...so what exactly is the "Type3"? Is it a bomb, rockets, gun pack, what?
Along a similar vein; is there a list of weapon types and what they mean somewhere?
Type 3 is a rocket-propelled, air-to-air bomb.
List of Japanese World War II navy bombs
The Japanese produced a number of bombs with rocket motors installed, intended for air-to-air use against bomber formations, or as armor-piercing weapons. Only two saw service, the Type 3 No.25 Mk 4 armor-piercing rocket bomb, and the Type 3 No.6 Mk.27 air-to-air rocket bomb."
Type 3 No.6 Mk 27 145 lb A anti-aircraft rocket that replaced the Type 99 No.3 Mk.3 in air-to-air bombing. It consisted of a large rocket motor with a 5.5 pound incendiary shrapnel warhead triggered by a clockwork time fuze with an adjustable delay of up to 10 seconds. The rocket had a maximum velocity of around 270 m/s, and the warhead contained 140 iron pellets with white phosphorus embedded in them, these were scattered in a 60 degree cone when the warhead was triggered. The bomb was designed in January 1944 and adopted in February 1945."
Weapon types are listed in your \Files\i18n\
weapons_ru.properties, and about A6M5c, it says:
# A6M5c
A6M5c.default Default
A6M5c.2x150dt 2xDroptanks
A6M5c.1xwdt4s 1xDroptank
A6M5c.4xtype3 4xType3Mk.27Bomb-Rockets
A6M5c.1x250 1x250 kg Bomb
A6M5c.none Empty
So "
4xtype3" is the correct syntax.
EDIT: I find in
AllWeapons for DBW a "2xType3" weapon set starting with A6M2-21 and also for A6M5.
Apart that it does not match historical date of introduction (see above), I guess it causes those explosions you complain. Try removing from your
[episode_name]Planes.dat all lines with that loadout option (2xType3).