyway).

I made a compilation of  15, 09 and 10...no joy though. :(
Didn't see any class files included, whatsoever... ???

05, looks nice too. ;)


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Re: Sound and Effects compilations
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2011, 05:48:44 PM »

I tend to stay away from the red series, as they have to be synchronized or something. As its aimed specifically at movie makers I just never bothered with them.
I'm DL'ing them now, let me check them out.

EDIT: fireball and mid air explosion effects conflict. They use the same file name but each has different values.
Ill continue to tinker with it, but I wont add any of them to the download. I will however see about putting them together as a pack.
Just have to remember that the red weren't meant for gameplay.

EDIT again!
Now were you using these effects before?
I only ask because the red ones look REALLY awkward in game.
For instance, remove any and all effects you have, download the red ones (mid air explosions, truck explosions and fuel truck explosions) and drop them one at a time into your DBW/UP3 folder so you can see each effect seperatly ( of course remember to remove the files folder from them, should read like this \Mid Air Explosion FX\3do\ instead of \Mid Air Explosion FX\Files\3do\, dig?)
Then run The Black Death track and just watch the convoy attack from the static cameras.
The mid air explosions need to be edited for time, as it says in the download. When an aircraft explodes you either get a delayed reaction, or the fireball hangs in the air for 5-10 seconds before slowly fading away. Nothing wrong with the mod, not at all, just made specifically for movies and not gameplay and needs to be edited as such.
The truck explosions are very Hollywood, and the smoke that they release is almost comically thick and transparent. Again, would look great in amovie, but not in gameplay.
The fuel truck explosions, however, are pretty damn good. The only thing about them is that the smoke that billows from the burning remains of the truck flickers and strobes badly.
that's why I ask if you really want these before I spend time trying to get them to play well with the other mods.


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Re: Sound and Effects compilations
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2011, 07:21:20 PM »

i tried both downloads and get a 60% CTD with HSFX 5.1


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Re: Sound and Effects compilations
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2011, 08:32:35 PM »

i tried both downloads and get a 60% CTD with HSFX 5.1
Very probable, as I do not use HSFX 5.1
That's why I didn't say anything about HSFX 5.1 compatibility.
Id suggest you start with a fresh copy of Plutonium effects, and strip out all the classfiles and see of that works, because remember my pack has classfiles for mods other than plutonium.
Although 60% is awfully strange. I don't pretend to know anything about HSFX but in DBW/UP that would mean an air.ini/mods folder/buttons file issue, and this contains none of those.
If you want to find the conflict please feel free to post your findings here.

Good news!
alecs-nord, I have started tracking down the classfile responsible for your rs-82 freeze issue. I've found two classfiles that cause problems, one that causes a freeze at the point of impact, and another that will cause a freeze mere seconds after a successful rocket run.
Bad news!
I found another conflict, when the locomotive is destroyed it freezes the game.
Ill post back when I have found the problem classfile.


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Re: Sound and Effects compilations
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2011, 01:00:49 AM »

Alright Ive found the conflicting classfiles that alecs-nord was kind enough to bring up that caused freezing with rocket attacks against trains and locomotives.
Applies to both DBW and UP3.
HSFX, hell if I know.

FEAF071CF0EAF27C-Freeze at rocket (rs-82) impact on train cars
668BD1109D5B7064-Freeze after rocket (rs-82) impact on train cars
1BC4B26241526824-Destroying locomotive freeze, also gives cinema effects volumetric white chimney smoke for ships and trains
73E75268DA63A6DC-Destroying locomotive freeze

If you've had the same issue please go into #UP#\000_Uwe's effect compilation and delete the above classfiles. This should allow you to get the classfile version of plutonium effects working.
Ill add a new link, sometime... :D

Alright were at 300 downloads for both versions so please guys, if your having issues with them post it up here, same for the sound compilation.


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Re: Sound and Effects compilations
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2011, 01:55:42 AM »

I liked the fuel truck explosion...from the cinema effects, the most.
If you could implement it it would be great. I dont mind for the other ones.

What I did was merging the three mods mentioned in a mod named: 000_FX into my #DBW# folder,
(to be loaded over your mod).
However I didn't disable your mod as my intention was to use them together, if possible.

Into 000_FX folder, I have a 3do folder and an Effects one... :-\


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Re: Sound and Effects compilations
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2011, 02:03:55 AM »

I like it too, I just need to figure out why the smoke flickers so much.

I spent my free time today finding the above classfile conflicts. Ill get to this tomorrow or the next day elephant, but I will get to it.

EDIT: Well elephant I tried the fuel truck explosion out again today.
All you have to do is place the mod itself in your UP folder and make sure it loads before my mods compilation. It should "work".
Now heres the thing, its not going to give you consistent results. Its very buggy for gameplay. between flickering smoke, explosions that don't fade away, and fires that don't change its just not suitable for gameplay.

But hey, if you can make it work post it up! :D


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Re: Sound and Effects compilations
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2011, 03:14:49 PM »

Really appreciate you posting these up CWMV . I had been looking for a good DBW smoke mod.

Now I'Ve found it. :)


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Re: Sound and Effects compilations
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2011, 10:20:06 PM »

Glad it works for ya!


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Re: Sound and Effects compilations
« Reply #33 on: September 26, 2011, 06:29:49 AM »

Well elephant I tried the fuel truck explosion out again today.
All you have to do is place the mod itself in your UP folder and make sure it loads before my mods compilation. It should "work".
Now heres the thing, its not going to give you consistent results. Its very buggy for gameplay. between flickering smoke, explosions that don't fade away, and fires that don't change its just not suitable for gameplay.

But hey, if you can make it work post it up! :D

I have to put it in UP folder? I put it in #DBW, renamed to be loaded above your own compilation, but stil it's not working...
Should I retain the original Files folder in the Mod? (I didn't)...


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Re: Sound and Effects compilations
« Reply #34 on: September 26, 2011, 08:18:43 AM »

Bf-109 K-4 30mm cannon

I have this with UP3



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Re: Sound and Effects compilations
« Reply #35 on: December 28, 2011, 01:10:39 PM »

Just tried to d/l these but the links are dead. Would you be so kind to reactivate these?

Thanks ,
I've spent most of my money on Whiskey and Women. The rest I just wasted.
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