It's been a while since getting a map ready and presentable. Nothing much seemed to work with the limited time I've had lately. But finally here is a map that will be ready shortly. It's a co-production with Kapteeni, as befits anything to do with the far north of Scandinavia. He came up with the idea of making a map that would cover the area in the far north through which the German army retreated in the autumn and winter of 1944-45. So far, no winter map is ready but we'll have a summer/autumn map up soon.
And with a very minimal populating with objects, that means the map has to look well landscape wise. It' s all to do with feeling the landscape and hopefully creating an atmospheric map.
Luckily populating the map will be very minimal. Here is a screenshot of the map area. Landscape screenshots available later.
Since there is a large portion of Swedish territory on the map, this might be a good map to use some of those Swedish skins that are otherwise rather ill-placed in other areas of the world. There are any number of possible alternative history scenarios to think up.