NACHTJAGD MISSION GENERATOR v3.1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UPDATED FROM v3.06beta. Now with a dynamic frontline, retreating nightfighter groups, which will eventually leave the
theater of operations in the last few month of the war and support of Navaid mod.
Nachtjagd Mission Generator 3 can create hundreds of different historically plausible nightfighting missions in just a few
clicks. In other words it introduces some kind of AI to the planning stage of a mission. It is based on the Luftwaffe’s ‘Zahme Sau’ night-
fighter tactics against RAF bomber streams. Building missions in the FMB kills the surprise factor. Now you can create custom missions
without knowing what’s going to happen next. NJMG’s aim is to recreate the cat and mouse game that was characteristic for WW2
In version 3 you have the entire nightfighting force of the western front at hand. Develop your strategy and issue orders to the various
units before you start flying. You will experience large bomber streams and diversion attacks, Mosquito nightfighters covering heavy
bombers while others hunt for Luftwaffe nightfighters, catching them at their radio beacons or lurking in the vicinity of their home bases
to ambush when they’re coming home low and slow. You will come under friendly fire from heavy flak bastions and you will get your fair
share of ‘Moskito Panik’...
For those already familiar with the previous versions of NJMG, here's what's new in v3:
Everything is bigger and better. Huge map, almost London to Berlin, many airfields, all with runway lighting and blind landing aids.
Historically correct radio beacons. Issue orders to 11 different NF groups, that's the entire NF force on the western front. Incorporates
the latest features of CY6 C&C mod: Dynamic weather, stormfronts, Airbornce Cigar jamming, your fellow AI nightfighters leaving the
loiter beacons and being vectored to the bomber stream(!), and many more... Also, completely new combinations of mainforce and
diversionary bomber streams, relentless flak bastions, and cities set on large scale fire by the RAF raids. In a nutshell: v3 is a complete
- Create dozens of historically plausible nightfighter missions in just a few clicks.
- Unique time, date and weather for every mission.
- Huge 900x450km map, airfields with runway lighting, blind landing aids and navigation aids.
- Uses Il-2 v4.10 realistic navigation and environment features.
- Multiple bomber streams, different targets, diversion attacks, smoke and mirrors...
- AI Luftwaffe nightfighters performing ‘Zahme Sau’.
- RAF nightfighters on escort and night intruder missions.
- Relentless flak and searchlight bastions in the target areas.
- Autogenerated mission briefing and metereological report.
- User friendly graphical interface.
- Auto-configures historically correct radar equipment and countermeasures.
- Makes full use of all the latest features in CY6 genius Command&Control mod, like dynamic weather, Airborne Cigar, AI
vectoring et cetera.
- Issue orders to 11 different nightfighter groups. Assign loiter beacons and altitudes.
- Experience fuel shortages and limited availability of aircraft
(Everything in blue is already included in DBW1.6)
- IL-2 v4.101 (not tested yet with 4.10; not compatible with 4.09)
- OpenOffice Calc 3.3..............................
- Command & Control Mod v2.0...............,16973.msg182498.html#msg182498
- Checkyerflak! + Arty Barrage!...............,13517.0.html
- RLV map by sputnikshock......................,16630.0.htmlRecommended mods:
- Lancaster Mk.III.....................................,4359.0.html
- Halifax B Mk.III......................................,1071.0.html
- Mosquito NF.II.......................................,5349.0.html
- He-219.................................................,15057.0.html- Navaid mod...........................................,18977.0.html