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Author Topic: Project DGen_mod  (Read 392058 times)

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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1152 on: July 31, 2015, 12:45:01 AM »

Quick question.  This probably isn't going to work, but I'm trying a Dgen campaign for Korea.  I'm running CUP and I've created a towns.dat and an AF.dat file for the 3BG_KTO map.

Add section [NStationary] to templates. Even if there are no stationary objects on a template in the Blue and Red files these sections have to be. Let and empty.

Approximately the minimum file of a template so has to look.

Code: [Select]
  briefSound samples/sounds/CarrierUSA1.wav
  MAP LS_Marcus/load.ini
  TIME 6.750001
  CloudType 1
  CloudHeight 1300.0
  player USN_VF_9A01
  playerNum 0
  Year 1943
  Month 8
  Day 31
  WindDirection 0
  WindSpeed 2.80
  Gust 0
  Turbulence 0

I with pleasure will pass the Korean campaign. :) MiG Alley will be? ;)


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1153 on: July 31, 2015, 12:57:15 AM »

Just a basic Campaign right now.  I've got the Map files if you'd like me to send them to you...but I obviously haven't been able to test them yet.  I've got the cities and AFs done.  I haven't done the bridges, yet.

It looks like I already have an [NStationary] section in the MIS templates.   :(

My Blue MIS Template:
Code: [Select]
  MAP 3BG_KTO/load.ini
  TIME 12.0
  CloudType 0
  CloudHeight 1000.0
  army 1
  playerNum 0
  Year 1945
  Month 2
  Day 19
  WindDirection 0.0
  WindSpeed 0.0
  Gust 0
  Turbulence 0
  MDS_Radar_SetRadarToAdvanceMode 0
  MDS_Radar_RefreshInterval 0
  MDS_Radar_DisableVectoring 0
  MDS_Radar_EnableTowerCommunications 1
  MDS_Radar_ShipsAsRadar 0
  MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MaxRange 100
  MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MinHeight 100
  MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MaxHeight 5000
  MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MaxRange 25
  MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MinHeight 0
  MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MaxHeight 2000
  MDS_Radar_ScoutsAsRadar 0
  MDS_Radar_ScoutRadar_MaxRange 2
  MDS_Radar_ScoutRadar_DeltaHeight 1500
  MDS_Radar_HideUnpopulatedAirstripsFromMinimap 0
  MDS_Radar_ScoutGroundObjects_Alpha 5
  MDS_Radar_ScoutCompleteRecon 0
  MDS_Misc_DisableAIRadioChatter 0
  MDS_Misc_DespawnAIPlanesAfterLanding 1
  MDS_Misc_HidePlayersCountOnHomeBase 0
  MDS_Misc_BombsCat1_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
  MDS_Misc_BombsCat2_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
  MDS_Misc_BombsCat3_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
  Bigship 1800
  Ship 1800
  Aeroanchored 1800
  Artillery 1800
  Searchlight 1800
  Planes 1
  Skill 1
  Class air.Mig_15
  Fuel 100
  weapons default
  NORMFLY 42799.99 495414.47 500.00 300.00 &0
  NORMFLY 43932.42 496363.64 500.00 300.00 &0
  NORMFLY 44424.78 496500.40 500.00 300.00 &0
  NORMFLY 44605.32 496412.87 500.00 300.00 &0


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1154 on: July 31, 2015, 01:26:29 AM »

In general has to work. If you don't understand - a vysulayta files of campaign, I pro-willows that not so.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1155 on: July 31, 2015, 11:26:29 AM »

I got it to generate!  I was missing the [Chiefs] section.  No I have to fill out the campaign.  This could take a while.   :)


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1156 on: August 04, 2015, 02:15:22 PM »

Asura - can we get a manual for us English users?  ;)


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1157 on: August 05, 2015, 02:18:49 AM »

Asura - can we get a manual for us English users?  ;)

Unfortunately I now have no translator. Perhaps later work will be continued but now concrete I can't tell anything.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1158 on: August 06, 2015, 03:37:04 PM »

Hi Asura , Hi all,

Just a question about the functionality about the : "[Skill]" section of the "campaign name".db

For example :


does that mean in the blue section that , As = 5% , Vétéran = 50% , Normal (average) = 20% ,
and no mentionned ,  rookie = 25% ?

I would be very happy and very grateful if you could give me some information on this topic !  ;)

Because some Dgen campaign with this settings, especially in 4.12 :


are playable , but some over one are completly unplayable with too much killers and snipers in the sky with skill levels generally of 2 or 3 ...  :(

Thank you very much in advance !  :)

Best regards, Thierry.  ;)


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1159 on: August 07, 2015, 04:12:20 AM »

For example :


does that mean in the blue section that , As = 5% , Vétéran = 50% , Normal (average) = 20% ,
and no mentionned ,  rookie = 25% ?

Yes, it does.

Because some Dgen campaign with this settings, especially in 4.12 :


are playable , but some over one are completly unplayable with too much killers and snipers in the sky with skill levels generally of 2 or 3 ...  :(

The Easy setting is already the lowest you can set. Besides, the CampaignDifficulty already includes both CampaignAI and CampaignMissions; that's to say when you set CampaignDifficulty=Easy this just means the other two are both set to Easy.

CampaignAI=Easy means that enemy AI is set one rank lower, e.g. Aces become Veterans and so on, while your mates are elevated one rank (i.e. Rookies ---> Average, etc.).

Unfortunately, from version 4.11.1 onward, TD gave (only) to enemy AI "inhuman" capabilities, lol, the most hated by me are the "St.Vithus dance" and the "Fake Stall (with successful recover!) below 100m altitude", both performed even and above all by Rookies (so unavoidable also with lowest setting of enemy AI). :(

I can suggest to install the SAS 2.7 Engine mod (although dedicated mainly to jet engines compatibility, it "softens" significantly enemy AI). Personally, I'm stick and happy with 4.09 with Certificate's AI. ;)


N.B.: you're a bit off-topic, though, since these aspects are not specific of Asura's DGen, but just stock and common with it.
CPU: Intel Core i5 3570K @ 3.40GHz - RAM: 16,0GB DDR3 @ 799 MHz - MoBo: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. P8Z77-V LX2 (LGA1155) - Vidcard: 4095 MBNVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 - Screen: EK241Y (1920x1080@75Hz) - Audio: Sennheiser HD 4.50BTNC headset.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1160 on: August 07, 2015, 04:30:56 AM »


I have started a new campaign using your latest version of the DGen.

So far, so good.

Here I post translations of the new features in respect of previous versions, to be used by the community (if they are correct), they all refer to the settings[campaigns_name].dat file:

sections sequence:
Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]
[Airfield] - not a mandatory section. A new mechanism for determining the player's aerodrome. If the section is
present, the generator will check for the matching items, placing player on the specified airport. If no match is
found or the section is not working the old airfield matching algorithms - ParkedPlanes and search for the nearest
will be - used.

Format section:

Episode_name Airfield Airplane Squadron Type_of_start Distance Direction

Sample section:

BurmaD2 Malon SPITFIRE5C2 ** 2 20 2
BurmaD2 Kangla SPITFIRE8 615Squadron 2 20 2
BurmaD3 Kangla ** ** 2 20 2

On the first line, if the player flies SPITFIRE5C2 for any squadron, he will be posted at the Malon airport, on
the second line, if the player's plane is SPITFIRE8 and his squadron 615Squadron it will be placed at the airport
Kangla, on the third line, the player will be placed at the airport Kangla regardless of aircraft and Squadron.

** - Any value.
Type_of_start - determines the order of the groups taking off from the airfield.

Available Values:
0 - normal
1 - pair
2 - line
Distance - the distance between the planes at the start line and a couple of meters.
Direction - determines the direction of take-off.
Available Values:
0 - default (red from the first point to the second, blue from the second to the first)
1 - from the first point to the second coordinate
2 - from the second to the first point coordinates

Options Type_of_start, distance and direction are implemented in the generator, but temporarily disabled because
the game can not realize these opportunities for the squadron of two groups or more (more than 4 aircraft).

Code: [Select]
[RndTransferOFF] - not a mandatory section. Disables generation of the relocation mission during episodes,
according to the old algorithm.

Format section:


Sample section:


Old generation algorithm mission relocation works as follows: each time the front-line searches for the nearest
airport to it, if the current airfield between the player and the closest frontline airfield is more than 100km -
current mission is created for the relocation to the new airport (the closest to the front line).

Code: [Select]
[Transfer] - not a mandatory section. A new mechanism for the formation of relocation missions. If the section is
present, the generator will check all rows for the coincidence of the squadron, the date and the current
aerodrome, on the coincidence a redeployment mission is formed to said airfield. If no match is found or there is
no section the old relocation algorithms will work.

Format section:

Episode_name Date Squadron Aerodrome_current Aerodrome_new

Sample section:

BurmaD2 19440324 ** Kangla Aberdeen
BurmaD2 19440324 615Squadron Malon Tulihal

On the first line, if the current date is 19440324, and the player is based on the Kangla airfield it will be
relocated to the airport of Aberdeen; on the second line, if the current date is 19440324, and Player's Squadron
is 615Squadron and it is based at the airport of Malon it will be relocated to the Tulihal airfield. In case of
more than one scheduled missions on same date, the first mission of the day will be the relocation and subsequent
mission has to be done with the new airport.

Besides, I would ask if it is possible to set a planned transfer for player to a new unit during campaign.

Thank you,
CPU: Intel Core i5 3570K @ 3.40GHz - RAM: 16,0GB DDR3 @ 799 MHz - MoBo: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. P8Z77-V LX2 (LGA1155) - Vidcard: 4095 MBNVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 - Screen: EK241Y (1920x1080@75Hz) - Audio: Sennheiser HD 4.50BTNC headset.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1161 on: August 07, 2015, 04:53:42 AM »

Hi Greybeard,

Thank you very much for your response and your humor about the AI ;)

I'm really sorry for the : Off topic !
Because I thought that the functionality : "[Skill]" section of the "campaign name".db
was specific to "Asura new Dgen"...

Good flights for you !
( I'am actually palying your campaigns : Murmansk_Expedition and Kurland_JG54_Fw-190A
on HSFX 7 , very good work, thank you very much ! ;)  )


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1162 on: August 07, 2015, 01:53:43 PM »

Question: This might be a big ask but does anyone have a [Campaign Name]Planes.dat file for all aircraft In CUP or HSFX to share?


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1163 on: August 09, 2015, 02:54:15 AM »


I'm proceeding in the campaign. Works like a Swiss clock.

I'm posting here translation of new features related to ops[episode_name].dat:

Code: [Select]
The new Mission code*: oBlueTranEscortC/oRedTranEscortC

Mission: support transport aircraft

Goal: random "zone" in the Player's territory

Description: these lines define the groups accompanying transport planes carrying supplies for friendly troops. Player Group provides cover for aircraft that when in the "zone" throw weight. Enemy groups try to intercept player's group.

Player's Aircraft Type: FIGHTER, LIGHT, ALL

Player's group place in the string: 2nd (e.g.: oRedTranEscortC 19410622:19450509 RED 2T 2Y BLUE 2F)

Weapons set to attack ground targets: no

Weapons set to attack air targets: no

The new Mission code*: oBlueScrambleO/oRedScrambleO

Mission: reaction to the raid on the airfield player (off the alarm)

Goal: player's aerodrome

Description: enemy aircraft groups carried out a raid on the player's airfield. The player begins the mission when all enemy groups are at a distance less than 40 km away. These missions are generated using data from ops-file with the date.

Player's Aircraft Type: FIGHTER, LIGHT, ALL, JABO

Player's group place in the string: 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: no

Weapons set to attack air targets: yes

The new Mission code*: oRedCircusBombDepot/oRedCircusAttackDepot

Mission: Operation "Circus"**

Goal: warehouse in enemy territory

Description: these lines define the groups for the operation "Circus" when attacking the enemy warehouse. Player's Group provides cover for the first attack group or attacks warehouse. Enemy groups carry out protection of their facilities.

Player's Aircraft Type: FIGHTER, LIGHT, ALL / BOMBER

Player's group place in the string: 2nd / 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: no / yes

Weapons set to attack air targets: no / no

The new Mission code*: oRedCircusBombHQ/oRedCircusAttackHQ

Mission: Operation "Circus"

Goal: Field Staff in enemy territory

Description: these lines define the groups for the operation "Circus" when attacking the enemy's field headquarters. Player's Group provides cover for the first attacking team or attacks the headquarters. Enemy groups carry out protection of their facilities.

Player's Aircraft Type: FIGHTER, LIGHT, ALL / BOMBER

Player's group place in the string: 2nd / 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: no / yes

Weapons set to attack air targets: no / no

The new Mission code*: oRedCircusBombPort/oRedCircusAttackPort

Mission: Operation "Circus"

Goal: port in enemy territory

Description: these lines define the groups for the operation "Circus" when attacking enemy ports. Player's Group provides cover for the first attacking team or attacks the port. Enemy groups carry out protection of their facilities.

Player's Aircraft Type: FIGHTER, LIGHT, ALL / BOMBER

Player's group place in the string: 2nd / 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: no / yes

Weapons set to attack air targets: no / no

The new Mission code*: oRedCircusBombAF/oRedCircusAttackAF

Mission: Operation "Circus"

Goal: airfield in enemy territory

Description: these lines define the groups for the operation "Circus" when attacking enemy airfields. Player's Group provides cover for the first attacking team or attacks the airfield. Enemy groups carry out protection of their facilities.

Player's Aircraft Type: FIGHTER, LIGHT, ALL / BOMBER

Player's group place in the string: 2nd / 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: no / yes

Weapons set to attack air targets: no / no

The new Mission code*: oRedCircusBombStation/oRedCircusAttackStation

Mission: Operation "Circus"

Goal: railway station in enemy territory

Description: these lines define the groups for the operation "Circus" when attacking enemy railway stations. Player's Group provides cover for the first attacking team or attacks the railway station. Enemy groups carry out protection of their facilities.

Player's Aircraft Type: FIGHTER, LIGHT, ALL / BOMBER

Player's group place in the string: 2nd / 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: no / yes

Weapons set to attack air targets: no / no

The new Mission code*: oRedGroundFreeHunt/oBlueGroundFreeHunt

Mission: free hunting for ground targets

Goal: random weakly armored enemy target

Description: these lines define the player's groups finding and attacking lightly armored enemy targets. The second group in the string provides cover for the player's one. Enemy groups try to intercept player's group.

Player's Aircraft Type: GROUND, JABO, LIGHT, ALL

Player's group place in the string: 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: yes

Weapons set to attack air targets: no

The new Mission code*: oRedRhubarb

Mission: Operation "Rhubarb"***

Goal: random weakly armored enemy target

Description: these lines define the player's groups for the operation "Rhubarb", finding and attacking lightly armored enemy targets in a not ideal weather (fog / cloud cover). The second group in the string provides cover for the player's one. Enemy groups try to intercept player's group.

Player's Aircraft Type: GROUND, JABO, LIGHT, ALL

Player's group place in the string: 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: yes

Weapons set to attack air targets: no

* - recommended to use the name of the mission of the column "The new Mission code".

** - Operation "Circus"(© Motorhead):
After completion of the Battle of Britain, in late 1940, it came a relative lull in the fighting over the English Channel. Luftwaffe stopped the massive raids on Britain and mostly limited to night bombing of cities, many units were transferred to other theaters. Offensive initiative passed to the British, and in front of the Royal Air Force raised the question of the further strategy of the air war against Germany. Fighter Command had decided to move the fighting into the territory occupied by the enemy. To this end, in early 1941, has developed several types of air operations: «Circus», «Rodeo», «Roadstead», «Rhubarb» etc, providing offensive over France. Since the beginning of 1941 to mid-1943, the main type of operation is the "Circus". All the "circus" were sequentially numbered, "Circus» No. 1 was held January 10, 1941, his goal became ammunition depots have Forey de Gine, south of Calais.
Plan of Operation "Circus" was simple: a small group of bombers (6-12 "Blenheims") directed to the bombing of the object in France. The aim was usually the ammunition depot, airport, port or train station. Bombers got a very strong fighter cover: 10-15 squadrons "Spitfire" accompanied them on the route of flight. Expect cause serious damage to ground targets is not accounted for, but the Luftwaffe could not ignore such raids, and were forced to engage in battle. The emergence of FW-190 and new modifications Me-109 led to the fact that the British suffered heavy losses during the "Circus". Often, the Royal Air Force lost more planes than he himself managed to destroy, but until 1943 "Circus" performed very intensively.

*** - Operation "Rhubarb": no description on Manual.

CPU: Intel Core i5 3570K @ 3.40GHz - RAM: 16,0GB DDR3 @ 799 MHz - MoBo: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. P8Z77-V LX2 (LGA1155) - Vidcard: 4095 MBNVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 - Screen: EK241Y (1920x1080@75Hz) - Audio: Sennheiser HD 4.50BTNC headset.
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