thanks nice pic yourself
another shot, i'm loving looking at it now i've got aa
Completely unedited.
[img here]
Are you able to take off in a 109 with the mixture, prop pitch, etc or do you start in the air? Cuz I had the darndest time trying to figure out how to just even take off, so I switched back to auto all that stuff. Any tips?
Bf-109 has elevator and aileron trim but no rudder trim. Equipped with an Oil and Water Radiator, electrically driven prop pitch mechanism, automatic compressor, and mixture doesn't need to be touched, only pushed back during start up and left alone all other times.
Combat power is the Emergency War boost with an automatic cut out timer after 1 minute, so the engine isn't damaged.
For takeoff you need to fully open both Radiators, oil and water, prop pitch is reversed in 109, so you need the icon at the bottom of your screen to have the slider at the bottom for full prop pitch angle, unlike other aircraft it is the opposite.
Set flaps down at 20* (Estimate by looking out of cockpit) After hitting the Fuel Cock, pump some fuel by moving the lever 2-3 times. Then switch magnetos to both, set throttle lever about a 1cm from 0% and then start the engine using the key you mapped in controls. (Default- I)
That is proper takeoff, then put flaps almost up but leave a gap for turning performance, and then close your water radiator half (Estimate), and leave oil radiator open fully. The splashes on your windscreen is oil, from overheating. And if you are not careful to check water and oil temperature the tanks could perforate and you can severely damage the aircraft and engine. :!:
Also when engine is running perfectly there should be minimal flame coming from your exhaust. And if you do not watch the RPM on your engine and it overspeeds it will be severely damage and create many rough vibrations. At any time RPM should not exceed 2400 during Takeoff/Landing/Climb and no more than 2900-3000 during a dive.
Finally the small icons in the corner represent the % of your different engine settings (Full, closed, Open, etc):
Prop Pitch, Mixture, Throttle, Radiator