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Author Topic: Project DGen_mod  (Read 393249 times)

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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #432 on: December 19, 2012, 03:43:06 AM »

Please check that the "only one aircraft per mission type" bug is solved, because that's why I stopped testing the previous version

Remind, please, of what speech? While developed the new version about old mistakes I forgot a little. :)


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #433 on: December 19, 2012, 08:10:44 AM »

Please check that the "only one aircraft per mission type" bug is solved, because that's why I stopped testing the previous version

Remind, please, of what speech? While developed the new version about old mistakes I forgot a little. :)
On the Normandy map, using your DGEN, if you play a campaign, the type of AI plane which is chosen for a particular mission is always the first one on the plane.dat list.
For instance, in Boelcke's RAF campaign, the first german aircraft listed with "intercept" mission is the Bf110.
So, whenever you must fly a campiagn over France, your ennemy (in charge of "intercepting" your flight or the planes you are escorting)  is always Bf110.
If instead of Bf110 I put Bf109G6 on the list, the ennemy will always be 109G6 ...


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #434 on: December 19, 2012, 08:44:17 AM »

The AllPlaneDB.dat one file also is used for all campaigns. In it the main data on planes are collected:
Name;Def. Faction;Def. Nation;Flyable;Type 1;Type 2;Type 3;Type 4;fmRange;fmCruiseSpeed;fmFuelMass (kg);DT1FuelMass;DT2FuelMass;DT3FuelMass

if the AllPlaneDB.dat is used for all campaigns it´s impossible to change altitudes, speed, atc for one particular campaign or subcampaign without changing it for all the other campaigns?


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #435 on: December 19, 2012, 10:49:28 PM »

On the Normandy map, using your DGEN, if you play a campaign, the type of AI plane which is chosen for a particular mission is always the first one on the plane.dat list.
For instance, in Boelcke's RAF campaign, the first german aircraft listed with "intercept" mission is the Bf110.
So, whenever you must fly a campiagn over France, your ennemy (in charge of "intercepting" your flight or the planes you are escorting)  is always Bf110.
If instead of Bf110 I put Bf109G6 on the list, the ennemy will always be 109G6 ...

This problem is corrected, now really casual choice of planes.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #436 on: December 19, 2012, 10:56:39 PM »

if the AllPlaneDB.dat is used for all campaigns it´s impossible to change altitudes, speed, atc for one particular campaign or subcampaign without changing it for all the other campaigns?

And why to change the speed and height for different campaigns? What does it give? Plane speed on a straight line is connected with fuel consumption and as a rule without an urgent need it didn't exceed. Flight height generally depends on a fighting task, and respectively on arms. Opportunity to establish height for each type of the weapon is present. It is important to understand that height and speed are set only for flight on a route. In case of collision with the opponent planes AI starts operating and these parameters already mean nothing. It is really necessary to change the speed and height for each campaign?


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #437 on: December 20, 2012, 01:01:14 AM »

Sorry Asura, but in my opinion dropping the xxxplanes.dat files is a big mistake. Without the ability to have individuel speed and altitude settings for each sub-campaign many of my campaigns will no longer work correctly.
A few examples. With the altitude settings I can influence the behaviour of bombers. With a low altitude setting I can force dive bombers to act like level bombers or fighter bombers, which they did in some situations. Moreover in different theaters of WW2 fighting took place at different altitudes. In Russia usually at low to medium altitudes, but in western Europe or over Japan at much higher altitudes.
The speed settings are very important too. In some campaigns it is necessary to give enemy planes low speed settings, to prevent them from reaching their target area too early, otherwise they might not encounter the players flight. On large maps like the Solomons low speeds are necessary to avoid running out of fuel on long range missions.

Please reconsider your decision concerning the xxxplanes.dat files.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #438 on: December 20, 2012, 01:10:00 AM »

And why to change the speed and height for different campaigns? What does it give?

it does give an interesting campaign with interesting missions - this decision is a big fault in my opinion

Starshoy has added the planes.dat files feature after a request from some campaign builders and it was one of the best features in the stock dgen.exe file.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #439 on: December 20, 2012, 01:29:55 AM »

And why to change the speed and height for different campaigns?
Because it is historical :
Spitfire Mk IX (and most western front aircraft) flew at high altitude in 1943, much lower after DDay, because of the context of the war.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #440 on: December 20, 2012, 02:03:56 AM »

To tell the truth how the dynamic campaigns player never attached significance at what height the AI planes and with what speed fly. :)

I can propose such solution. After selection of the plane and arms selection I can look at xxxplanes.dat of the current campaign (if it is). To find there lines at which the Nation, the Type and Arms coincide with what are selected by new algorithm. If such lines are - I will take from them speed and height parameters. If such lines aren't present - parameters of their AllWeapons.dat and AllPlaneDB.dat files will be used.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #441 on: December 20, 2012, 02:14:04 AM »

And please don't forget the weapons in the xxxplanes.dat file. For example it would be incorrect to have rockets on a Me-262 in 1944. That's another reason why the xxxplanes.dat files are needed.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #442 on: December 20, 2012, 02:32:03 AM »

And please don't forget the weapons in the xxxplanes.dat file. For example it would be incorrect to have rockets on a Me-262 in 1944. That's another reason why the xxxplanes.dat files are needed.

It can be done - to exclude from selection which arms isn't present in xxxplanes.dat.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #443 on: December 20, 2012, 03:05:58 AM »

Thank you.  :)
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