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Author Topic: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152  (Read 458801 times)

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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1308 on: November 25, 2016, 03:51:07 AM »

can I ask a stupid question, but it is normal that in the folder there is no msh?

What folder? Which aircraft?
I am not sure I understand your question.

Not enough files in all folders.

After the installation revealed that the aircraft did not appear in the editor.

Here is log
Code: [Select]
[10:37:56] Loading vertex/fragment programs: *1313271840*
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpFogFar2Tex2D]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpFog2Tex2DBlend]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpFogFar4Tex2D]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpFogFar8Tex2D]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpFogNoTex]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpFog4Tex2D]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpFog4Tex2D_UV2]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vp4Tex2D]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vp6Tex2D]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpTexUVTex2D]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpWaterGrid_NV]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpWaterSunLight_NV]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpWaterSunLight_ATI]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpWaterSunLight_FP]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpTreeSprite]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpTreeTrunk]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpVAObjectsN]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpVAObjectsL0]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpSprites]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpSimpleGL]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpWaterSunLightFast]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpWaterSunLight]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpWaterSunLightBest]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpCoastBump]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpCoastFoam]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpCoastFoamFast]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpCoastFoamFarFogTex]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpCausticSimple]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpCaustic]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpSprites]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpObjectsL0]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpObjectsL0_2L]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpSimpleGL]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpNearLandFog]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpFarLandFog]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpRiverCoastAA]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [vpWaterDM_CPU]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpWaterDM_CPU]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpWaterDM_CPULo]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpWaterLFogDM]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpIceWater]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpNearNoBlend]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpNearNoBlendNoise]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpNearBlend]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpNearBlendNoise]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpFarBlend]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpForestPlane]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpForestPlaneNoise]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpForestPlaneEdges]
[10:37:56] *** Loading: [fpForestPlaneEdgesNoise]
[10:37:57] Load bridges
[10:37:57] Load static objects
[10:37:58] ##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Port/BaseSegment/live.sim)
[10:37:58] ##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Port/Floor/live.sim)
[10:37:58] INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Plane/Fw-190A-3/hier.him'
[10:37:58] WARNING: object '3DO/Plane/Fw-190A-3/hier.him' of class 'HIM' not loaded
[10:37:58] INTERNAL ERROR: HierMeshObj: Can't load HIM 3DO/Plane/Fw-190A-3/hier.him
[10:37:58] Mission error, ID_04: java.lang.RuntimeException: INTERNAL ERROR: HierMeshObj: Can't load HIM 3DO/Plane/Fw-190A-3/hier.him
[10:37:58] java.lang.RuntimeException: INTERNAL ERROR: HierMeshObj: Can't load HIM 3DO/Plane/Fw-190A-3/hier.him
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.engine.HierMesh.Load(Native Method)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.engine.HierMesh.<init>(HierMesh.java:596)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.engine.ActorHMesh.setMesh(ActorHMesh.java:89)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft._setMesh(Aircraft.java:3844)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.<init>(Aircraft.java:2352)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.AircraftLH.<init>(AircraftLH.java:54)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Scheme1.<init>(Scheme1.java:25)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.FW_190.<init>(FW_190.java:30)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.FW_190A3.<init>(FW_190A3.java:26)
[10:37:58] at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
[10:37:58] at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadAir(Mission.java:1343)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.ai.Wing.load(Wing.java:144)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadWings(Mission.java:1111)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:487)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:135)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:433)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
[10:37:58] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[10:37:59] ERROR file: File users/doe/Icons not found
[10:37:59] null
[10:37:59] java.lang.NullPointerException
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.missionStarting(Aircraft.java:3428)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.FW_190.missionStarting(FW_190.java:200)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.doMissionStarting(Mission.java:2298)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.doBegin(Mission.java:2368)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdMission.exec(CmdMission.java:83)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.rts.CmdEnv.exec(CmdEnv.java:601)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIMission$4.doAction(GUIMission.java:106)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.rts.MsgAction.doAction(MsgAction.java:36)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.rts.MsgAction.invokeListener(MsgAction.java:152)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Message.java:1217)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Message.java:1191)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Message.java:1134)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Message.java:1115)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Time.java:180)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(RTSConf.java:101)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D$Background.step(MainWin3D.java:159)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:167)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
[10:37:59] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[10:37:59] Mission: QuickQMBPro/Ardennes_W/Ardennes_WRedNone00.mis is Playing
[10:38:07] ObjState.finalize: Object of com.maddox.il2.objects.air.FW_190A3 NOT destroyed
[25.11.2016 10:38:12] -------------- END log session -------------


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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1309 on: November 25, 2016, 01:56:16 PM »

Is there any benefit in adding this to CUP, or is the content already included? Thanks.



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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1310 on: November 26, 2016, 10:20:17 AM »

It is already in CUP. There is a description of what each part of WaW contains.


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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1311 on: November 26, 2016, 08:13:11 PM »

can I ask a stupid question, but it is normal that in the folder there is no msh?

What folder? Which aircraft?
I am not sure I understand your question.

Not enough files in all folders.

After the installation revealed that the aircraft did not appear in the editor.

for 4.12 modact or my modpack:

1. contents of fb410_clay-sfs.7z (878mb) go into SFS_AUTO folder
2. contents of Mega Pack Fw190_Ta152 V4-10.7z (1,76mb) go into #SAS
3. after that you need to add the ini entries and youre good to go


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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1312 on: November 27, 2016, 05:15:18 AM »

Not enough files in all folders.
After the installation revealed that the aircraft did not appear in the editor.

VP-Media is correct.

Here is another suggestion.
I am using the VP-Modpack for game version 4.12, and I have written a way to install this mega-pack
into your game here.... https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,52944.0.html

Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening ! Welcome to SAS1946


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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1313 on: November 27, 2016, 07:14:39 AM »

Thanks all


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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1314 on: November 27, 2016, 05:11:48 PM »

It is already in CUP. There is a description of what each part of WaW contains.

Thank you Venator. Saves a pack of time. :-)


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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1315 on: December 14, 2016, 09:52:08 AM »

Hey guys,

I'm having a devil of a time getting this pack to run!
I've followed the instructions to the letter to install into Vpmedia pack, and only get a 5% crash..??
This is log.lst...

"ERROR sfs: SFS library (fb410_clay01.sfs) NOT Mounted: No such file or directory: fb410_clay01.sfs"

SO, this must be a corrupted file, perhaps? I DO have both the files fb410_clay01.sfs and
fb410_clay02.sfs in SFS AUto and loaded in the .rc file!!
Or is it not placed properly in loading order in the SAS folder?
No idea!




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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1316 on: December 14, 2016, 10:15:56 AM »

There's no need to edit the .rc file in any 4.12 modact based pack.


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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1317 on: December 14, 2016, 10:27:06 AM »


THANK YOU SO MUCH!! That one little step was the difference between a 5% crash and the game loading!!!
I did not know that!! The texts that I read said to edit the .rc file!!!
Now I can use both yours and Claymores superlative mods!!
Thanks again!!!!


My joy unhappily was short lived! Sorry! The game does indeed load, you can set up a match in QBB and
view the aircraft. However when using the Fw190A-3 there is this error message  after ctd

"INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'GearL5C_D0'
INTERNAL ERROR: HierMesh: Can't find chunk 'GearR5C_D0'
Flight Model File FlightModels/Fw-190A-3.fmd contains no Mach Drag Parameters.
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: printCompassHeading
   at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.CockpitFW_190A3.<init>(CockpitFW_190A3.java:87)
   at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
   at java.lang.Class.newInstanc"

Plus the Fw190A-4 is broken in half?
Still, Ive not tried any other Fw190s, and I seem to remember the fix for the Fw190 broken fuselage
from YEARS back...
The landing gear drag links however I have no clue! Keep my fingers crossed! 


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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1318 on: December 14, 2016, 11:08:58 AM »

Hey Gents,

SO I fixed the broken fuselage prob with the Fw190A-4 so it looks good in QMB..

However when I fly a mission with the Fw190A04 at 50% load of the game I get a ctd
with this notation in the log.lst

Code: [Select]
Load bridges
Load static objects
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Airdrome/Tank1/mono.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/jetty1/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Port/BaseSegment/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Port/Floor/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Airdrome/Needles/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/semi2/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Port/BaseSmallSegment/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/ToW/wheel_001/mono.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/French/frenchvillage1/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/Furniture/5x1_White/mono.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/memorial/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/stonehenge/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/jetty2/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/westminsterbuttress/live.sim)
##### House without collision (3do/Buildings/England/phonebox/live.sim)
Flight Model File FlightModels/SpitfireIa.fmd contains no Mach Drag Parameters.
Flight Model File FlightModels/SpitfireIa.fmd contains no Mach Drag Parameters.
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: printCompassHeading
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.CockpitFW_190A4.<init>(CockpitFW_190A4.java:90)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.createCockpits(Aircraft.java:3131)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.load(Aircraft.java:2491)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadAir(Mission.java:1368)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.Wing.load(Wing.java:144)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadWings(Mission.java:1111)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:487)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:135)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:433)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)

(tfTranspBorder): 'Effects/Explodes/Air/Zenitka/Germ_88mm/flame.tga'
WARNING: ****( Unexpected txr reload (tfTranspBorder): 'Effects/Explodes/Air/Zenitka/USSR_85mm/flame.tga'
WARNING: ****( Unexpected txr reload (tfTranspBorder): 'Effects/Materials/WhiteSmoke.tga'
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 0.95 -> 0.95 (delta = -1.19209e-008) to Range 0..0.95
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 0 -> 1 (delta = 1)"
I'm afraid that this is beyond my knowledge..
I'll try a later model Fw190(s) and see what the response is there..


Last note for the day..
The error (CTD) is strictly caused by the Fw190s, none of which will fly without a CTD! The Bf109 fly's well in the same
mission that crashes to desktop with the Fw190! So, a major bummer....Let me know what you think guys!!

Code: [Select]
Load bridges
Load static objects
Flight Model File FlightModels/Fw-190A-7sturm.fmd contains no Mach Drag Parameters.
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: printCompassHeading
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.CockpitFW_190A7STURM.<init>(CockpitFW_190A7STURM.java:96)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.createCockpits(Aircraft.java:3131)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.load(Aircraft.java:2491)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadAir(Mission.java:1368)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.Wing.load(Wing.java:144)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadWings(Mission.java:1111)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:487)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:135)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:433)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:449)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)"



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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1319 on: December 14, 2016, 11:31:50 AM »

Do not install the 4.12 updates.
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