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Author Topic: Project DGen_mod  (Read 392205 times)

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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1212 on: September 04, 2016, 08:29:07 AM »


I decided to get back to HSFX and fly some great campaigns made by Boelcke. The problems started when I tried to generate a campaign. After clicking 'generate' the game made a 'beep' sound and nothing happened. Tried with stock Il-2 campaigns and with Boelcke's ones - happens everytime.

I'm using Il-2 4.12.2m with ModAct, AI Flyables and HSFX 7.03 + Asura's DGen 2.0.3 (the newest version I think).

Does anyone know why does this happen? Is there any way to fix this? Will campaigns made for Asura's DGen work for stock Il-2 DGen?

My DGenModERROR log:



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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1213 on: September 04, 2016, 09:28:01 AM »

I'm using Il-2 4.12.2m with ModAct, AI Flyables and HSFX 7.03 + Asura's DGen 2.0.3 (the newest version I think).

New version is already available.
If your results do not live up to your expectations, tell yourself that the great oak was once an acorn too. - Lao Zi -


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1214 on: September 04, 2016, 09:50:40 AM »

I'm using Il-2 4.12.2m with ModAct, AI Flyables and HSFX 7.03 + Asura's DGen 2.0.3 (the newest version I think).

New version is already available.

That pretty much fixed it, but still most of Boelcke's campaigns won't launch (at least some subcampaigns, the game can't load planes). Also briefings, campaign names and other mission-related stuff is in russian, even that I set English in Language in DGen_Mod.conf or nothing is set (both in stock and addon campaigns). And as I launched Boelcke's Korea campaign, planes taking off from the ground appear beside the runway, which results in crashing a lot, and planes taking off from carriers spawn really close next to each other, which results in a big crash as well.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1215 on: September 04, 2016, 10:13:53 AM »

And as I launched Boelcke's Korea campaign, planes taking off from the ground appear beside the runway, which results in crashing a lot, and planes taking off from carriers spawn really close next to each other, which results in a big crash as well.

Nevermind that, it was the Carrier Take Off Mod's fault. But still, briefings in russian and campaigns not loading is still a problem.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1216 on: September 05, 2016, 04:43:14 AM »

I would try to delete all files of your campaign with "*_ru.dat" and "*MsgRu.dat" to get the briefings in English.

For your error log, how big is your MessageRu.dat file?
Message file DGen\MOD\MessageRu.dat is too long
Mine is 744.4 kB, about 7000 lines and DGEN loads ok.



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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1217 on: October 13, 2016, 10:53:28 PM »

Hello all,

I don't know if this issue has been addressed before, but I'm having issues with stock campaigns while using DGen Mod with HSFX 7.03. The reason as to why I'm using this particular version is because it's the most stable for running Modded campaigns and stock campaigns--both load and generate missions just fine (The modded campaign I have works near flawlessly). However, there have been numerous cases where things that worked fine in vanilla have been messed up, or things have just been glitchy. I'll put it in a list:

  • While playing the Hungarian campaign, many planes from both sides (Most often ground attack planes and enemy Aces) are set to fly at 0 meters and 170-180 kilometers per hour, and crash aimlessly into the ground. I have to fix everything in the FMB when this happens.
  • Finnish Brewster Buffaloes are permanently set to fly at only 200m and 200Kph, leading to many crashes. I have to fix this in the FMB as well.
  • Transport planes are set to fly very slowly at 170 kph (even slow ones like Ju52s), unnecessarily lengthening missions. Also fixed tediously in FMB.
  • Carrier-borne planes crash into the decks of their carriers far more often than without DGen Mod installed.
  • Aircraft will occasionally blankly fire off bursts of ammo into midair while in combat, even when there are no enemies in their immediate location.

Messing around in the FMB is a temporary fix, but not a full solution.  Is there anything I could do for a more permanent solution to the low and slow aircraft problems? Does anyone know what might be causing the AI glitches?

Thanks for listening.


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1218 on: October 18, 2016, 02:41:15 AM »

It seems as though the DL link is broken. Any chance of a re-upload?


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1219 on: October 18, 2016, 05:11:16 AM »

For dedogist:
You should go to http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=ForumsPro&file=viewtopic&t=21038&finish=15&start=0 or better if you can Google Translate at http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?t=4386&highlight=dgen for the latest updates.
Be aware that Asura nowadays only maintains DGEN for the latest version of the game ie 4.13
I have it running with his DGEN Pack. Not sure how much experience you have but this is not an easy "click-next-click-next-install" to get it to work

For GrilledPear:
Like said, Asura does not maintain older versions of his generator in particular on HSFX. He had to narrow what he wanted and could develop/support. If you are keen you can dive deep into the DGen configuration files which the generator uses for creating missions. To give you an idea:

For planes exploding at 0m altitude seems to indicate a mismatch between HSFX definitions and those of the campaign generator.

In short, for me, modern day DGEN is in Asura's DGEN Pack but you have to be prepared for hardcore installs...


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1220 on: October 18, 2016, 07:44:54 PM »

For GrilledPear:
Like said, Asura does not maintain older versions of his generator in particular on HSFX. He had to narrow what he wanted and could develop/support. ...
no pics quote!

You say that the problem may come from HSFX files conflicting with Dgen.mod files; do you have an idea what files control this?

I managed to fix the speed issue in AllPlane.dat, but not the altitude issue. AllWeapons.dat did not even have files for the B239 (I'm running a modded campaign that requires different files; and I think the problem may lie with Boelke's mod files, not Asura's). When I cross-referenced my backup files for Dgen, the B239 files are present.

According to the Dgen.MOD user manual, "Settings in [episode_name]Planes.dat override those of the AllPlaneDB.dat and AllWeapons.dat files". I tried searching for the [episode_name]Planes.dat files in their respective campaign names (They should look like Finland1941FPlanes.dat), but no such files existed. I also made note that these kinds of files only existed for Boelke's campaign, and not for vanilla.

Overall I think the default campaigns are just throwing a hissy fit over the modded generator.



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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1221 on: October 19, 2016, 04:50:39 AM »

In the version of Asura's DGEN I use there are two lines for the B239 in AllWeapons.dat (is it also what you have in your backup file?)
Turns out there are definitions for minimum altitude in the said lines:

Code: [Select]
minAlt - altitude at all points of the route, except at the point of attack ground targets, and take-off landing. Optimum altitude with this combat load.
attAlt - altitude at the point of attack purposes. Optimum height from which the attack is made with

So if Boelke's file does not have these entries I would have a go at adding them to try to solve the altitude issue.

About your observation of:
I also made note that these kinds of files only existed for Boelke's campaign, and not for vanilla.
I think it just shows that the folder structure, number of files, their names are different between vanilla and Asura DGEN. There is a backward compatibility (at least I read about it...) with vanilla but you would expect more files for recent campaigns.

And your question:
do you have an idea what files control this?
For some light reading and the purpose of educating oneself, have a look over at https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,51325.0.html this is for DCG not DGEN but they are two campaign generator acting in a similar way against definition files located in "/your-HSFX-gamefolder/Files/com/maddox/il2/objects"

PS: If you want to get into map making, I have a job offer for you, excellent modder attitude GrilledPear!!


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1222 on: October 20, 2016, 06:59:50 PM »

Hi guys my dgen has stopped working suddenly.
Upon pressing "generate button for a new campaign nothing happens.
I started then deleted a few campaigns which i suspect is the problem.
Here is the log titled "degen ERROR"
I have latest copy of degen installed.

= DGen (17/04/08) =
seed: 5875886
DGen initialization. Side: de, Rank: 2
Career ID: DeF
ReadDB sorties:1

PlayerWing found:II_JG5_3
Cannot find plane U_2VS

Computer is going out window soon.
Please help


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Re: Project DGen_mod
« Reply #1223 on: March 22, 2017, 04:15:27 PM »

I'm having a mission generation problem with Armee d'lair (ETO_Blitzkreig) after adding the Bloch210 (Tested and working in QMB and manually added, loadouts good, aircraft is added to AllPlanes_m.dat and loadouts added to allWeapons_m.dat)

tl;dr "Can't Select Target Type" error in DGen_mod


Code: [Select]
= DGen_mod (07/05/2015) =
seed: 149749359
ParamStr: fr 0       
DGen_mod initialization. Side: fr, Rank: 0
Career ID: Fr2
Unable to delete directory: missions\campaign\fr\DGen_2_ETO40_1_Blitzkrieg_05_10_FRBdoe0
EnemyNation from settings: Germany
Load DGen\mod\AllPlaneDB.dat:
Load DGen\mod\AllPlaneDB_m.dat:
Inherits ETO40_1_Blitzkrieg_05_10
Load DGen\mod\ETO40_1_Blitzkrieg_05_10Towns.dat:
ReadDB sorties:1
Load DGen\mod\AllWing.dat:
TestWing(Allies,NN): NN 0 00
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No001SQN): RAF_No001SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No073SQN): RAF_No073SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No085SQN): RAF_No085SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No087SQN): RAF_No087SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No018SQN): RAF_No018SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No053SQN): RAF_No053SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No057SQN): RAF_No057SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No059SQN): RAF_No059SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No012SQN): RAF_No012SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No015SQN): RAF_No015SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No040SQN): RAF_No040SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No088SQN): RAF_No088SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No103SQN): RAF_No103SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No105SQN): RAF_No105SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No142SQN): RAF_No142SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No150SQN): RAF_No150SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No226SQN): RAF_No226SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No002SQN): RAF_No002SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No004SQN): RAF_No004SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No013SQN): RAF_No013SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No026SQN): RAF_No026SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_I_1_): GC_I_1_ 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_II_1_): GC_II_1_ 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_III_3): GC_III_3 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_II_10): GC_II_10 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_III_10): GC_III_10 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_II_2): GC_II_2 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_III_2): GC_III_2 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_I_4): GC_I_4 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_I_5): GC_I_5 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_III_1_): GC_III_1_ 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_II_8): GC_II_8 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GCN_I_13): GCN_I_13 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GCN_II_13): GCN_II_13 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GCN_III_13): GCN_III_13 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GB_I_12): GB_I_12 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GB_II_12): GB_II_12 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_I_2): GC_I_2 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_II_4): GC_II_4 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_II_5): GC_II_5 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_II_6): GC_II_6 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_III_7): GC_III_7 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_I_8): GC_I_8 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GB_I_38): GB_I_38 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GB_II_38): GB_II_38 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_I_3): GC_I_3 4 10
TestWing(Allies,GC_II_7): GC_II_7 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No501SQN): RAF_No501SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,615Squadron): 615Squadron 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No504SQN): RAF_No504SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No003SQN): RAF_No003SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,79Squadron): 79Squadron 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No114SQN): RAF_No114SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No139SQN): RAF_No139SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No057SQN): RAF_No057SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No018SQN): RAF_No018SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No218SQN): RAF_No218SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No098SQN): RAF_No098SQN 4 10
TestWing(Allies,RAF_No016SQN): RAF_No016SQN 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_KG4): Stab_KG4 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_KG4a): I_KG4a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_KG4): II_KG4 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_KG4): III_KG4 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_KG54): Stab_KG54 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_KG54): I_KG54 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_KG54): II_KG54 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_KG54): III_KG54 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_JG26): Stab_JG26 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_JG26): II_JG26 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_JG26): III_JG26 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_JG3): III_JG3 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_JG51): Stab_JG51 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_JG26): I_JG26 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_JG27): II_JG27 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_JG5_1): I_JG5_1 4 10
TestWing(Axis,ZG1_I): ZG1_I 4 10
TestWing(Axis,ZG1_II): ZG1_II 4 10
TestWing(Axis,ZG1_II): ZG1_II 4 10
TestWing(Axis,ZG26_Stab): ZG26_Stab 4 10
TestWing(Axis,ZG26_I): ZG26_I 4 10
TestWing(Axis,ZG26_III): ZG26_III 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_KG27a): Stab_KG27a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_KG27a): I_KG27a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_KG27a): II_KG27a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_KG27a): III_KG27a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_KG3_0): Stab_KG3_0 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_KG3_0): I_KG3_0 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_KG3_0): II_KG3_0 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_KG3_0): III_KG3_0 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_LG1): Stab_LG1 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_LG1): I_LG1 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_LG1): II_LG1 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_LG1): III_LG1 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_JG27): Stab_JG27 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_JG27): I_JG27 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_JG1): I_JG1 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_KG77): Stab_KG77 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_KG77): I_KG77 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_KG77): II_KG77 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_KG77): III_KG77 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_StG2): Stab_StG2 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_StG2): I_StG2 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_StG2): III_StG2 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_StG77a): Stab_StG77a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_StG77a): I_StG77a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_StG77a): II_StG77a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_JG77): Stab_JG77 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_JG77): I_JG77 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_JG3): Stab_JG3 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_JG3): I_JG3 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_JG3): II_JG3 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_KG1): Stab_KG1 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_KG1): I_KG1 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_KG1): II_KG1 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_KG1): III_KG1 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_KG76): Stab_KG76 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_KG76): I_KG76 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_KG76): II_KG76 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_KG76): III_KG76 4 10
TestWing(Axis,ZG26_II): ZG26_II 4 10
TestWing(Axis,ZG76_Stab): ZG76_Stab 4 10
TestWing(Axis,ZG76_II): ZG76_II 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_KG2): Stab_KG2 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_KG2): I_KG2 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_KG2): II_KG2 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_KG2): III_KG2 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_KG3): Stab_KG3 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_KG3): I_KG3 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_KG3): II_KG3 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_KG3): III_KG3 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_KG53a): Stab_KG53a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_KG53a): I_KG53a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_KG53a): II_KG53a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_KG53a): III_KG53a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_StGOne): Stab_StGOne 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_StG2): II_StG2 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_JG52): Stab_JG52 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_JG5_2): I_JG5_2 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_JG5_2): II_JG5_2 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_JG54): Stab_JG54 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_JG54): I_JG54 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_JG5_1): II_JG5_1 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_KG51a): Stab_KG51a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_KG51a): I_KG51a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_KG51a): II_KG51a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_KG51a): III_KG51a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_KG55a): Stab_KG55a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_KG55a): I_KG55a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_KG55a): II_KG55a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_KG55a): III_KG55a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_JG2): Stab_JG2 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_JG2): I_JG2 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_JG2): III_JG2 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_JG53): Stab_JG53 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_JG5_3): I_JG5_3 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_JG5_3): II_JG5_3 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_JG5_3): III_JG5_3 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_JG5_2): III_JG5_2 4 10
TestWing(Axis,ZG2_Stab): ZG2_Stab 4 10
TestWing(Axis,ZG2_I): ZG2_I 4 10
TestWing(Axis,WNSt1): WNSt1 4 10
TestWing(Axis,2F_11a): 2F_11a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,4F_11a): 4F_11a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,3F_10a): 3F_10a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,1F_22): 1F_22 4 10
TestWing(Axis,3F_22): 3F_22 4 10
TestWing(Axis,4F_14a): 4F_14a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,3F_11a): 3F_11a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,3F_31a): 3F_31a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,2F_22): 2F_22 4 10
TestWing(Axis,2F_122a): 2F_122a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,3F_122a): 3F_122a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,4F_122a): 4F_122a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,2F_123a): 2F_123a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,1F_123a): 1F_123a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,3F_123a): 3F_123a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,5F_122a): 5F_122a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,3F_121a): 3F_121a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,4F_121a): 4F_121a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,Stab_KGzbV1a): Stab_KGzbV1a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,I_KGrzbV1a): I_KGrzbV1a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,II_KGrzbV1a): II_KGrzbV1a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,III_KGzbV1a): III_KGzbV1a 4 10
TestWing(Axis,IV_KGzbV1a): IV_KGzbV1a 4 10
PlaneNationCheck: HurricaneMkIa before - Finland, after - England
PlaneNationCheck: BLENHEIM1 before - Finland, after - England
PlaneNationCheck: BLENHEIM4 before - Finland, after - England
PlaneNationCheck: MS406 before - Finland, after - France
Blue skill set: 25 25 50
Red skill set: 5 20 75
Inherits operations from DGen\opsETO40_1_Blitzkrieg_05_10_FRB.dat
Loading 2 operation from DGen\opsETO40_1_Blitzkrieg_05_10_FRB.dat
Loading 111 red moving group
Loading 3171 red stationary units
Loading 8019 red buildings
Loading 65 blue moving group
Loading 176 all moving group
Loading 2564 blue stationary units
Loading 5735 all stationary units
Loading 5369 blue buildings
Loading 13388 all buildings
Load DGen\mod\ETO40_1_Blitzkrieg_05_10AF.dat:
Load DGen\mod\ETO40_1_Blitzkrieg_05_10BR.dat:
ShipList count 18 objects
ZoneList count 0 objects
ClusterList count 76 objects
FleetList count 0 objects
CarrierList count 0 objects
Dangerous areas - Red:68 Blue:32
GoodProximity is OK: 2
In CombatMissionN. orgAF= 2. x=0.00 y=0.00 OlOpName=()
Axis: AF:2 HyB:1 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:4 Carr:0 Car:6 Con:0 Dep:12 HQ:2 Prt:0 Ship:0 Sub:0 Rail:4 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:1 Trp:16 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:34 Soft:41
Axis: AF:2 HyB:1 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:4 Carr:0 Car:6 Con:0 Dep:12 HQ:2 Prt:0 Ship:0 Sub:0 Rail:4 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:1 Trp:16 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:34 Soft:41
Axis: AF:2 HyB:1 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:4 Carr:0 Car:6 Con:0 Dep:12 HQ:2 Prt:0 Ship:0 Sub:0 Rail:4 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:1 Trp:16 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:34 Soft:41
Axis: AF:2 HyB:1 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:4 Carr:0 Car:6 Con:0 Dep:12 HQ:2 Prt:0 Ship:0 Sub:0 Rail:4 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:1 Trp:16 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:34 Soft:41
Axis: AF:2 HyB:1 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:4 Carr:0 Car:6 Con:0 Dep:12 HQ:2 Prt:0 Ship:0 Sub:0 Rail:4 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:1 Trp:16 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:34 Soft:41
Axis: AF:2 HyB:1 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:4 Carr:0 Car:6 Con:0 Dep:12 HQ:2 Prt:0 Ship:0 Sub:0 Rail:4 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:1 Trp:16 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:34 Soft:41
Axis: AF:2 HyB:1 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:4 Carr:0 Car:6 Con:0 Dep:12 HQ:2 Prt:0 Ship:0 Sub:0 Rail:4 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:1 Trp:16 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:34 Soft:41
Axis: AF:2 HyB:1 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:4 Carr:0 Car:6 Con:0 Dep:12 HQ:2 Prt:0 Ship:0 Sub:0 Rail:4 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:1 Trp:16 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:34 Soft:41
Axis: AF:2 HyB:1 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:4 Carr:0 Car:6 Con:0 Dep:12 HQ:2 Prt:0 Ship:0 Sub:0 Rail:4 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:1 Trp:16 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:34 Soft:41
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