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Author Topic: A new era has come! Stereoscopic 3D (Development thread)  (Read 136283 times)

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Re: A new era has come! Stereoscopic 3D (Development thread)
« Reply #432 on: June 30, 2012, 11:01:16 AM »

I installed this mod Pal - Stereo 3Dv7RC-4101, on il-2 UP3 RC4 . It works but without 6dof.
When I enable the track IR, game crashes.
Is there a patch for this problem?


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Re: A new era has come! Stereoscopic 3D (Development thread)
« Reply #433 on: July 01, 2012, 05:52:20 AM »

ivomajic34, the last ten postings are about exactly this problem. At least there is now some kind of confirmation that its not only FreeTrack but also TrackIR having problems with the 3Dmod_v7RC-4101.

Quote from: benitomuso
the DT.dll i packed with the v4.101 of the MOD is untouched, it is the last one for v4.111, just packed there because typical 4.10 users will not have that.
Hmmm, the DT.dll in the original, unmodded, clean and fresh IL2 1946 v4.11.1m has a size of 70.0kb, the DT.dll I downloaded with your 3Dmod_v7RC-4101 has a size of 75.6kb. Thats why I thought you modified it for the use with 4.10.1m game...

Quote from: benitomuso
From the details you give, it still is not clear the next:

  In the two last tests you mentioned, you say "no other il2fb.exe or 6DOF-mod involved". But it doesn't mean that your il2fb.exe (the last you used) was 6DOF free. Because if you don't touch anything else (no 6DOF MOD) but you keep always the same il2fb.exe which from an origin was 6DOF (apart of the MOD for 6DOF, the .exe used to need an activation too).

 Then you must be POSITIVE that the il2fb.exe is not 6DOF. I mean: you have to overwrite it with one that certainly DOESN'T have the 6DOF function. If you use TotalMODder or Storebror's game selector, un-check those options and activate the game (so writting an .exe which is not 6DOF).

Ok, from the beginning then:  :)
Since there is absolutely no problem with 4.11.1m game and 3Dmod_v7RC-411 the following is only about v4.10.1m game and 3Dmod_v7RC-4101.

I tried to follow your request to check if the il2fb.exe is enabled for 6DOF, so I started from scratch with a clean copy of IL2 4.10.1m. This copy never saw any mods, I never touched any files in it.
Now I created a folder 'MyMODS' in the game-root folder and copied the unzipped 3Dmod_v7RC-4101 in there. Then I downloaded your tool il2fbMODder.exe (v1.2), copied it into the game-root folder and started it. Also told the tool where the folder 'MyMODS' is:

First thing I did then was clicking 'Tools -> Executable Selector' and just clicked 'Write Changes' there. '6 DOF for TrackIR Enabled' is unchecked.

Then I created a new Profile 'TEST' and activated it. I did not yet activate the 3Dmod in your tool because I wanted to check if everything works. Right now the game should still be stock 4.10.1m for no mod was activated, right?

Clicking the button 'Launch IL-2 Sturmovik' now does not start the game, also the new il2fb.exe created by your tool does not launch the game when starting it manually in the game-root folder.  :(

Am I doing something wrong? I think I followed the instructions in the ReadMe.pdf correctly... I really want to help you find out what causes the problems of your 3Dmod_v7RC-4101 with tracking devices, but I fear I need some more help with your tool il2fbMODder  ::)



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Re: A new era has come! Stereoscopic 3D (Development thread)
« Reply #434 on: July 01, 2012, 07:08:19 AM »

By now I did some more tests with gameversion 4.11.1m + HSFX6.0 + 3Dmod_v7RC-411 and now I am completely confused...

At first I disabled all mods with the JSGME. Stock game 4.11.1m starts and everything is fine, it works with FreeTrack and I have 6DOF.
Then I just enabled your 3Dmod_v7RC-411 and started the game. I still have 6DOF and it works good with FreeTrack, but I don't have 3D!
After that I enabled the HSFX history mod and the 3Dmod_v7RC-411 and only now I have 6DOF with FreeTrack and 3D.

It looks like the stock 4.11.1m il2fb.exe uses the DT.dll from team Daidalos (it has a size of 70.0kb in my copy of IL2 4.11.1m) and enables 6DOF but does not support your 3Dmod_v7RC-411.
Enabling the HSFX history mod obviously replaces the stock il2fb.exe with another one. This il2fb.exe now supports 6DOF provided by the DT.dll and supports your 3Dmod_v7RC-411.

I am at a loss...


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Re: A new era has come! Stereoscopic 3D (Development thread)
« Reply #435 on: July 01, 2012, 07:20:25 AM »

It looks like you don't have the Modact. :)
The stock IL-2 can accept mods only with the Modact installed, so, you was playing the stock game as expected when you disabled the HSFX. ;)



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Re: A new era has come! Stereoscopic 3D (Development thread)
« Reply #436 on: July 01, 2012, 07:37:41 AM »

Understood. Copying just the il2fb.exe from the HSFX6.0 jsgme-folder into the 3Dmod_v7RC-411 jsgme-folder (next to the folder 'Files' containing the mod-files) solved it. Now the 'stock 4.11.1m' game starts plus 3D.


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Re: A new era has come! Stereoscopic 3D (Development thread)
« Reply #437 on: July 01, 2012, 07:48:31 AM »

Yes, but now your HSFX and your stock games will share the same mods in the MODS folder and this can be a problem, because some mods are adapted for each version of the game.
The modact from SAS uses the #SAS folder as the MODS folder, but the modact for 4.111 from ton414 I don't know.



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Re: A new era has come! Stereoscopic 3D (Development thread)
« Reply #438 on: July 01, 2012, 09:15:16 AM »


   the ReadMe (documentation) of the TotalMODder has a Step by Step on how to setup DBW or "MOD activated" configurations. You need to load with it all the basic stuff required for a modded Il-2 game to start.

  Apart of the MODs you want to add, and properly setting the .exe as you did, you need to load in first term (latest in the list) the basic #DBW folder or a folder with all the files of a MOD Activator.

  Regarding the DT.dll, may be I packed a wrong one, I don't know exactly and should check. The DT.dll which comes with 4.11.1 is dated on 18/03/2012 in the distribution pack of the internationl version of Team Daidalos. If you have the one dated on 16/01/2012 it is the 4.11 one, that later was superseeded. I mean: perhaps you don't have properly updated your 4.11 to the latest 4.11.1 version. Check that. In any case, for my MOD, use the last DT.dll (the one dated 18/03/2012).



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Re: A new era has come! Stereoscopic 3D (Development thread)
« Reply #439 on: July 01, 2012, 09:42:56 AM »

OK, I'll try it again. The latest modact for 4.10.1m is v3.06? Link to this modact: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,16382.0.html
I never used a modactivator, just complete modpacks... will do some reading and report back when successful.  :)

I checked my installation, IL2 1946 is correctly patched to v4.11.1m. The DT.dll I have in my v4.11.1m game-folder is dated 18/3/2012 and has a size of 70.0kb.
The one that comes with your 3Dmod_v7RC-4101 is dated 13/1/2012 and has a size of 75.6kb.

But I already tried to get v4.10.1m game and 3Dmod_v7RC-4101 running with the DT.dll from my 4.11.1m game-folder (dated 18/3/2012). Same outcome when starting FreeTrack.
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