I had a possibility to carry out the next two weeks on the bank of the warm sea and I will use it.

That you didn't miss -
https://www.mediafire.com/?yskdgw89a8jo734 the test, transitional version to future 2.0 here lies from It is not finished version and it is intended for founders of campaigns and enthusiasts. The program completely wasn't tested yet and in it precisely there are mistakes but which can what be tried. To be exact:
1. Division into Pacific/not Pacific completely is absent - all files of campaigns are processed by one incorporated algorithm. As a base branch Pacific branch is chosen.
2. More than one departure in day available to all campaigns.
3. Absolutely new algorithm of selection is more whole, now it depends only on radius of flight of each plane which has been set in FM.
4. Data from FM are stored in the new AllPlaneDB.dat file which while is filled with test values. It will contain the correct values in version 2.0 from FM.
That isn't completed yet:
1. The system of briefings doesn't work - it too should be united.
2. Procedures of creation of routes for the incorporated version aren't adjusted.
3. The program practically wasn't tested.
I will prepare changes in the instruction on new possibilities while the basic - for formation of mission by the main file is now the ops file. Algorithm of work such:
1. Calculation of all is more whole on map available in flight radius.
2. Reading ops file and creation of the list available to mission: line of the ops file + quantity of the suitable purposes not equally to zero.
3. A choice in a random way such as mission.
Key points don't participate any more in a choice of the purposes. They are used only as the purpose "Town"
Besides I changed the list of available parameters in the ops file - added a number of possibilities. I will describe in the instruction in more detail.
After rest I will continue work on version 2.0, remained not much.