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Author Topic: Breda Ba65 K14 & A80 ready to DL (7 versions) - updated 26/12/11  (Read 103789 times)

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Breda Ba65 K14 & A80 ready to DL (7 versions) - updated 26/12/11
« on: December 23, 2011, 02:01:05 AM »

To conclude this special week - and till another one soon   :) another plane is taking off under Spanish skies (and other too as some of the versions included here like Turret M Ba65 never served in Spain).

3dModel and Java Files: Dreamk
The default skin is mine (and I'm really not a good skinner) - Nashprod has been ill these last days, so skins will need to wait till is he feeling better - we all wish him all the best and to return fast to full health

Download at:

(updated 29/12/11 - All the updates are now included in this main download)

7 versions are included: Ba65 K14 monoposto, biposto, Arcone L and Turret M, Ba65 A80 monoposto, Arcone L and Turret M

In order to add the 7 aircraft, add to the air.ini file:

Ba65A80ArconeL       air.Ba65AA          NOINFO  i01   SUMMER
Ba65K14ArconeL            air.Ba65AK          NOINFO  i01   SUMMER
Ba65A80TurretM            air.Ba65TA          NOINFO  i01   SUMMER
Ba65K14TurretM            air.Ba65TK          NOINFO  i01   SUMMER
Ba65A80Monoplace            air.Ba65AM          NOINFO  i01   SUMMER
Ba65K14Monoplace            air.Ba65KM          NOINFO  i01   SUMMER
Ba65K14BiplaceEarly            air.Ba65KB          NOINFO  i01   SUMMER

if you want, you can after that add to the plane_ru.properties file the following lines:
Ba65K14ArconeL     Breda 65 K14 Arcone L, 1936
Ba65A80ArconeL      Breda 65 A80 Arcone L, 1936
Ba65K14TurretM      Breda 65 K14 Turreta M, 1936
Ba65A80TurretM      Breda 65 A80 Turreta M, 1937
Ba65A80Monoplace   Breda 65 A80 Monoposto, 1937
Ba65K14Monoplace   Breda 65 K14 Monoposto, 1936
Ba65K14BiplaceEarly   Breda 65 K14 Biposto, 1936

The mod is a 4.10 one and uses DiffM

As always cockpit specialists and FM gurus are wellcome to try their hand at improving this plane - no need to ask permisison for that.
I hope to have now eliminated all the bugs but the problem of "solitary modding"  is that one does't always pay attention to minor bugs

There are also 2 minor 3D mistakes that I will correct only after I get adequate documentation - the Turret M seems to have been asymetrical and not symetrical  - I received just yesterday a photo of such a turret but on a Ba 65 prototype - I need still to check what was exactly its shape on the K14 and A80. Similarly the A80 Arcone seems to have been equiped more frequently with an Arcone O than wity an Arcone L, with the gunner seated and not standing and the gun base position raised so as to enable to rear part of the gunner position to be covered by a metallic sheet. I began all these mod by following the material in the Ali d'Italia Ba65 book - a lavish book, high printing quality - but a lousy source of badly refurbished information - till I put a hand on an old article in Aerofan on the Ba65A80 and on part of the original "catologo nomenclature" of the Ba65A80 Arcone.
If someone has a copy of the "Ba65 e aviazione d'assalto" or of the original italian manuals "catologo" or "instruzioni" for the various plane - I'd appreciate a scan of the pages dealing with these tureets and the adjacent fuselage section.
The canopy struts also seem to have been a little less heavy than previously thought - I will probably update them soon, and then introduce also the slight variation often seen in the moving blister foreward struts.

Ba65 Take off instructions:

This plane was nose heavy with bad forward view from the cockpit and a relatively low power engine. This made often take off and landing with these planes a quite interesting experience - to say the least - On the K14 there was more torque than on the A80.

The aircraft was very heavy and with full load it was difficult to take off and quite difficult to climb. I have tried to model all these:

Once again, taking off from concrete runways is easier than from grass lanstrips. Try to learn from the the AI taking off.

Open the cockpit before taking off, you'll get a better view and it will be easier to take off.

To take off push your throttle slowly till 40% - if you push too fast or too high you'll find yourself on your nose. Let your aircraft run and take speed, increasing the throttle progressively. Correct the torque effects on the rudder and by pushing the stick slightly forward and towards right. Your plane will take off by itself after a suitable run - for a fully loaded turreted Ba65 or even a fully loaded Arcone L Ba65 you'll need the full length of runway and sometimes may be even more if the runway is short (or to take off with a reduced bombload, as in historic reality).

In air trim your plane adequately. remember, that the plane was intended to be a level bomber, a reco plane and an heavy fighter. And without bomb it can really act as a fighter. But as a fully loaded bomber it lacks engine power.

Look at the AI piloted aircraft to learn about the abilities and limitations of the various versions.

If you have a bombdoors mode that you need to activate, remeber that you need to open the bombay doors before bombing.
The dive bombing was an experiment in Spain with installation of underwings bomb racks (due to the structure of the bomb bays you cannot used the internal bombload in dive bombing).

The mod includes more historically correct Italian ordnance and a tentative to improve the existing Spezzionera - Now that at last I have got the original documentation for the various kinds of Spezzoniere, it's obvious that more work still needs to be done (3d and Java) till, we have real Spezzionere in Il2 - but this will need first some thinking about how to do it.

One last word:
This mod has its own story - the initial idea was to import the wonderful Ba65a80 created by Manuele Villa for FS2004/FSX - Manuele very kindly gave me his formal agreement to do that - however when looking at Manuele's model, I let myself being misled by info spread by "some well known source" to think that this model was beyond Il2 limitations and requirements.
I know now that it was a mistake - I could have imported it (and may be I'll do it at some point as a "high quality upgrade") - Lesson: in Il2 modding, never trust people who tell you "don't" till you don't check by yourself.
I went then to check whether I could import the freeware William Dickens' older FS2004 model - but his model had 3d problems and at the end of the day it was easier to create from scratch, and in the same run then add the other versions that never have been yet modelled. However their models was an inspiration and I used them all along as a 3d reference to check each of my steps. It was an invaluable help.and they deserve credits.

This package is freeware.
This software may be freely used, copied and distributed with the following restrictions:
1) The 2 readme files document must be included in any redistribution.
2) DO NOT place these files anywhere that requires a fee for downloading.
3) DO NOT place any of these files in any commercial package or any CD collection without the authors consent.

Theses files should not cause any problems with your computer, but we accept no responsibility if you think it does.

Thanks to Oleg Maddox and Qtim for creating Il2 and opening the gates to Mod creation, to Kumpel for his matrix tool, and thanks to SAS for enabling modders to share their knowledge on Il2 modding.


Update log
First update 25/12/11- it appears that in most cases the bombs appeared as US bombs instead of Italian bombs - Here are the corrected java classes for the 7 planes, enabling to display the correct ordnance
If you have downloaded the Ba65 before the 25/12/11, copy the files contained in this archive in your Ba65 directory, they will crush the former classes.

Update Number 2
The Ba65 A80 versions have now front edge slats, as was historically the case, activated together with the flaps.
Copy the files (meshes, him and java files) to your Ba65 directory (respecting the files locations present in the archive) Ba65_Update2.rar:

3dfix 27/12/11
Corrected Mgun hooks entry on the new wing file
Put these corrected Mesh files in your Ba65/3do/plane/ba65 folder



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Re: To conclude a special week - Ba65 K14 & A80 ready to DL (7 versions)
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2011, 02:04:05 AM »



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Re: To conclude a special week - Ba65 K14 & A80 ready to DL (7 versions)
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2011, 02:36:46 AM »

Nice planes. Thank you.  :)


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Re: To conclude a special week - Ba65 K14 & A80 ready to DL (7 versions)
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2011, 02:50:42 AM »

My goodness. What a series! This plane must have been one that I have often looked at in aviation books and thought: this is such an ugly looking ungainly design that it must be a wonderful aircraft to have in Il-2 ... I remember an old hack made for this aircraft from the R-10, but it never really did much in the way of looks. This rendition is more like it.

So many thanks ... the Condor Legion and the Nationalist Insurgents have really won the Loteria de Navidad this year ... and Il-2 players as well ... in fact when there is a void or template available I'll see about making some skins for the loyal government air force as well ... surely they must have captured a few.

In any case, many thanks. I have an upcoming total retexure of the Aragon map finished soon, so the plane will have some good-looking landscapes to fly over.


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Re: To conclude a special week - Ba65 K14 & A80 ready to DL (7 versions)
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2011, 03:23:52 AM »

A new era for SCW enthusiasts! Comrades, no pasaran!!!! (historical comment not - necessarily - political! ;))


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Re: To conclude a special week - Ba65 K14 & A80 ready to DL (7 versions)
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2011, 03:54:28 AM »

Note that the A80 dow not include the leading edge wing slats (yes I forgot to export them and include them in the Java, although they are ready   - I will add them in a short while).

Agracier, in the meantime you can find some use of that:
Ba65 Temporary Template (line and rivets).bmp

(a work skin I made from a 4views plan as a basis to ckeck up alignements.)

and of this
SCW Ba65 Insignia.png


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Re: To conclude a special week - Ba65 K14 & A80 ready to DL (7 versions)
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2011, 04:41:11 AM »

An unexpected present!!!

Thanks a lot mate!!!


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Re: To conclude a special week - Ba65 K14 & A80 ready to DL (7 versions)
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2011, 05:14:32 AM »

What the hell happened! in a weeks time more then 10 new rare planes! Fantastic!
Thanks every one involved!


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Re: To conclude a special week - Ba65 K14 & A80 ready to DL (7 versions)
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2011, 06:04:58 AM »

What the hell happened! in a weeks time more then 10 new rare planes! Fantastic!
Thanks every one involved!

I think everyone has been saving their mods for Christmas time ... making this time of year into a Big Bang of Mods. And don't let on I said so, but if you are a fan of rare and obscure, but special looking planes, the Holiday season is not yet over. I bet you will be getting more than you ever expected.


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Re: To conclude a special week - Ba65 K14 & A80 ready to DL (7 versions)
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2011, 06:05:59 AM »

Love it , my new favorite, I love to try surviving in these underdog two crewe attack planes. Before my R-10 was favorite now this.
One thing thow, It feels a bit to llight , should it not be heavy to manouver in, only a heads up


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Re: To conclude a special week - Ba65 K14 & A80 ready to DL (7 versions)
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2011, 06:11:59 AM »

As a matter of fact teh palne was designed as a fighter with all the classical Italian thinking about emphasis on acrobatic abilities - and if limited to this role it could have been a success without the teething troubles of the FiatA80 engine.  The problem was that teh Regia wanted to have fighter-reco-level bomber-dive bomber-and what else..." aircraft - Just try to take off withh a fully loaded Arcone L (full Spezzoniere - the heaviest load) you'll understand what Italian pilots in Cyrenaica spoke about.....


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Re: To conclude a special week - Ba65 K14 & A80 ready to DL (7 versions)
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2011, 06:17:25 AM »

I've already flown some nice test missions with it and as an opponent the mono-place version is nimble and agile, a really exacting opponent ... which makes it ever so much fun to fly against ... the old R-10 which often stood in for Breda's in the old days, hardly did much more than fly level and straight and then maybe break off in a port of starboard dive for a while and then continue back straight and level ... not very exciting or demanding to shoot down.

But these new models ... top notch evasive action ... great stuff
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