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Author Topic: Project DGen_mod  (Read 393254 times)

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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #420 on: December 03, 2012, 12:36:46 PM »

 :) :)  ;)


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #421 on: December 18, 2012, 06:44:39 AM »

Hi, everybody. :)

I finished the main work on DGen_MOD 2.0 and began the first testing. While debugging of the program will be carried out and preparation of beta of the version I will start acquainting with features of the new version gradually.

1 . It is completely integrated option of the generator - I cleaned all double procedures and copied a code, having taken the best and unique from branches FB and Pacific. All main opportunities are available now isn't dependent on a battlefield. While there was a division into avianosny and overland options, but I will surely clean this restriction the following versions.

2 . I completely changed algorithm of calculation of radius of search of the purposes - now it isn't attached to key points and works according to the radius of flight from FM.

3 . I completely changed algorithms of selection of planes in mission and arms selection:
 - the AllPlanes.dat files and *Planes.dat aren't used any more.
 - are added the AllPlaneDB.dat file in which all necessary information on planes and the AllWeapons.dat file which is a matrix of a choice of arms depending on type of a fighting task is collected. I will in detail describe these files in documentation.

4 . I changed available versions of information in section [Planes] of the DB files:

Old format
10 F4U1A
10 F4U1D SSkin.bmp WSkin.bmp
probability of emergence and plane name, summer and winter skin.

New format - option 1
Allies England 10 F6F5 - can set now a plane nationality forcibly

New format - option 2
Allies England 10 F6F5 --Reconplane - can in addition set plane type (in this example of F6F5 will appear only as the scout)
10 F6F5 SSkin.bmp WSkin.bmp --Reconplane

all combinations work.

Now such option is possible:
Axis Germany 45 BF_109G6
Axis Italy 45 BF_109G6
57 BF_109G6Late
Allies USSR 57 BF_109G6Late

These planes will appear at the same time in missions with the established nationalities.

For today while everything, I will continue to acquaint with new opportunities in the next few days. :)


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #422 on: December 18, 2012, 07:20:06 AM »

looks great


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #423 on: December 18, 2012, 07:54:31 AM »

Yes!!! 8) :D



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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #424 on: December 18, 2012, 08:32:48 AM »

3 . I completely changed algorithms of selection of planes in mission and arms selection:
 - the AllPlanes.dat files and *Planes.dat aren't used any more.
 - are added the AllPlaneDB.dat file in which all necessary information on planes and the AllWeapons.dat file which is a matrix of a choice of arms depending on type of a fighting task is collected. I will in detail describe these files in documentation.

hm, perhaps i misunderstand this, but does this mean that the xxxxplanes.dat files are useless now? it´s today a very very important feature to tune the missions for each particular campaign/subcampaign - is the new AllPlaneDB.dat used by all campaigns or one for each subcampaign separate?


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #425 on: December 19, 2012, 12:09:58 AM »

hm, perhaps i misunderstand this, but does this mean that the xxxxplanes.dat files are useless now? it´s today a very very important feature to tune the missions for each particular campaign/subcampaign - is the new AllPlaneDB.dat used by all campaigns or one for each subcampaign separate?

As it stands the xxxxplanes.dat files carry out two functions:
1 . Selection of necessary arms.
2 . Selection of the plane for type, thus selection is carried out on the plane nation. Further from the nation of the plane squad is selected and identification marks by planes are defined.

Still in the generator there were many types of planes the majority from which weren't used or in the generator united in one type (for example AFighter, FBomberL, FBomberM - all this equaled FBomber). I consider that it brought confusion in understanding of how the generator works and that it does. Besides - the xxxxplanes.dat files were very big, but in them at most 10% of information were used.

I solved a problem of selection of arms in the AllWeapons.dat file. Here its piece:

It is a matrix in which all arms available to the plane are transferred, whether and values 0/1 define it can be used at attack of definite purposes. For example motorcades and trains or ships or tanks, etc.

New procedure will place the correct arms, besides all lines of the file and not just the first line participate in selection as was earlier. Respectively automatic selection of arms will be more various.

Also I cleaned use of the types aSoft, aShip, aTank, etc. If to approach to a question it is correct, absolutely not important who operates plane - the player or AI. The weapon has to get out by the identical principle and now selection is carried out by one procedure.

Whether authors of campaigns shouldn't think any more they added a line with the necessary weapon in xxxxplanes.dat or not. All settings are already made.

Now the second task - plane selection for mission. For a start I cleaned all excess types of planes, and remained tied to codes in the ops files. In documentation I will in detail describe all options for now it is short:

F, Ff - Fighter
nF, nFf - ?Fighter
fB(aF) - FBomber
B - Bomber
dB - DBomber (Dive Bomber)
tB - TBomber (Torpedo Bomber)
aB - Bomber or DBomber or FBomber
Bx, Br - Bomber or DBomber or FBomber
nB - CBomber
ndB - CDBomber
ntB - CTBomber
naB - CBomber or CDBomber
nBx, nBr - CBomber or CDBomber
hB - HBomber
Bz, By - HBomber
K(Kr) - Kamikaze
A - Attack
T - Transport
P - Paradrop
Hr - HyRecon
R - Reconplane
Still there is Staff - it is used at generation of casual planes.

Now it is possible to set absolutely accurately in ops file as in what quantity has to appear in mission.

The AllPlaneDB.dat one file also is used for all campaigns. In it the main data on planes are collected:
Name;Def. Faction;Def. Nation;Flyable;Type 1;Type 2;Type 3;Type 4;fmRange;fmCruiseSpeed;fmFuelMass (kg);DT1FuelMass;DT2FuelMass;DT3FuelMass


In one line on each plane the nationality and four roles which this plane can play is specified. Roles are broken on paramount (Type 1; Type 2) and minor (Type 3; Type 4). For missions on a code from the ops file at first the plane on the first couple, then on the second is looked for.

These are basic settings for planes.

To expand possibilities of the generator I added parameters in lines of section [Planes] of the DB file.

Exactly here I suggest to perform tunings on planes for each subcampaign. Now it is possible to register accurately a nationality and type of each plane in campaign.

For example, if in section [Planes] the line is set:
10 A_20C           - the generator will define from the AllPlaneDB.dat file a nationality - USA and possible roles of Bomber; Attack; Reconplane; TBomber

It is possible to make so:
10 A_20C      -Boston with identification marks of USA
Allies England 10 A_20C     -Boston with identification marks of RAF

In the same mission will be able there will be two identical planes with different identification marks.

It is possible to make so:
17 LAGG_3SERIES4     -the Soviet fighters (according to the AllPlaneDB.dat file)
Axis Finland 10 LAGG_3SERIES4       -the opponent by trophy planes

When using the old scheme with xxxxplanes.dat such it was simply not possible :)

One more addition in section [Planes] - the predetermined role of the plane. If to set such line:
10 F6F5 --Reconplane        -Hellcat It will be used only as the scout, thus all his roles from AllPlaneDB.dat will be ignored.

Well and the most important - exists now rigid communication between lines of section [Planes], the AllPlaneDB.dat file and the AllWeapons.dat file. Anything superfluous in mission won't appear.

In my opinion the new scheme is much better and more flexible than the old xxxxplanes.dat files. :)


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #426 on: December 19, 2012, 12:39:58 AM »

With all those changes I wonder if the old campaigns will still work in the new DGen. For example will the new DGen still be able to use the xxxplanes.dat files of the old campaigns?


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #427 on: December 19, 2012, 02:00:39 AM »

With all those changes I wonder if the old campaigns will still work in the new DGen. For example will the new DGen still be able to use the xxxplanes.dat files of the old campaigns?

Old campaigns continue to be supported in full. The xxxplanes.dat functions will be executed in most cases by AllPlaneDB.dat. There are moments when the same plane was used in the different countries. For the correct display of identification marks it is necessary to correct the DB files. For example in campaigns for the USSR for all B-25 it will be necessary to add in section [Planes]
Allies USSR 8 B_25J1

It isn't difficult to make it, I will add the corresponding instruction in release. Probably even I will write the converter which will automatically correct all DB files at the user.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #428 on: December 19, 2012, 02:12:43 AM »

Looks good, I will be happy to test it


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #429 on: December 19, 2012, 02:15:02 AM »

Looks good, I will be happy to test it

Already soon, only I will check that all main thing works. :)


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #430 on: December 19, 2012, 02:18:32 AM »

Already soon, only I will check that all main thing works. :)
Please check that the "only one aircraft per mission type" bug is solved, because that's why I stopped testing the previous version


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #431 on: December 19, 2012, 02:33:23 AM »

It looks very good. :)

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