I use propellers from Jeronimo. Once I refine my vision FW-190 - I will send you for evaluation. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. But ... let's not anticipate the facts
Thanks for the files
Edit: I found a photo of the flap with a notch. It turned out that this solution was used.

Edit 2: Mick - check PM.
Edit 3: Mick - make room in your inbox - it's full and messages don't come. Move the Textures and TexturesFW190 catalogs to the Plane directory. Let me know if it helped.
The Bunrindo/Japan description is faulty
A-4/U8 the first Jabo Rei conversion (Weserflug/Junkers Racks) from which G-1 (Weserflug/Junkers Racks) was developped. Both being different in Setup.
A-5/U8 (Weserflug/Junkers Racks) was going to be changed to G-2 (Messerschmitt Racks). Only racks made the difference, nearly identical Setup.
These early Jabos (U8) and G-1 sporting the Weserflug Racks seemed to use up a larger Type Droptank,
we know several versions existed of Type B/C/D/E drop tanks. The shape even varied. Some Bf109 and Doras even used
up cylindrical Tanks.

the smaller tanks wouldn't necessarly mean a cutout must be made.

This can indicate why some G-1 sported this cutout flaps. Curious as not all had the cutout.
Another important fact the A-4/5 U8s-G-1 Weserflug types were limited in numbers, at G-1 we know only 29 built, all went to SKG210.
G-2 or Messerschmitt racks on G-2 had more than 600 produced,

Evidence of sth. different, alternate G-1 rack+ different Tank, while in service, the Flaps holes Rack was shot early in production, during evaluation.
G-1 underwent heavy retrofitting while in Service. As almost all early Jabos, Units even used Hammer to
weld bumps to fit Bombs, some saw off fins from Bombs, just what they preferred to get sth. fixed.
I've seen Musterflugzeuge with other type racks that had these holes too, i.e. V44 WNr. 855 (G-1 Prototype). As in these early Droptank Tests, the large
Droptanks got used up and bracing thas flat.
What we know this stage of Jabo development (Weserflug/Messerschmitt Rack times) were most chaotic, as they had to
find a suiting standard. Their Einheits or Fw190 rack still on the drawing board.
Units later switched the racks to Fw/Einheits Rack when they became avaibale in larger number and production settled to F-3/G-3 models.
Even that is to locate under the high losses these Units suffered and these Racks played a marginal role.