I think there's a serious issue with use of drop tanks by DGen_mod.
Here follows an example regarding Hurricane Mk.IIB (SAS pack including drop tanks). Asura's DGen_mod v2.0.1.2. DropTanksON option enabled. DGen_mod assign a mission where player's flight must go to 203 NM distance from home base and then idling, waiting for enemy transports. After fight, player's flight is supposed should also RTB.

Well. DGen_mod DOES NOT give drop tanks, according to following logic, shown in this excerpt from DGen_mod.log
Drop tank type set - 1, main range - 370, current range - 705 km
FighterTargetCheck - AlAx
Axis: AF:5 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:3 Bdg:1 Carr:0 Car:1 Con:0 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:2 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:2 Trp:0
Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:3 Soft:6
CheckWeapons: LocalPlanes-True, Result-True (HurricaneMkIIb, England, 2xDrop44, Fighter, Interceptor, Reconplane)
SelectTarget: oRedTranIntercept, 553290.27 139380.06
Variant selected:
oRedTranIntercept 19400101:19450509 RED 3Y BLUE 3T 2F
Plane MainType not found: Axis - Transport,Any,Any
CheckPlaneDist - Plane L2D: no drop tanks required
CheckPlaneDist - Plane L2D: no drop tanks required
Plane FirstType selected: L2D
GetWing1(Axis,wAll): ja01 4 10
CheckWeapons: LocalPlanes-True, Result-True (L2D, Japan, 5xCargoA, Transport, Any, Any)
CheckWeapons: LocalPlanes-True, Result-True (L2D, Japan, 5xCargoA, Transport, Any, Any)
GetWeapons before: CruiseSpeed-258.00, minAlt-3000.00, attAlt-3000.00
GetWeapons after: CruiseSpeed-220.00, minAlt-3000.00, attAlt-3000.00
Plane MainType not found: Axis - Fighter,Any,Any
CheckPlaneDist - Plane KI_27_OTSU: no drop tanks required
CheckPlaneDist - Plane KI_43_IB: no drop tanks required
CheckPlaneDist - Plane KI_43_II: no drop tanks required
CheckPlaneDist - Plane KI_45_KAIKO: no drop tanks required
CheckPlaneDist - Plane KI_27_OTSU: no drop tanks required
Plane FirstType selected: KI_27_OTSU
TestWing(f,s): IJA_F_S_77z 4 10
CheckWeapons: LocalPlanes-True, Result-True (KI_27_OTSU, Japan, default, Fighter, Transfer, AFighter)
CheckWeapons: LocalPlanes-True, Result-True (KI_27_OTSU, Japan, default, Fighter, Transfer, AFighter)
GetWeapons before: CruiseSpeed-340.00, minAlt-3000.00, attAlt-3000.00
GetWeapons after: CruiseSpeed-270.00, minAlt-3000.00, attAlt-3000.00
CheckWeapons: LocalPlanes-True, Result-True (KI_27_OTSU, Japan, default, Fighter, Transfer, AFighter)
CheckWeapons: LocalPlanes-True, Result-True (KI_27_OTSU, Japan, default, Fighter, Transfer, AFighter)
GetWeapons before: CruiseSpeed-270.00, minAlt-3000.00, attAlt-3000.00
GetWeapons after: CruiseSpeed-270.00, minAlt-3000.00, attAlt-3000.00
CheckDT - DT not need, DT is switched OFF
CheckWeapons: LocalPlanes-True, Result-True (HurricaneMkIIb, England, default, Fighter, Interceptor, Any)
CheckWeapons: LocalPlanes-True, Result-True (HurricaneMkIIb, England, default, Fighter, Interceptor, Any)
GetWeapons before: CruiseSpeed-286.00, minAlt-3500.00, attAlt-3500.00
GetWeapons after: CruiseSpeed-300.00, minAlt-3500.00, attAlt-3500.00
TestWing(f,s): 135Squadronfe 0 00
Preparing to writeSo drop tanks are there, their range is calculated, but (Lord knows why) they are not applied, since
not need (???)
On the contrary, I see drop tanks are
always given by DGen_mod for escort missions, even if at very short distance.
This odd logic makes really frustrating the attempt to have a "short-legged" plane like Hurricane on big Pacific maps. In addition, in case of fighter-bombers variant, DGen_mod looks unable to manage pylons who carries
either drop tank
or bomb, giving precedence to drop tank and sending, as a consequence, fighter-bombers to bomb with... drop tanks!

I heartily hope that next version will fix these inaccuracies of DGen_mod, otherwise the unique tool to play dynamic campaigns on new maps, with new planes.