This has been an ongoing issue of mine for ages now with this game. when it comes to editing chief.ini or stationary.ini I can sometimes get it right and have no issues. but sometimes i wreck the whole process. In theory I understand that (or believe to be) these files "lines" must be carefully placed and spaced. If there was an easier way of copying and pasting over these files, then everyone would be doing it. I ran into the option of a mod that adds objects to my install and i just froze up. this is the scariest part of modding for me. And I'm pretty clueless on understanding the log.lst , logkeep yada yada. I haven't got there yet with that understanding. When i add stuff to stationary or chief, i basically evenly space the lines according to how i think they should be by carefully following what is already in the files. Then there are times that i try and add stuff and it will throw one section off like 10 spaces leaving me dumbfounded. The other question is, can we just throw these sections anywhere in there? Does USSR have to be with other like items? But then again, I'm sure it doesn't have to be "that" difficult. Could you jedi explain an easier route or at least guide me to a template to understand better? Tango Mike. S!