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Author Topic: Project DGen_mod  (Read 393081 times)

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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #912 on: April 04, 2014, 11:13:06 AM »

especially the "missiondistance" , it is very frustrating having to play one mission per day. If you want to start in Poland 1939, before arriving in Berlin 1945 you will have to play 6.000 missions.

What you're talking about is a function of the mission schedule in a campaign's .DB files, and is not affected by Mission Distance.  Mission Distance only sets a preference of the distance flown to an objective on the map.

sorry, I meant mission length


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #913 on: April 04, 2014, 03:47:52 PM »

Any plans about making the RandomFlights and MissionDistance parameters work again?

I would only point out that RandomFlights is not at all missing: it is harmonized with AirIntensity. That's to say that random flights are still generated, just tied in quantity to general aerial activity. Perusing DGen_mod.log, for instance, often you may notice that a "vulcher" flight may be generated close to player's starting base, simulating an unpredicted enemy attack (of course, I'm not speaking of scramble missions). I think this is an improvement in respect of previous one, as well as the original DGen RandomFlights option, since it is not a "customary" staff flight, soon landing after mission start, and of no significance in mission deployment.

The RandomFlights function often generated more than just the staff flights you refer to, and they were a minority of random flights created.  Moreover, no matter how insignificant they might seem to the actual mission, those "returning" staff flights still added a level of immersion to the game that is now missing.

The problem with tying the random flights function with air intensity is that in order for the player to see random flights generated during campaigns, he must also increase the quantity of elements of flights that are directly called for in the ops file.  Frankly, with AirIntensity set to high, I'm still not seeing random flights, while the mission-specific flights (the flights and numbers of aircraft specifically called up for in the ops file) are certainly altered.

The latter is not always desirable, especially for European campaigns, and particularly for certain phases of air combat on the Eastern Front.

Firstly, when using the default DGen, and with AirIntensity and RandomFlights being separate functions, increasing Air Intensity actually decreased the chance of seeing random flights generated, even if RandomFlights is set at 5.  There is no indication given that this situation has been rectified in any version of the DGen mod.  Secondly, eluding to European and Eastern Front campaigns, increasing AirIntensity is not always desirable from an aesthetic, "feel of the mission" point of view, depending on the campaign design.  Usually mission designers set up the ops files according to how they want the actual misison-specific flights to be generated, with AirIntensity set to normal, and letting DGen take care of extra generated random flights with RandomFlights set to 5.  Setting AirIntensity to High increases not only the number of aircraft in an element, but increases the number of elements within a flight as well (i.e. 4Y becomes 4Y 4F; 2F becomes 3F 3F; 6F becomes 4F 4F, etc.).  Obviously, in addition to reducing the chances that random flights are generated, this significantly skews the composition of the mission-specific flights on both sides, and this effect is not always desired, depending on how the designer aims to make a particular phase of the campaign feel.

Everything changes on Pacific campaigns (or any campaign using the pacific mission generation mechanics).  In the default DGen, RandomFlights did not function for Pacific campaigns, while AirIntensity still functioned.  However, the campaign designer could assign more than one mission a day for Pacific campaigns, something that could not be done for European campaigns.  I'm only speculating based on my own experiences using it, but it seems as though DGen Mod uses the Pacific mission generation mechanics for both Pacific and European campaigns, while doing away with the European mechanics (and it's benefit of generating random flights) altogether.

There is a level of flexibility in having separate functions for AirIntensity and RandomFlights that is now lacking in the current setup of tying them together under one switch, which is presumably "have them both or not at all".  With AirIntensity set to Normal and RandomFlights set to 5 (for both the default config and the DGen mod config), I fly Eastern Front campaigns on both the latest default DGen (v4.0.8.7), and the latest DGen mod, and I can assure you that the level of random flights generated on the default generator is much more apparent than on mission generated from the mod DGen, where random flights don't seem to ever appear.  This is also the case when I set the DGen mod config AirIntensity to high; As expected, I get more aircraft in mission-specific flights, but still no random flights that are out doing their own thing.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #914 on: April 05, 2014, 02:08:03 AM »

Frankly, with AirIntensity set to high, I'm still not seeing random flights

Speaking of DGen_mod, I'm getting random flights with AirIntensity set to Low.

However, the campaign designer could assign more than one mission a day for Pacific campaigns, something that could not be done for European campaigns.

It's a while that I'm no more using stock DGen, but AFAIK third number in each [Schedule] row works for both ETO and PTO as follows:

negative (e.g.: -1) = night mission
null (i.e.: 0) = dawn or dusk mission
positive (e.g.: 2) = number of missions in that day

There is a level of flexibility in having separate functions for AirIntensity and RandomFlights that is now lacking in the current setup of tying them together under one switch

Of course. Also, I agree about avoiding to alter AirIntensity, when possible.
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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #915 on: April 05, 2014, 05:38:11 AM »

I just wanted to say that RandomFlights is only partially working at the moment. I am not sure, but I think the setting is always RandomFlights=3, no matter what number is used in the DGen_mod.ini file. But don't worry, the RandomFlights option and a number of other things are on Asura's things-to-do list.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #916 on: April 05, 2014, 10:42:12 AM »

I am trying to add DO 335 V13 to the russian fighter campaign (dont ask me why I want to do this...)
I have changed the ALLPLANES.dat to make the fighter allies-USSR (used definition from another fighter basically)
I then added it to the planesRUF.dat
I can see the plane and able to select it in the campaign creation menu
I am able to generate campaign with the fighter

The troubles start when I am about to launch the mission :
1) I cannot select "Arming" menu, the button clicks but nothing happens
2) when I launch the mission, I stare at a tree with no plane being spawned (I assume). I am unable to control anything/fire guns etc.

What am I missing?

Also, I am running UP3 which has flyable B-17, I tried adding B_17G to the AllClasses as well as changing B17 to USSR, to be able to use it in the USSR heavy bomber campaign, but :

- I am unable to select the plane from the drop down menu when I generate the campaign
- When I force the plane through adding it to the already made campaign (conf and status edits) the Dgen crashes with error message that "The plane cannot be found in AllClasses.dat". While the plane is there, is flyable, and I checked the spelling which is correct (as I was copy pasting, not writing it myself).


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #917 on: April 06, 2014, 02:09:29 AM »

I am trying to add DO 335 V13 to the russian fighter campaign

AFAIK, adding a new plane to DGen_mod inventory to have it flyable in relevant campaigns requires following steps:

1). Edit AllPlaneDB.dat adding related string (BTW, Do 335V-13 is already included in DGen_mod!) wherever you want (preferably in alphabetical order):

Code: [Select]
2). Edit AllWeapons.dat adding all required rows (one for each available ordnance, including "default" and "none"):

Code: [Select]

This is where I too stumbled earlier; missing rows cause the plane starting mission at low level, with its engines off, soon crashing.

3). Edit AllClasses.dat (mandatory only if that plane is set flyable in AllPlaneDB.dat) adding relevant row:

Code: [Select]
Good luck!
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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #918 on: April 06, 2014, 02:37:57 AM »

Thanks for your answer!

I am doing pretty much exactly what you said,
AllPlaneDB :

AllClasses :
<Default DO line>

AllWeapons :
<Already had entries for DO and B17, which I left as default>

That is my current setup which results in the issues I mentioned earlier.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #919 on: April 07, 2014, 12:02:39 AM »


do you mean you replaced existing lines in AllPlaneDB and added B_17G to AllClasses?

If yes, you didn't need really all that: you can set in campaigns any plane at any side and any nation, indeed (e.g.: I've in my campaigns Hurricane I, which is Axis, set to Allies, with no changes in AllPlaneDB), you just should set "1" (for "flyable") in B_17G row (in addition to adding the line for this latter to AllClasses, as you already did).

Honestly, I think error relies elsewhere in your campaign construction; you may still try semplifying as I mentioned the two files, then, if error persist, still try asking (although personally I fear to be unable to help).


P.S.: did you make a [episode_name]Planes.dat file?
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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #920 on: April 07, 2014, 01:41:03 PM »

I just wanted to say that RandomFlights is only partially working at the moment. I am not sure, but I think the setting is always RandomFlights=3, no matter what number is used in the DGen_mod.ini file. But don't worry, the RandomFlights option and a number of other things are on Asura's things-to-do list.

I appreciate this, Juri.  It is consistent with what I have been experiencing.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #921 on: April 23, 2014, 11:16:31 AM »

Hi all
In a 4.12.2 HSFX7.0.2 with Assura last version

I'm creating a pair of campaigns about german jets over the Ardennas. WF44 map
I have created all the neccesary files and the campaign it's running for the Me262A2(debugging phase) but with the Ar234 doesnt work even load.
When I select the campaign the screen only show the background... nothing!!! No beep
In essence are the same files, only change the ops file, to test it I only use this: oDeBombBridge, oDeBombTown, oBlueFTransfer.

I have set the AllClasses file to AR_234B2;true;BOMBER;0;0;0

I don't know WTF is going on... Can someone help me?
thanks in advance


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #922 on: April 23, 2014, 11:46:31 AM »

Hi all
In a 4.12.2 HSFX7.0.2 with Assura last version

I'm creating a pair of campaigns about german jets over the Ardennas. WF44 map
I have created all the neccesary files and the campaign it's running for the Me262A2(debugging phase) but with the Ar234 doesnt work even load.
When I select the campaign the screen only show the background... nothing!!! No beep
In essence are the same files, only change the ops file, to test it I only use this: oDeBombBridge, oDeBombTown, oBlueFTransfer.

I have set the AllClasses file to AR_234B2;true;BOMBER;0;0;0

I don't know WTF is going on... Can someone help me?
thanks in advance

oDeBombBridge and oDeBombTown aren't ground attack missions, they are bomber escorts. You have to use oDeAttackxxx missions in your ops file. Moreover oDeFTransfer is only for fighters, you will need oDeBTransfer.

I don't think it is necessary to change the AllClasses file. It is better not to touch any of the files in the DGen\MOD folder. 


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #923 on: April 23, 2014, 12:06:00 PM »

Thanks for this fast answer Juri...
But after change all the ops for that you say, and let the MOD folder like the original, the outcome its the same.
After select the campaign, rank and settings, press start...and only the background screen, nothing happends.. :(

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