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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1260 on: October 14, 2020, 02:13:27 AM »

Link to download broken, no files

I did not post and now I can no longer do it.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1261 on: October 14, 2020, 02:21:53 AM »

Roger....I plan to finish German and start French/Britishunits in my next working trip this saturday....I'll return on the next friday and I think that I'll can send something to you for a first evaluation....

This will greatly reduce the time to add new Nations. I want to remind you that in addition to the squadrions list, you still need files with pilot names, city names, awards (with images), military ranks and a set of pilot photos... If you collect all the data, the new nation will be available to create any campaigns - static and dynamic.

In addition to WWI, I plan to add countries for local conflicts of the 20th century.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1262 on: October 14, 2020, 01:18:58 PM »

Code: [Select]
....still need files with pilot names, city names, awards (with images), military ranks and a set of pilot photos... If you collect all the data, the new nation will be available to create any campaigns....
Yes....I'll try to go still further my initial goal (initially only west front countries/units and then all the east countries/units too)....but while I think to be able to deal with pilot names , awards and ranks....I have to think about pilot photos and city names because atm I have no idea how to....this mean that I'll bother for help in the future....



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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1263 on: October 16, 2020, 06:01:24 AM »

I can send an example on one of the Nations - a complete set that is necessary to use the Nation with campaigns.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1264 on: October 18, 2020, 02:53:53 PM »

I can send an example on one of the Nations - a complete set that is necessary to use the Nation with campaigns.

That's 'll be really a welcomed aid....



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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1265 on: October 19, 2020, 02:00:01 AM »


Example of a complete dataset to add a new Nation


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1266 on: October 26, 2020, 03:02:38 AM »

Thanks....just downloaded.... I'll take a look this evening....

Btw....German and Austro-Hungarian units 'll be finished this week....then British and French....

I can't find useful information about Imperial Russian Air Service units....I discovered only that there should be about 90....


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1267 on: October 28, 2020, 01:01:57 AM »

My plan to add the Nations to the generator:

id Индия - India                                   
ve Вьетнам (СРВ) - Vietnam (SRV)                   
ar Аргентина - Argentina                           
eg Египет - Egipet                                 
sy Сирия - Syria                                   
li Ливия - Libya                                   
ir Ирак - Iraq                                     
jo Иордания - Jordan                               
re Российская Империя (WWI) - Russian Empire (WWI)
ff Франция (WWI) - France (WWI)                   
gg Великобритания (WWI) -  United Kingdom (WWI)   
im Италия (WWI) - Italy (WWI)                     

pk Пакистан - Pakistan                         
sv Южный Вьетнам - South Vietnam               
is Израиль  - Israil                           
di Германия (WWI) - Germany (WWI)             
av Австро-Венгрия (WWI) - Austria-Hungary (WWI)
rd Белое движение - White movement             
uo Украина (1918-1919)   - Ukraine (1918-1919)   


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1268 on: October 28, 2020, 12:35:59 PM »

I'll report my code/country association in the next few hours....I have edited the country.ini to keep it compatible with bat....if possible to add the same association....all squadrons file can be used and compatible.....


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1269 on: October 28, 2020, 02:56:38 PM »

Hi again....here we are....

Well....your plan is:

Code: [Select]
id Индия - India                                   
ve Вьетнам (СРВ) - Vietnam (SRV)                   
ar Аргентина - Argentina                           
eg Египет - Egipet                                 
sy Сирия - Syria                                   
li Ливия - Libya                                   
ir Ирак - Iraq                                     
jo Иордания - Jordan                               
re Российская Империя (WWI) - Russian Empire (WWI)
ff Франция (WWI) - France (WWI)                   
gg Великобритания (WWI) -  United Kingdom (WWI)   
im Италия (WWI) - Italy (WWI)                     

pk Пакистан - Pakistan                         
sv Южный Вьетнам - South Vietnam               
is Израиль  - Israil                           
di Германия (WWI) - Germany (WWI)             
av Австро-Венгрия (WWI) - Austria-Hungary (WWI)
rd Белое движение - White movement             
uo Украина (1918-1919)   - Ukraine (1918-1919)

SAS BAT is in this settings (for sure in WAW and JTW not sure for TGA)

Code: [Select]
allies Allies
axis   Axis

nn None


de Germany
fi Finland
fr France
gb RAF
hu Hungary
it Italy
ja IJA

pl Poland
ro Romania
sk Slovakia
un USN
rn RN
in IJN
du NL


yu Yugoslavia RYAF
ab Abyssinia
be Belgium
br Brazil
sa South Africa
cn China
cz Czechoslovakia
il Italy (ICAF) Allied
rl Romania Allied
fl Finland Allied
gr Greece
dd German Democratic Republic
hy Hungary (red sided)
mg Managua
nl Netherlands (LV Europe)
es Spain Republican
re Russian Empire
ch Switzerland
bl Bulgaria (Allied)
ap Partisan
id India
no Norway
pt Portugal
at Austria
bo Bolivia
mx Mexico
dk Denmark
ph Philippines
pe Peru
ur Uruguay
is Israel
kr Korea South (Red)

ct Canada

//Duplicate (no static plane markings available in FMB) from blue to red

ix Iraq (Red)

//New Country red

az Angola
mz Mozambique

//New Country red for CLASS

cx China Red(PLA post 1945)
kx Korea North (Red)
sx Syria (Red)
ex Egypt (Red)

rd Ukraine



sp Spain Nationalist
ar Argentina
bg Bulgaria
hr Croatia
co Colombia
ee Estonia
ir Iran
an Italy (ANR, 1943-45)
mk Manchukuo
lv Latvia
lt Lithuania
pa Paraguay
pn Poland (Axis)
pk Pakistan
rb Russian Liberation Army
tk Turkey
sw Sweden
vi France Vichy
ik Iraq
cc China (PLA post 1945)
kp Korea North (Blue)
sy Syria
eg Egypt

//Duplicate (no static plane markings available in FMB) from red to blue

pq Portugal (Blue)
aq Austria (Blue)
mq Mexico (Blue)
dq Denmark (Blue)
pw Philippines (Blue)
pz Peru (Blue)
uq Uruguay (Blue)
gq Greece (Blue)
tw Taiwan (Blue)
fc Finland (Postwar)

//New country blue

ss South Africa (Postwar)
sb South Africa (Republic)

//New country blue for CLASS

cq Canada (Postwar)
iq Israel (Blue)
kq Korea South (Blue)

vb RAF (Postwar)
na USA (Postwar)

bu Ukraine (Postwar)

//New RED

do Indonesia
ho Honduras
le Lebanon
jo Jordan
cu Cuba

sl Syldavia
nv Vietnam (North)
ng Nigeria

al Albania
cr Costa Rica
vz Venezuala
ag Algeria
ci Chile
eh Ethiopia
ly Libya
bt Botswana
ug Uganda
su Saudi Arabia
cm Cambodia
mm Myanmar

//New BLUE

ni Nicaragua
el El Salvador
my Malaysia
si Singapore
as RAAF (Postwar)
nz RNZAF (Postwar)
gp Germany (Postwar)

vn Vietnam (South)
cv Costa-Verde
bi Biafra
bd Borduria

ad Ireland
pm Panama
gl Guatemala
mr Morocco
et Eritrea

//sideswitch for HSFX compatibility

th Thailand
ty Thailand (Postwar)

//added from HSFX

yp Yugoslavia JKRV

While SAS BAT for DOF is in this condition

Code: [Select]
allies Red
axis   Blue

//nn The First World War


de Luftstreitkräfte
//de Germany
//fi Finland
fr  Aéronautique Militaire
//fr France
gb Royal Flying Corps
//gb RAF
hu K.u.K. Luftfahrtruppen
//hu Hungary
//it Regia Aeronautica
//ja IJA

//pl Poland
//ro Romania
//sk Slovakia
ru Imperial Russian Air Service
//ru USSR
us A.E.F. Air Service
//us USAAF
//un USN
//um USMC Signal Corps
ra Australian Flying Corps
//ra RAAF
//rz RNZAF
rn Royal Naval Air Service
//rn RN
//in IJN
//du NL


//yu Yugoslavia RYAF
//ab Abyssinia
be Belgian Air Service
//be Belgium
//br Brazil
//sa South Africa
//cn China
//cz Czechoslovakia
il Corpo Aeronautico Militare
//il Aeronautica Militare
//il Italy (ICAF) Allied
//rl Romania Allied
//fl Finland Allied
gr Ellinikì Aeroporìa
//gr Greece
//dd German Democratic Republic
//hy Hungary (red sided)
//mg Managua
//nl Netherlands (LV Europe)
//es Spain Republican
//re Russian Empire
//ch Switzerland
//bl Bulgaria (Allied)
//ap Partisan
//id India
//no Norway
//pt Portugal
//at Austria
//bo Bolivia
//mx Mexico
//dk Denmark
//ph Philippines
//pe Peru
//ur Uruguay
//is Israel
//kr Korea South (Red)

//ct Canada

//Duplicate (no static plane markings available in FMB) from blue to red

//ix Iraq (Red)

//New Country red

//az Angola
//mz Mozambique

//New Country red for CLASS

//cx China Red(PLA post 1945)
//kx Korea North (Red)
//sx Syria (Red)
//ex Egypt (Red)

//rd Generic Red



//sp Spain Nationalist
//ar Argentina
//bg Bulgaria
//hr Croatia
//co Colombia
//ee Estonia
//ir Iran
//an Italy (ANR, 1943-45)
//mk Manchukuo
//lv Latvia
//lt Lithuania
//pa Paraguay
//pn Poland (Blue)
//pk Pakistan
//rb Russian Liberation Army
tk Ottoman Aviation Squadrons
//tk Turkey
//sw Sweden
//vi France Vichy
//ik Iraq
//cc China (PLA post 1945)
//kp Korea North (Blue)
//sy Syria
//eg Egypt

//Duplicate (no static plane markings available in FMB) from red to blue

//pq Portugal (Blue)
//aq Austria (Blue)
//mq Mexico (Blue)
//dq Denmark (Blue)
//pw Philippines (Blue)
//pz Peru (Blue)
//uq Uruguay (Blue)
//gq Greece (Blue)
//tw Taiwan (Blue)
//fc Finland (Postwar)

//New country blue

//ss South Africa (Postwar)
//sb South Africa (Republic)

//New country blue for CLASS

//cq Canada (Postwar)
//iq Israel (Blue)
//kq Korea South (Blue)

//vb RAF (Postwar)
//na USA (Postwar)

//bu Generic Blue

//New RED

//do Indonesia
//ho Honduras
//le Lebanon
//jo Jordan
//cu Cuba

//sl Syldavia
//nv Vietnam (North)
//ng Nigeria

//al Albania
//cr Costa Rica
//vz Venezuela
//ag Algeria
//ci Chile
//eh Ethiopia
//ly Libya
//bt Botswana
//ug Uganda
//su Saudi Arabia
cm IJA Air Corps
//cm Cambodia
mm IJN Air Service
//mm Myanmar

//cj Czech National Uprising

//New BLUE

//ni Nicaragua
//el El Salvador
//my Malaysia
//si Singapore
//as RAAF (Postwar)
//nz RNZAF (Postwar)
//gp Germany (Postwar)

//vn Vietnam (South)
//cv Costa-Verde
//bi Biafra
//bd Borduria

//ad Ireland
//pm Panama
//gl Guatemala
//mr Morocco
//et Eritrea

//sideswitch for HSFX compatibility

//th Thailand
//ty Thailand (Postwar)

//added from HSFX

yp Srpska Avijatika
//yp Yugoslavia JRV (Jugoslovensko Ratno vazduhoplovstvo)
//ca RCAF

While my DOF Squadrons reconstruction is in this state (reorganized and ordered for better understandig of what is what....maybe a little retouch to separate STOCK nation from MODDED nations can be useful):

Code: [Select]
allies Red
axis   Blue

// NEUTRAL FACTION maybe useful for civilian aircraft

//nn The First World War
//nn none (blue)

//gg The First World War
//gg none (red)

// ALL NATIONS AVAILABLE (please don't use this section to manage in game countries)

//ab Abyssinia
//ad Ireland
//ag Algeria
//al Albania
//an Italy Axis (ANR)
//ap Partisan
//aq Austria (Blue)
//ar Argentina
//as Australia (Postwar)
//at Austria (Red)
//az Angola
//bd Borduria
//be Belgium
//bg Bulgaria
//bi Biafra
//bl Bulgaria (Allied)
//bo Bolivia
//br Brazil
//bt Botswana
//bu Generic Blue
//ca China (RCAF)
//cc China (PLA) (Blue)
//ch Switzerland
//ci Chile
//cj Czech National Uprising
//cm Cambodia
//cn China (early PLA) (Red)
//co Colombia
//cq Canada (Postwar)
//cr Costa Rica
//ct Canada
//cu Cuba
//cv Costa-Verde
//cx China (PLA) (Red)
//cz Czechoslovakia
//dd Germany (Postwar) (DDR)
//de Germany Axis
//dk Denmark (Red)
//do Indonesia
//dq Denmark (Blue)
//du Netherlands (East Indies)
//ee Estonia
//eg Egypt (Blue)
//eh Ethiopia
//el El Salvador
//es Spain (Republicans)
//et Eritrea
//ex Egypt (Red)
//fc Finland (Postwar)
//fi Finland Axis
//fl Finland Allied
//fr France
//gb Great Britain Allied (RAF)
//gl Guatemala
//gm Germany (Marine Aviation)
//gn Germany (Unified)
//gp Germany (Postwar) (BRD)
//gq Greece (Blue)
//gr Greece (Red)
//ho Honduras
//hr Croatia
//hu Hungary (Blue)
//hy Hungary (Red)
//id India
//ik Iraq
//il Italy (AMI)
//il Italy Allied (ICAF)
//in IJN
//iq Israel (Blue)
//ir Iran
//is Israel (Red)
//it Italy Axis (Regia Aeronautica)
//ix Iraq (Red)
//ja IJA
//jo Jordan
//kp Korea North (Blue)
//kq Korea South (Blue)
//kr Korea South (Red)
//kx Korea North (Red)
//le Lebanon
//lt Lithuania
//lv Latvia
//ly Libya
//mg Managua
//mk Manchukuo
//mm Myanmar
//mq Mexico (Blue)
//mr Morocco
//mx Mexico (Red)
//my Malaysia
//mz Mozambique
//na USA (Postwar)
//ng Nigeria
//ni Nicaragua
//nl Netherlands (Europe)
//no Norway
//nv Vietnam (North)
//nz New Zealand (Postwar)
//pa Paraguay
//pe Peru
//ph Philippines (Red)
//pk Pakistan
//pl Poland (Red)
//pm Panama
//pn Poland (Blue)
//pq Portugal (Blue)
//pt Portugal (Red)
//pw Philippines (Blue)
//pz Peru (Blue)
//ra Australia (RAAF)
//rb Russian Liberation Army
//rd Generic Red
//re Russian Empire
//rl Romania Allied
//rn Royal Navy (GB)
//ro Romania Axis
//ru Russia (USSR)
//rz New Zealand (RNZAF)
//sa South Africa Allied
//sb South Africa (Postwar Republic)
//si Singapore
//sk Slovakia
//sl Syldavia
//sp Spain (Nationalists)
//sr Serbia
//ss South Africa (Postwar Union)
//su Saudi Arabia
//sw Sweden
//sx Syria (Red)
//sy Syria (Blue)
//th Thailand Axis
//tk Turkey
//tw Taiwan (Blue)
//ty Thailand (Postwar)
//ug Uganda
//um USA (USMC)
//un USA (USN)
//uq Uruguay (Blue)
//ur Uruguay
//us USA (USAAF)
//vb Great Britain (RAF Postwar)
//vi France Vichy
//vn Vietnam (South)
//vz Venezuela
//yb Yugoslavia (Postwar JRV) (Blue)
//yp Yugoslavia (Postwar JRV) (Red)
//yu Yugoslavia Allied (RYAAF)

So , in definitive if possible can you consider to code:

India : id
North Vietnam : nv
South Vietnam : vn
Argentina : ar
Egypt (blue) : eg
Egypt (red) : ex
Syria (blue) : sy
Syria (red) : sx
Libya : ly
Iraq (blue) : ik
Iraq (red) : ix
Jordan : jo
Russian Empire (WWI) : re
France (WWI): fr*
United Kingdom (WWI) : gb*
Italy (WWI) : it*
Pakistan : pk
Israel (red) : is
Israel (blue) : iq
Germany (WWI) : de*
Austria-Hungary (WWI) : hu (the code 'at' still possible because I'm doing those units right now)
White movement : wr
Ukraine (1918-1919) : uo

* Those nation are used also in DOF because the game engine for campaign recognize them....I'm adding unit with the same codes so them can be listed and used for campaign and keep compatibility for missions....


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1270 on: October 29, 2020, 01:24:56 AM »

Code "gb*" will not work in the generator. Only two characters are possible to define a nation. I may make a separate mod for generator and BAT compatibility across the available nations.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1271 on: October 29, 2020, 08:33:27 AM »

Code "gb*" will not work in the generator. Only two characters are possible to define a nation. I may make a separate mod for generator and BAT compatibility across the available nations.

Sorry * is only to give you a reference at the text below....not a symbol to be included in the country code...

""* Those nation are used also in DOF because the game engine for campaign recognize them....I'm adding unit with the same codes so them can be listed and used for campaign and keep compatibility for missions....""

Code: [Select]
Read this way for the *

France (WWI): fr
United Kingdom (WWI) : gb
Italy (WWI) : it
Germany (WWI) : de
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