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Author Topic: Project DGen_mod  (Read 392539 times)

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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1020 on: November 19, 2014, 01:49:25 AM »

"Task of the author of campaigns to pick up the correct balance of missions and opportunities of the plane."

And how? I even tried replacing all "default" with "2xDrop44" in *planes.dat and AllWeapons.dat for HurricaneMkIIb, but no juice: DGen_mod stubbornly continue to remove tanks also for missions where target is more than half the ferry range!

I think algorithm should be very simple: radius_of_action (with drop tanks if DropTanksON option is enabled) = 1/5 (20%) of ferry_range (also this latter with drop tanks if DropTanksON option is enabled). No matter what kind of mission (escort included).
About bombs or other ordnance (e.g. rockets), DGen_mod should never alter the AllWeapons.dat and *planes.dat set. I mean, for instance, since I have following set as fighter-bomber:

Allies   England    FBomber         HurricaneMkIIb       300 2500  900 2x250lb

target for a mission which requires a fB should be searched inside the radius of action without tanks (also if DropTanksON option is enabled).
CPU: Intel Core i5 3570K @ 3.40GHz - RAM: 16,0GB DDR3 @ 799 MHz - MoBo: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. P8Z77-V LX2 (LGA1155) - Vidcard: 4095 MBNVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 - Screen: EK241Y (1920x1080@75Hz) - Audio: Sennheiser HD 4.50BTNC headset.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1021 on: November 19, 2014, 07:05:22 AM »

And how? I even tried replacing all "default" with "2xDrop44" in *planes.dat and AllWeapons.dat for HurricaneMkIIb, but no juice: DGen_mod stubbornly continue to remove tanks also for missions where target is more than half the ferry range!

Send me a complete set of the log files, I will look as the generator considers and why cleans tanks. And mission too. Now the generator considers 45% a reserve on range.

tmpRadius := Trunc((FullRange / 2) - ((FullRange / 2)/100*45));

if TF.bNaval = True then misDist := Trunc(distancec(pCV1.takeoff, TrgXY))
else misDist := Trunc(distancec(ground, TrgXY));

if misDist <= tmpRadius then
            LongRange := False;
            LongRangeType := 0;
            Blackboxln('CheckDT - DT not need, DT is switched OFF');

FullRange - flying range of the plane taking into account suspended tanks
tmpRadius - radius with tanks taking into account a reserve
misDist - distance from a start point to a purpose point

target for a mission which requires a fB should be searched inside the radius of action without tanks (also if DropTanksON option is enabled).

And it is made.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1022 on: November 19, 2014, 07:19:35 AM »


 I had a strange bug with the Dgen mod, I tried to start an 1941 Kiev campaign, but it didn't star, i just heard a "beep" sound. Then I read the Dgen mod error ini which said: "Invalid red element number: Y

This campaign was worked with the stock Dgen.

Thanks for your help


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1023 on: November 19, 2014, 08:47:14 AM »

In March I've uploaded the 1.3 version of the Kiev campaigns that should be fully compatible with Asura's DGen:

Are you using this version?


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1024 on: November 19, 2014, 11:57:13 AM »

Thank you  Juri   ( Spasibo !!!  )

It's working now,  I used the very first version of this campaign  :D ;D


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1025 on: November 19, 2014, 05:02:50 PM »

tmpRadius := Trunc((FullRange / 2) - ((FullRange / 2)/100*45));

Can't understand this equation; let's suppose FullRange=1000, this would give:

tmpRadius := Trunc(500 - 500/4500)? that's to say 499,88? Where's the reserve?

I think equation should be:

tmpRadius := Trunc((FullRange / 2) - ((FullRange / 2)*45/100))
tmpRadius := Trunc((FullRange / 2) - ((FullRange / 2)*.45))
or even better
tmpRadius := Trunc((FullRange / 5)

Indeed, I see that your DGen compute radius of action as half of ferry range (without auxiliary tanks, according to my findings). Beyond this limit, it gives drop tanks also for non-escort mission.

Please, golubchik, fix the bug! :)

CPU: Intel Core i5 3570K @ 3.40GHz - RAM: 16,0GB DDR3 @ 799 MHz - MoBo: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. P8Z77-V LX2 (LGA1155) - Vidcard: 4095 MBNVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 - Screen: EK241Y (1920x1080@75Hz) - Audio: Sennheiser HD 4.50BTNC headset.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1026 on: November 20, 2014, 12:17:04 AM »

FullRange=pRange - value from the AllPlaneDB.dat file, for HurricaneMkIIb - 1000 km
If the first type of suspended tanks is chosen the next lines and values are used:

(these lines are used in my assembly of mods, in other versions options of arms can be others therefore I officially don't prepare files for mods of versions - each user has to correct independently files of the generator for the version)

So, when using the first type of suspended tanks (2xDrop44) FullRange is recalculated.

pCurrentRange := Trunc(pRange + ((pRange * (pFuelDT[LongRangeType] * 0.72)) / pFuel0));
pCurrentRange = 1000 + ((1000 * (333 * 0,72)) / 318) = 1000 + (1000 * 239) / 318 = 1000 + 751 = 1751 km

In this formula there is a transfer of liters to kilograms (333 * 0,72) and are calculated how many kilometers it is possible to fly by on 239 kg of additional fuel if 318 kg of fuel in internal tanks are spent for 1000 km.


Then fighting radius in meters taking into account a reserve is calculated. For fighters of 20%, for bombers of 10%.
Radius := Trunc((pCurrentRange / 2 * 1000) - ((pCurrentRange / 2 * 1000)/100*20))
Radius = (1751 / 2 * 1000) - ((1751 / 2 * 1000) / 100 * 20)) = 875500 - (875500 / 100 * 20) = 875500 - 175100 = 700400m (700km)

According to radius search of the purpose is carried out.
When the purpose is defined need of installation of suspended tanks is calculated.
tmpRadius := Trunc((FullRange / 2) - ((FullRange / 2)/100*45));
tmpRadius = (1751 / 2) - ((1751 / 2) /100 * 45) = 875 - (875 / 100 * 45) = 875 - 394 = 481km - it is fighting radius with suspended tanks and a reserve 45%

distance to the purpose - misDist = 376 km
Comparison misDist <= tmpRadius gives that in this departure suspended fuel tanks are superfluous.

By calculations everything is correct. But I understood where here a mistake - refusing tanks I don't check availability of the purpose without tanks. Sometimes it is useful to return to these calculations. :)

In the flowing, developed version I will add check and if the purpose is available without tanks with a reserve 45% of tanks won't be. Otherwise they will remain.



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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1027 on: November 20, 2014, 01:22:11 AM »

Glad you're revising your calculation, but there are a series of inaccuracies and lack of info, IMHO. Please, read carefully what follows:

1). I think your equation is risky, at least, and over-complicated. Although the division (/) may have precedence on multiplication (*), that's like going from a room to another of an apartment walking on the ledge, instead through the corridor. I would suggest to replace percentages with .45, .20, .10 and such, removing division(/).

2). Don't know where you found reserves of 10-20%; in literature I found radius of action = from 1/5 to 1/3 of ferry range, so not less than 33% of reserve.

3). The "customary" Hurricane range is 600 miles (which is btw 965 km and not 1000 km), but I think it is inaccurate; I found a more credible value here of 740 km.

4). Hurricane range in-game is even worse; I remarked repeatedly it unable to fly more than one hour and a half. At an average speed of 300 km/h, this means 450 km. I tested in FMB Hurricane IIB with 10% fuel at 93% power and got 44.4 km (6 min and 40 sec at 400 km/h), that's to say 444 km of range with full fuel load.

Thanks for your work and your kind attention. Cheers,
CPU: Intel Core i5 3570K @ 3.40GHz - RAM: 16,0GB DDR3 @ 799 MHz - MoBo: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. P8Z77-V LX2 (LGA1155) - Vidcard: 4095 MBNVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 - Screen: EK241Y (1920x1080@75Hz) - Audio: Sennheiser HD 4.50BTNC headset.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1028 on: November 20, 2014, 11:43:41 PM »

2). Don't know where you found reserves of 10-20%; in literature I found radius of action = from 1/5 to 1/3 of ferry range, so not less than 33% of reserve.

Exclusively game decision - a bigger reserve will reduce a set of the available purposes and a variety of missions.

3). The "customary" Hurricane range is 600 miles (which is btw 965 km and not 1000 km), but I think it is inaccurate; I found a more credible value here of 740 km.

4). Hurricane range in-game is even worse; I remarked repeatedly it unable to fly more than one hour and a half. At an average speed of 300 km/h, this means 450 km. I tested in FMB Hurricane IIB with 10% fuel at 93% power and got 44.4 km (6 min and 40 sec at 400 km/h), that's to say 444 km of range with full fuel load.

It is the main problem of this algorithm - range accuracy in game. I take data from FM though I know that simply numerical value. The structure of the generator opened - isn't present any restrictions on own corrections of data. ;)


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1029 on: November 21, 2014, 07:36:59 AM »

I apologize if this has been asked before, I couldn't find anything with searches.  I've been using DGEN_mod for months now, and lately I've been getting a weird bug when completing a mission.  As far as I can tell, the only reason it happens is because I add flights to the mission after its been generated OR it may be because I change some pilot names to be non-standard.

In any case, I constantly get the following error message

"Exception EConverterError in module DGEN.exe at 000791A." is not a valid integer value.

I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix this issue?

Many thanks


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1030 on: November 21, 2014, 08:42:46 AM »

Thanks for your work Asura.

I was wondering if the RandomFlights parameters is working again in the upcoming version? It really adds to the immersion


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1031 on: November 23, 2014, 02:32:37 AM »

"Exception EConverterError in module DGEN.exe at 000791A." is not a valid integer value.

All lines the generator sorts one after another with use of dividers (a space, a sign of tabulation or a semicolon). At change you broke sequence and now in that place where there has to be a number there is other symbol. It is necessary or to find it, or to return initial files.
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