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Author Topic: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152  (Read 458801 times)

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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1320 on: December 14, 2016, 12:09:20 PM »

Hi Vpmedia,

Do not install the 4.12 updates.

What are those?  o_O


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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1321 on: December 14, 2016, 12:30:28 PM »

'Loadout Fixes by StefanSG' at the end of the first post.


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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1322 on: December 14, 2016, 06:20:29 PM »

Do not install the 4.12 updates.


I didn't install those...

I'm looking through the forum for a best answer. I refer you to response #1293 by Hauptmann Held. (page 108)
he mentioned that there seemed to be 'no main download', and I WOULD agree. I have several downloads from
a few years back, and one that I d/l only in the past week or so. Plus there are so many opinions on what should
work, or what to try, confusing! As I mentioned I did read where it stated to modify your .rc file with references to
fb410_clay01.sfs and fb410_clay02.sfs Yet when I removed those references, on your advice, then the game at least
booted up...
I think what I have is a cockpit error(s) caused by erroneous file names, or file pathways? ..
So the question being, WHAT exact files for Claymores Fw190 mod should I d/l so that it will work in your Vpmedia pack?
I did not have this level of difficulty in making this Fw190 mod run a few years ago..Seems like I'm spinning my wheels..
NOT good for the wheels!!  :P

Advice is welcomed and appreciated!



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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1323 on: December 15, 2016, 09:41:44 AM »

Do not install the 4.12 updates.


I didn't install those...


Advice is welcomed and appreciated!


This is what I did for my install in the VPmodpack.... https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,52944.0.html
All are working ok, so far.

The only problem I noticed are 2 or 3 airplanes have the pilot siting sideways. I havent had the chance yet to
start playing around with the files to fix this little problem, but I will in the future. These are Fw-190-types which I hardly use
anyway and I am sure this problem can be resolved by copying the same files from another (same) version which is also in
the pack and which shares the same file types. I will test in January. At the moment I have other mods to check out and
paint stuff for them.

As for the .rc file having that entry written on it, or not, I dont know about that.
I added the entry as recommended in the download Read-me instructions and they work alright. If they work without
this, I dont know, I have not removed the lines written in my game to test it yet.
 I will keep it as is, because its working in my VP-Modpack.

As for the "Loadout Fixes by StefanSG" mod, I have tried that mod also, but found some problems, so I removed it and
had to re-install the entire Claymore package for the second time.
I am not sure what may be the problem with that other mod-upgrade but I will have to continue testing it in the future as I have
already opened up all the SFS-files from that pack for me to look at the files inside it.
Maybe I can figure out what may be the problem. I will have to test them in the future.

Just make sure you back up your entire VP-Modpack before you start installing these huge mega-packages with
all these airplanes. --- If something goes wrong, you can always go back to your clean and good VP-Modpack.

Good luck with your mission!

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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1324 on: December 15, 2016, 11:20:21 PM »


SO, there appears to be a major Fubar in my Vpmod pack setup! The files from Claymores pack do not appear to be recognized in
the game at least not all of of them, namely the weapons files.
Just as an example, on page one, of claymores Fw190 mod, claymore listed some weapons fixes that he had for the Fw190A-8 and
A-9 sub-types.

"Edit--I made a little mistake in the English version of the Weapons_ru.properties which is not updated in the download regarding the
 changes of the Fw190 A8 & 9 load-outs; both allow you now to choose an external drop-tank."

I just edited these changes in the weapons.properties file for the nth(!) time, and the changes just will NOT(!?) show in the game.. o_O
The weapons.properties file will show the proper date and time, so that I KNOW that I made the change, but the game will not
read the changes! Which is probably why I keep getting these types of cockpit errors... "CockpitFW_190A5.<init>(CockpitFW_190A5.java:85)" , among others...

This is one of the changes that I just made (example)...that do NOT show in game...
# Fw-190A-8
Fw-190A-8.default               default
Fw-190A-8.droptank              + 1xDroptank
Fw-190A-8.1sc500                + 1xSC-500
Fw-190A-8.r14mg15120            R1: + 2xMG151/20 Pods
Fw-190A-8.r14mg15120+droptank   R1: + 2xMG151/20 Pods + Droptank
Fw-190A-8.r22mk108              R2: + 2xMk108
Fw-190A-8.r22mk108+droptank     R2: + 2xMk108 + Droptank
Fw-190A-8.r32mk103              R3: + 2xMk103 Pods
Fw-190A-8.r32mk103+droptank     R3: + 2xMk103 Pods + Droptank
Fw-190A-8.r62wfrgr21            R6: + 2xWfr.Gr.21
Fw-190A-8.r62wfrgr21+droptank   R6: + 2xWfr.Gr.21 + Droptank
Fw-190A-8.none                  Empty

I reckon that it has to be a naming error in a file(s) pathway somewhere, but where? For about the third time now I went back
and triple checked all files, with the same dismal result!...Had I never installed Claymores pack, I could see why (perhaps) that
I'm having  difficulties! But, I'm not a novice, I've installed this pack from 3-5 times in the past 3 years!! Is it a conflict with the
Vpmod pack? All I get is a 30% crash from ALL the Fw190's!!

I have tried these Fw190 mod install names to no effect..

!Fw190 Pack_Claymore_4.12_v2


I'm lucky though because I can STILL get my claymore Focke Wulf fix by playing Cup!! At any-rate guys, I'm totally stumped!!

BTW, Max_thehitman, I LIKE your textures!, I mean the the FEW that I can see in the QBM arming screen. The engine case on the
Japanese 'Val' bomber looks good!!   :o :o  8)

I may go through this install one more time at most, if it fizzles then I will revert back to plain old VPmod pack and play with the
Claymore Fw190s in Cup... :(
I have backups already made so I can just drag and drop and Vpmod will be good to go, minus the Fw190 modpack!!! :(

Thanks for your attention!



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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1325 on: December 16, 2016, 09:54:00 PM »

Well guys,

time for me to bail on this mod, and give it a rest. I did scour the SAS site for all that I could find on fixing Java errors in  Claymores
Fw190 mod, and even though I tried many different methods to remedy the mod errors, NOTHING worked!! After 2 days, and 4+ 
attempts to re-install with no success, I quite, for the time being...

I've identified the error, (CockpitFW_190A9.java:85) as a Java' error! Nothing that I've done can fix that!! Through a combination of
different buttons, and the SAS common utils mod, I did get the game to load as high as 48% with the Fw190 mod, and that was the limit..

I tried dirtbloxxMC's method on page 104, reply #1243, that ended in failure, and was my last attempt to 'fix' this mod.. Since then I did
discover that I could fly missions WITH the Fw190s with me in a escort role. That worked fairly well, and it did work until just a short time ago.
About two hours ago while setting up a mission with me in a Bf109k-4 escorting two Fw190F-9/pb, just while in the mission screen arming the
second fw190, the PC screen turned GRAY!, and there was NO response from my PC!!  o_O :o :o :(
I ended up having to turn off my PC by  hand, then rebooting!!  So, time to strip out all traces, and give it a rest for a while.

A pity because I had corrected ALL the graphic errors on ALL the Fw190s and the Ta 152s!! Plus, none of the pilots on any of the Fw190s
were corrupted or sitting sideways!! Bummer!! But I can't run a risk of the computer being damaged by a game mod!! I went into the action center
in Windows 10, looked at the 'reliability' setting for the PC under maintenance and found 65(!) critical events!! About half were caused by Il2!!

Why is it, I'm forced to wonder, that I could install the same mod 3+ times in the past several years, with no where near the difficulty as I encountered
this time? For future reference I did create a Claymore master file.txt that contains ALL of the required mods  for the various files like air.ini, plane and
weapons mods, and the technics and the stationary files. I also put in any needed updates to these files, so that when I try to upload this mod again, and
I WILL!, then next time it will be a lot easier..? :-|

Sorry if I seem like a sourpuss, I apologize, just a little stressed by the work I put in, and especially how it ended up, and disappointed in myself.. :-[
I had a 'feeling' that this might happen! Next time I listen to my 'gut!' In future, I'll keep an eye out for any further updates on the VPmod pack
and the Fw190 mod pack.
My thanks and appreciation for your responses guys, AND, your patience!   :)
To Max_thehitman, Hals und Beinbruch!   8)



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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1326 on: December 16, 2016, 11:38:01 PM »

I reinstalled the pack but getting more or less the same problems as reported. Imho theres a conflict between the pack and some Fw-190 3d upgrades and cockpits. I only found two conflicting classfiles with the classcheck.exe. Maybe the lack of SAS Engine mod is also a problem, but thats just a wild guess.


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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1327 on: December 17, 2016, 06:42:38 PM »

Hi vpmedia,

I did not know about this utility, classcheck.exe.
I d/l it and am looking it over. Hmm? Is it possible to run batch files through this, or is one
limited to picking ONE file at a time? If so, very tedious! Could you identify the two conflicting
class files? (Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm using this in the right/correct way! Seems to need
a update from Microsoft. Turns out to be a 'patch' 1.7mg in size?)



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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1328 on: January 18, 2017, 12:22:39 PM »

Hi Folks,

My goal is to have the canopies open for the stock FW 190s in the game.

I am running v 4.12.2 with Modact 5.30 and AI Flyables. No other mods.

I read the posts in this message and didn't see anything to try (I'm not trying to get FW 190 canopies to work in VP Modapack just yet) Before posting my logfiles I thought I would ask if anyone knows an easier way for me to get the canopies to open for the FW190s ?

Thanks in advance - jg1234

Edit - I found most of the TFM412 packs on my hard drive and decided I might see if I can use a slightly modified version of TFM412 to get what I need. I might also play around with the TFM412 02-03 packs since they contain Claymore's mods. I can make these files available in anyone needs them, assuming that's okay with Monty, Claymore and any others involved in that project. 



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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1329 on: May 06, 2017, 04:49:14 AM »

You can combine mod with 4.13.4 and Modact 6.4?  please ;)


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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1330 on: June 01, 2017, 05:16:46 AM »

Works perfectly in [4.13.4]
public static void main (String[] args){}


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Re: Pack Fw 190 & Ta 152
« Reply #1331 on: June 01, 2017, 11:41:53 AM »

I have some problem crash for 30% when you load the plane, stock Ta & Fw too. Tested on game mode without -  crash for 30%.

Code: [Select]
Flight Model File FlightModels/Ta-152C3.fmd contains no Mach Drag Parameters.
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@56b6f3] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@545a6] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@1fd0cc] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@450438] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@180228] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@35b346] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@ce5a6] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@39237a] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@482102] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@6f15fd] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@cac17] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@761c56] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@3e6a71] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@3e5bd3] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@7e7d1a] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@475479] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@7b0bfb] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@4fc00b] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@493578] cannot load sample: null
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.Sample@556b61] cannot load sample: null
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: printCompassHeading
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.CockpitTA_152C3.<init>(CockpitTA_152C3.java:85)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.createCockpits(Aircraft.java:3574)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.load(Aircraft.java:2872)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadAir(Mission.java:1368)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.Wing.load(Wing.java:145)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadWings(Mission.java:1111)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:487)
I do not understand why?  :(
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