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Author Topic: Project DGen_mod  (Read 392084 times)

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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1164 on: August 10, 2015, 04:00:47 AM »


First problem.

Notwithstanding Random Transfers were OFF

and a transfer was planned to Kluang on 6 February 1942

DGen motu proprio moved to Batu Pahat

while on planned date no transfer was performed

Previous transfer was performed as planned

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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1165 on: August 11, 2015, 03:34:32 AM »

Settings of section [AF_OFF] are used in this campaign?


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1166 on: August 11, 2015, 12:40:39 PM »

Settings of section [AF_OFF] are used in this campaign?

No sir. [AF_OFF] section is empty.

Second problem:

this happened at second mission of "CoralSea" episode, blue side. All related files are same of previous campaign; it changed only the generator version (from to
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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1167 on: August 12, 2015, 12:41:16 AM »

The problem with change of airfield by jump is (sharply) connected with that that the list of indexes of airfields changed concerning the list of the AF files. It is necessary to understand that became the reason. As example:

At the beginning of mission the generator creates the list of airfields with indexes.

AF1 - 00
AF2 - 01
AF3 - 02
AF4 - 03

The player is based on airfield of AF2. If in the course of mission preparation the list of airfields changes (for example the section [AF_OFF] switches off AF1) indexes change.

AF1 - OFF (not in list)
AF2 - 00
AF3 - 01
AF4 - 02

The index of basic airfield of the player remains 01, but it not to AF2 and AF3 any more, it turns out races.

Also in all parameters connected with placement and a transfer parameters (the plane, squad, date, etc.) are checked for coincidence all without exception. At the correct task of all parameters placement and a transfer will correctly work.

Cant select target - the problem connected with that that this day, for this plane, at this distance for this mission wasn't the suitable purpose. It is necessary to check everything in campaign.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1168 on: August 12, 2015, 01:34:44 AM »

Cant select target - the problem connected with that that this day, for this plane, at this distance for this mission wasn't the suitable purpose. It is necessary to check everything in campaign.

That day, that plane, at that distance, got a mission by DGen;

It is not necessary to check campaign, it is necessary to check DGen!

Thanks for the kind help,
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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1169 on: August 13, 2015, 01:24:15 AM »

give the reference to campaign and you speak what to try - I will check


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1170 on: August 13, 2015, 04:24:01 AM »

give the reference to campaign and you speak what to try - I will check



This is previous version, which works with DGen

I'm going to send you at dgen.service@mail.ru files to overwrite and get version 2.5, which works with DGen

The two glitches I mentioned above are found playing episodes:

Singapore2 of campaign "Pacific War" for IJA.

CoralSea of campaign "Pacific War" for IJN.


Still bad news, sadly. :(

I tested another campaign (Kurland) with DGen, flying Yak-3 for Normandie-Niemen, and had troubles with fuel. Mission was an escort to IL-2 to a target not far, but Shturmovik is slow and suffer of the "Repeat Attack" (Povtorite Ataka!) syndrome, so Yak-3 flew at full throttle all the way, loitering on target waiting for IL-2 to be shot down or getting out of ammo. As a consequence it ran out of fuel close to home airbase, at the end of return trip.

I'm strongly convinced , for the way the game manages AI and missions, that radius of action should be 1/5 of full range - please think it over (obdumyvat').
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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1171 on: August 15, 2015, 10:33:49 AM »

Second and last tranche of new features translation; indeed, previous ones that i posted here were related to version 2.0.2 of Asura's DGen in respect of 2.0.1 - now I'm posting new features of version 2.0.3 in respect of 2.0.2:

Code: [Select]
ATTENTION! Starting with version DGen_mod is not compatible with old seaplane dynamic campaigns. Missions in these campaigns are created with errors. Look for compatible new campaign.

FriendlyAAASkill – sets the skill of friendly anti-aircraft installations.

Available values are:
FriendlyAAASkill = 0 - the value of skill is taken from the campaign template files.
FriendlyAAASkill = 1 - all antiaircraft guns are set to cadet skill.
FriendlyAAASkill = 2 - all antiaircraft guns are set to newbie skill.
FriendlyAAASkill = 3 - all antiaircraft guns are set to veteran skill.
FriendlyAAASkill = 4 - all antiaircraft guns are set to ace skill.

FriendlyShipSkill - sets the skill of friendly ships.

Available values are:
FriendlyShipSkill = 0 - the value of skill is taken from the campaign template files.
FriendlyShipSkill = 1 - all ships are set to cadet skill.
FriendlyShipSkill = 2 - all ships are set to newbie skill.
FriendlyShipSkill = 3 - all ships are set to veteran skill.
FriendlyShipSkill = 4 - all ships are set to ace skill.

EnemyAAASkill - sets the skill of the enemy anti-aircraft installations.

Available values are:
EnemyAAASkill = 0 - the value of skill is taken from the campaign template files.
EnemyAAASkill = 1 - all antiaircraft guns are set to cadet skill.
EnemyAAASkill = 2 - all antiaircraft guns are set to newbie skill.
EnemyAAASkill = 3 - all antiaircraft guns are set to veteran skill.
EnemyAAASkill = 4 - all antiaircraft guns are set to ace skill.

EnemyShipSkill - sets the skill of the enemy ships.

Available values are:
EnemyShipSkill = 0 - the value of skill is taken from the campaign template files.
EnemyShipSkill = 1 - all ships are set to cadet skill.
EnemyShipSkill = 2 - all ships are set to newbie skill.
EnemyShipSkill = 3 - all ships are set to veteran skill.
EnemyShipSkill = 4 - all ships are set to ace skill.

I think there's an error here:

Code: [Select]
New "Types":

HyRecon - reconnaissance seaplane, codes file ops*: Hr, Hx
HyFighter - fighter floatplane, code file ops*: Hf
HyFighterB - fighter-bomber floatplane, the codes file ops*: HfB, Hx
HyPatrol - patrol seaplane, codes file ops*: Hp, Hx
HyTransport - transport seaplane, codes file ops*: Ht
Patrol - land-based patrol aircraft, code file ops*: Pt

Extended Line 1 - defining hydro aerodrome (seaplanes taking off and landing on water):

Code: [Select]
Hydrodrom - a sign that these coordinates are used only for seaplanes.

Extended line 2 - defining airfield, installed on the template (objects 1-5 Test runway in full editor):

Code: [Select]
TText - line from a campaign template with the description of the object. In forming the object of the mission of the template will be identified as an airfield.

Examples of lines in the file:
227154.40; 227056.32; 227981.18; 227753.26; Wissant
492891.43; 279149.20; 494543.12; 279158.80; Rekata_seaplane_base; H
106082.58;113670.38;107002.35;113424.77;B11_Longues > 1_StaticAF ships.Ship$RwyTranspWide 1
106498.44 113560.65 555.00 0.0 0 2 1.0

[ChangeSquad] - not a mandatory section. The mechanism allows the player to transfer to the new squadron. When translating the name of the squadron changes and a new set of colleagues is made, with all the player's merits saved. The algorithm works at the beginning of each episode.

Format section:
episode_name Squadron_old Squadron_new

Sample section:

Moscow_1941_07_14HB 1TBAP 3TBAP

Advanced format string:

Code: [Select]
Key_point - city (key point) of section [Towns] inside file [episode_name].DB. Link to the city in line instructs the generator to seek targets primarily in the area of that city. The option works for static purposes: warehouse, port, city, airport/seaplane base, railway station, an artillery battery, etc.

New code Y:

description - Player's group, starting from airport or seaplane base

gleaned from the file types AllPlaneDB.dat - n/a

maximum number of aircraft - 12

start of route - taking off from the airfield or seaplane base

end of route - landing on the airport or seaplane base

New code Hf:

description - group of fighter floatplanes

gleaned from the file types AllPlaneDB.dat - HyFighter

maximum number of aircraft - 12

start of route - take off from the seaplane base or airstart point

end of route - landing on a seaplane base or airstart point

New code HfB:

description - group of fighter-bomber floatplanes

gleaned from the file types AllPlaneDB.dat - HyFighterB

maximum number of aircraft - 12

start of route - take off from the seaplane base or airstart point

end of route - landing on a seaplane base or airstart point

New code Hx:

description - scramble mission for a group of seaplanes (interception). This group will start at an arbitrary point at a distance of 15 to 20 km from the target, the attack going in the direction of the seaplane base.

gleaned from the file types AllPlaneDB.dat - HyRecon, HyFighterB, HyPatrol

maximum number of aircraft - 12

start of route - start in the air at an arbitrary point

end of route - landing on the seaplane base

New code Ht:

description - group of transport seaplanes

gleaned from the file types AllPlaneDB.dat - HyTransport

maximum number of aircraft - 12

start of route - take off from the seaplane base or airstart point

end of route - landing on a seaplane base or airstart point

New code Hr:

description - group of scout seaplanes

gleaned from the file types AllPlaneDB.dat - HyRecon

maximum number of aircraft - 12

start of route - take off from the seaplane base or airstart point

end of route - landing on a seaplane base or airstart point

New code Hp:

description - group of patrol seaplanes

gleaned from the file types AllPlaneDB.dat - HyPatrol

maximum number of aircraft - 12

start of route - take off from the seaplane base or airstart point

end of route - landing on a seaplane base or airstart point

New code Pt:

description - group of patrol aircraft

gleaned from the file types AllPlaneDB.dat - Patrol

maximum number of aircraft - 12

start of route - take off from the airfield or airstart point

end of route - landing on the airport or airstart point

New classes:

RECON – Scout, available missions: all types of intelligence. (Example of plane now classed as RECON: AR_196A3)

PATROL – Patrol aircraft, available for the missions: attack ground targets of all types (cars and armored columns, trains, ships, battery, warehouses, airfields, bridges, etc.), intelligence, special missions, maritime patrol, search and free hunting of subs. (Example of plane classed as PATROL: CantZ506B). In addition, the "Patrol" role ("Type" as labeled in the Manual) has been added inside the "allPlaneDB.dat"; e.g.:


The new Mission code*: oRedPatrolSeaCluster/oBluePatrolSeaCluster

Mission: maritime zone patrolling

Goal: random naval target

Description: these lines define the player's groups when looking for a enemy naval target. The second group in the string provides cover for the player's one. Enemy groups try to intercept player's group.


Player's group place in the string: 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: yes

Weapons set to attack air targets: no

The new Mission code*: oRedSeaFreeHunt/oBlueSeaFreeHunt

Mission: free hunting for maritime purposes

Goal: random naval target

Description: these lines define the player's groups in finding and attacking maritime enemy targets. The second group in the string provides cover for the player's one. Enemy groups try to intercept player's group.


Player's group place in the string: 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: yes

Weapons set to attack air targets: no

The new Mission code*: oRedAntiSubPatrol/oBlueAntiSubPatrol

Mission: hunt for submarines

Goal: random submarine

Description: these lines define the player's groups in finding and attacking enemy submarines. The second group in the string provides cover for the player's one. Enemy groups try to intercept player's group.


Player's group place in the string: 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: yes

Weapons set to attack air targets: no

The new Mission code*: oRedSeaRescue/oBlueSeaRescue

Mission: search and rescue

Goal: random sea point

Description: these lines define the groups in missions to search for the missing pilot, the corresponding object acting as a target. Groups of opponents sent to the search area try to intercept the player's group.

Player's Aircraft Type: PATROL

Player's group place in the string: 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: no

Weapons set to attack air targets: no

The new Mission code*: oRedBombHyB/oBlueBombHyB

Mission: bombing enemy seaplane base

Goal: random enemy seaplane base

Description: these lines define the composition of the groups in the bombardment of enemy seaplane base. Player's group provides cover for the first attack group. Enemy groups carry out protection of their seaplane base, trying

to intercept the player's group.

Player's Aircraft Type: FIGHTER, LIGHT, ALL

Player's group place in the string: 2nd

Weapons set to attack ground targets: no

Weapons set to attack air targets: no

The new Mission code*: oRedAttackHyB/oBlueAttackHyB

Mission: attack the enemy seaplane base

Goal: random enemy seaplane base

Description: these lines define the player's groups when attacking enemy seaplane base. The second group in the string provides cover for the player's one. Enemy groups carry out protection of their seaplane base, trying to intercept the player's group.


Player's group place in the string: 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: yes

Weapons set to attack air targets: no

The new Mission code*: oBlueDefendHyB/oRedDefendHyB

Mission: defense of friendly seaplane base

Goal: random friendly seaplane base

Description: these lines define the composition of the groups in the defense of friendly seaplane base. Player's group intercepts attacking enemy groups. Enemy groups attack friendly seaplane base.

Player's Aircraft Type: FIGHTER, LIGHT, ALL

Player's group place in the string: 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: no

Weapons set to attack air targets: yes

The new Mission code*: oBluePatrolHyB/oRedPatrolHyB

Mission: patrolling player's seaplane base

Goal: random friendly seaplane base

Description: these lines define the groups patrolling friendly seaplane base. Player's group intercepts enemy aircraft. Groups of opponents are sent to the area of friendly seaplane base.

Player's Aircraft Type: FIGHTER, LIGHT, ALL

Player's group place in the string: 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: no

Weapons set to attack air targets: yes

The new Mission code*: oBlueReconHyB/oRedReconHyB

Mission: enemy seaplane bases reconnaissance

Goal: random enemy seaplane base

Description: these lines define the composition of the groups in the reconnaissance of enemy seaplane bases. The second group in the string provides cover for the player's one. Enemy groups carry out protection of their

seaplane base, trying to intercept the player's group.


Player's group place in the string: 1st

Weapons set to attack ground targets: no

Weapons set to attack air targets: no

*** - Operation "Rhubarb"(© Motorhead):
Operation "Rhubarb" was one of the first offensive operations (along with the Circus), conducted by the Royal Air Force over France since the beginning of 1941. The aim of the operation was to inflict damages to the German facilities and communications using surprise attacks by small groups of planes. Similarly to the "Circus" operations, "Rhubarb" couldn't cause serious damage to the German troops in France, however kept the enemy in suspense.
Plan of Operation "Rhubarb" provided the flight level or the pair of fighters for a free ground hunting for objects in the enemy's backline, with mandatory use of low cloud as a shelter in case of emergence for enemy fighters. The most common operation was performed by two fighters, sometimes four, in this case the second pair can act as a cover. The group was led by an experienced pilot, who chose the target in its sole discretion: cars, trucks, trains, locomotives, aircraft guns. A fine moving staff car could decapitate a whole division.
The pilots of the Royal Air Force did not like the operation "Rhubarb" as Spitfires and Hurricanes were very vulnerable to anti-aircraft fire. In the first of such operation carried out on 12 January 1941 the pilots of 242 Squadron, killed an experienced pilot, Willie Mack Knight, a veteran of the Battle of Britain. Despite the high level of losses, not always paid off by inflicted damages, the operation "Rhubarb" with "Circus" were carried out roughly until 1944.
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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1172 on: August 16, 2015, 03:10:47 PM »


When it will be available??
and the most important... when we enjoy a manual with all this new features??

thank you for your work  ;) ;)

best regards


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1173 on: August 16, 2015, 04:32:21 PM »

When it will be available??

Not sure to have understood.

If you mean the updated DGen, see first post.

About manual, Asura repeatedly complained to have no translator; if you settle, you can append the above translation I made of new features to the good old English Manual and you will have all! ;)
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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1174 on: August 18, 2015, 12:01:44 PM »

When it will be available??

Not sure to have understood.

If you mean the updated DGen, see first post.

About manual, Asura repeatedly complained to have no translator; if you settle, you can append the above translation I made of new features to the good old English Manual and you will have all! ;)
I download this version to many months ago... I refer to the new features like circus mission or the city to attack/defend/etc...
And about the manual, I only need some info like the previous sections and trial & error  :P


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1175 on: August 19, 2015, 01:00:58 AM »

I download this version to many months ago... I refer to the new features like circus mission or the city to attack/defend/etc...
And about the manual, I only need some info like the previous sections and trial & error  :P

Indeed, version 2.0.3 was issued in May, but "Circus" operations were already available with previous version 2.0.2:

also having its manual only in Russian, so many users may have missed it!

"City to attack", as you call it, are a new feature of current 2.0.3

info in previous sections are the sole translation available so far, AFAIK.
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