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Author Topic: LowerParticleEffects/V2/V2.1/V3  (Read 60750 times)

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Re: LowerParticleEffects
« Reply #48 on: January 19, 2012, 11:32:08 AM »

Thank you again, Steppenwolf.

I've only had the chance to test this in limited number of planes.  Two of these are B-25C-25NA, and P-47D-10.  This is especially visible with the B-25, and when attacking in a cannon-armed plane (hypothesis: due to damage incurred?)



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Re: LowerParticleEffects
« Reply #49 on: January 19, 2012, 11:55:19 AM »

... same with me, tried :

Color0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Color1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0    (this will render the effect invisible)

... and gone is the black long lasting cloud ...  :P

Thanks for the "after sales service" Steppenwolf ...!!  :D


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Re: LowerParticleEffects
« Reply #50 on: January 19, 2012, 12:02:42 PM »

Okay, ben_wh. That helps! Then it looks like DBW ***MIGHT*** be using that effect differently because of class file omission. As it goes with 4.09m/UP2.01/LowerParticleEffects, BlackMediumSPD.eff was not used at all as far as I'm aware(but I'll still have to test that with the planes you've suggested). And its sister effect("damage contrails" have two parts), BlackMediumTSPD.eff, is a jet exhaust contrail! Each damage contrail has a ground version too, not sure about that one because I'm not at my computer right now. If anyone wants to try an easy experiment/contrail tutorial I'll post a suggestion later tonight(I'm at work on lunch right now). Thanks.



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Re: LowerParticleEffects
« Reply #51 on: January 19, 2012, 12:59:53 PM »


Thank you for all the help.  I have for now disabled those black cloud but I'm intrigued by the inner workings of these files.

Since I adapted your low particles effect to work in the Plutonium effect pack for DBW environment, my hypothesis is that this has something to do with how plutonium pack handles the effect in question as well.  So I took a look at both files - the first one is from your BlackMediumSPD.eff, and second one from the plutonium pack:

Low Particle Effects:

   ClassName TParticlesSystemParams 
  MatName ../TEXTURES/JetSmoke.mat   
  Color0 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0
  Color1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.00 
  nParticles 8
  FinishTime -1.0
  MaxR 0.0
  PhiN 0.0
  PsiN 0.0
  LiveTime 100.0 
  EmitFrq 10.0 
  EmitVelocity 5.0 0.0 
  EmitTheta 0.0 0.0
  GasResist 1.0
  VertAccel 0.25
  Wind 0.0
  Size 50.0 100.0
  Rnd 0.1

Plutonium Pack for DBW

   ClassName TParticlesSystemParams 
  MatName ../TEXTURES/JetSmoke.mat   
  Color0 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.0
  Color1 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 
  nParticles 2
  FinishTime -1.0
  MaxR 0.0
  PhiN 0.0
  PsiN 0.0
  LiveTime 0.1 
  EmitFrq 0.2 
  EmitVelocity 0.0 0.0 
  EmitTheta 0.0 0.0
  GasResist 1.0
  VertAccel -0.5
  Wind 0.0
  Size 0.0 0.0
  Rnd 0.1

The differences in Livetime and EmitFrq parameter between the two caught my eyes ...

I also checked the file they called - Jetsmoke.mat - the .mat files in both case have the same entries, although the texture file (.tga) they called are different in sizes.  I trust that you have reduced the size of the low particle effect tga file to improve performance?

Fascinating ...

Thank you again,



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Re: LowerParticleEffects
« Reply #52 on: January 19, 2012, 01:12:50 PM »

Mick and gianlucabagatti - you're welcome very much.
ben_wh - In both instances the effect was meant to be invisible or void. I'll explain the parameters tonight. Are the class files(number of class files and names) the same in LowerParticleEffects(LPE) as in Plutonium for DBW? I really think something must be different there. Thanks.



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Re: LowerParticleEffects
« Reply #53 on: January 19, 2012, 01:37:49 PM »

Are the class files(number of class files and names) the same in LowerParticleEffects(LPE) as in Plutonium for DBW? I really think something must be different there. Thanks.


In my case it has got to be (and I verified - number of files and names), since I used the class files in the plutonium pack, but replaced effects and textures files from, that pack with yours to avoid a conflict with the 4.10.1m installation.




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Re: LowerParticleEffects
« Reply #54 on: January 19, 2012, 02:21:29 PM »

When I get home I'll DL the DBW Plutonium effects and swap the class files into the 4.09m/Up2.01 LPE mod and see what happens.



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Re: LowerParticleEffects
« Reply #55 on: January 20, 2012, 01:00:03 AM »

I tried installing Plutonium Effects for DBW and UP3.0 on a 4.09m/UP2.01 install tonight by swapping the 3DO and Effects folders only(keeping the UP3.0 and DBW class files unchanged). Both attempts, unfortuneately, caused freezes when trying to load .ntrks or missions. I was hoping to get some insight into what you guys are seeing in DBW, but it didn't work. My rig's not set up for another install of IL2 right now, so I can only guess at what effects a DBW install produces using LowerParticleEffect(LPE).

If anyone is interested in trying to make their own effects for IL2 though, please read on. I'll do my best to describe what I know of the .eff and its nuances.

First off, the .eff files control the effects - explosion, debris, smoke, sparks...what have you. The .eff draws from the .mat file. The .mat file basically determines what's done with the .tga file. The .tga file is the single image that the effect(.eff) is made from. I hope that makes sense.

.mats are really mostly beyond me! I just looked at what other people did with their .mats and experimented by swapping. Grey scale .tgas and those with alpha channels come into play here. This is a whole other subject though.

Here's what the BlackMediumSPD.eff looks like when you open it with Notepad. Set Notepad as your default program to open .effs. For DBW users new to effects this is a great place to start since you know what the effect produces already - a big black patch! So any changes you make will be quite noticeable. Again, LPE is not intended for DBW - I'm just using it for example purposes.

File path - 3DO/Effects/Aircraft/BlackMediumSPD.eff

   ClassName TParticlesSystemParams 
  MatName ../TEXTURES/JetSmoke.mat   
  Color0 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0
  Color1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.00 
  nParticles 8
  FinishTime -1.0
  MaxR 0.0
  PhiN 0.0
  PsiN 0.0
  LiveTime 100.0 
  EmitFrq 10.0 
  EmitVelocity 5.0 0.0 
  EmitTheta 0.0 0.0
  GasResist 1.0
  VertAccel 0.25
  Wind 0.0
  Size 50.0 100.0
  Rnd 0.1

Here's a breakdown for the BlackMediumSPD.eff(most .effs follow the same rules, but there are some exceptions though):

   ClassName TParticlesSystemParams...rarely have I messed with this one.
  MatName ../TEXTURES/JetSmoke.mat...determines what(and where) .mat(texture/.tga) to pull from. This is the single image that will be generated as an effect.   
  Color0 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0.....controls first half of the color of the effect (Red/Green/Blue/Tranparency scale)
  Color1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.00.....controls second half-the 0.00/0.0 makes eff fade away smoothly because transparency is zero. 
  nParticles 8...important-body of the effect/tga genereated!
  FinishTime -1.0...time before effect stops emitting particles(particles=.tga!). A negative one(-1.0) makes the effect emit continuously. A 0.5 would make the effect emit for half a second...roughly. All contrails/fire for inflight aircraft damage/smoke most have a -1.0 in them! Failure will result in odd things. Non SPD and TSPD effects don't have to have -1.0 as FinishTimes. Compare the effects for EngineStart2 with others to get an idea of what timings can do. See also ground explosions and vehicle smokes.
  MaxR 0.0...rotation of the .tga as far as I know.
  PhiN 0.0...not sure, could never really see any change with this one. It's got to do something though???
  PsiN 0.0...rotation of the .tga as far as I know. An internal error will tell you when you've entered to high a value here.(20.0-30.0 if I remember correctly???)
  LiveTime 100.0...amount of time the effect is totally visible. 
  EmitFrq 10.0...how many times the .tga/particle is replicated. Changing this value can result in breaks in your contrail, or make it continuous! It's used in conjunction with nParticle, FinishTime, and LiveTime. Higher numbers will bunch your particles together, lower values do the opposite.
  EmitVelocity 5.0 0.0...speed at which the particles emit- beginging/end. Think of it as a bullet leaving the barrel. +or- values 
  EmitTheta 0.0 0.0...this controls the spread(like a shotgun blast)-beginging/end.
  GasResist 1.0...this is the force pushing back/down upon the effect-important! I like to picture it as an invisible dome.
  VertAccel 0.25...how fast the effect climbs vertically(positive value) or gets pulled back down(negative value).
  Wind 0.0...how far and fast the effect moves sideways - like a wind gust.
  Size 50.0 100.0...this is an easy one- beginging/end
  Rnd 0.1...this puts stops in the effect, like pauses or stripes in a candy cane.

The more you experiment with the above parameters the more you'll see how closely and similarily they react with, and depend upon/void, one another. Sorry to sound so cryptic, but I don't have the language to describe their behaviors fully. And any experimentation you do would probably be worth a thousand of my words. Key things to pay attention to are nParticle count, EmitFrq, and the effect timings! These will have the most affect on FPS!!! The three are crucial in making a long contrail effect too. Negative values also come into play in some parameters, like ground smokes. Cross reference ground explosions for more value options. File path for those is - Effects/Explodes/...
If you get a clamp error in the log then you most likely don't have enough particles in your effect to match the LiveTime you entered.

To isolate an effect(s): change color values and sizes into something more noticeable(see example below). ***This is the method I used to figure out what everything did in Plutonium.***

Color0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0...=red
Color1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Color0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0...=green
Color1 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0

Color0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0...=blue
Color1 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0

Color0 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0...=black
Color1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0

Color0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0...=white
Color1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0

Contrail Example: The BlackMedium damage contrail is made up of three parts(.effs)-
first two parts(BlackMediumSPD.eff and BlackMediumTSPD.eff) these control the contrail "in flight".
second part(BlackMediumGND) controls the effect once the plane has landed and is moving without much speed on the ground.

Try to isolate the effects BlackMediumSPD.eff and BlackMediumTSPD.eff by changing their color values into some of the above examples. Use this method to pin point any effect you want to change later on as well. This is for DBW users only. 4.09ers, keep reading for an experiment you can try.

Record a .trk of the effects happening once you've isolated them.

Look at the parameters that myself and other modders have used for .effs with SPD and TSPD in the name to give you an idea of what numbers produce the contrail shape. Also, cross reference color values to get an idea of what color numbers produce what colors. And, try experimenting with other .tgas. Use FRAPS to test the FPS of your effects. The nParticles for LPE effects are at what I think is the minimum level already- the timings might be a bit confusing, but the particles are at a low starting point. Increase in the nParticle and EmitFrq will be the biggest FPS eaters. Large .tga files also affect game performance.

An easy way to see the contrail effect, for any install(4.09 or DBW) with LPE, is to change the color values of BlackHeavySPD and BlackHeavyTSPD to some of the above examples then watch the fourth allied plane in P38vsKI84 .ntrk. This will show you the basic layout of the two heavy smoke effects in LPE simultaneously, with one highlighted in the colors you specified. I think this will make things clearer for anyone reading this. And it's an easy thing to try if you've been interested in messing with effects.

Like anything else, IL2 has many limits - kind of like this tutorial! Check the effect you're working on by hitting Shift-Tab in game to bring up the log file. If you see an INTERNAL ERROR, then something you entered is wrong or out of parameter for the game. Distinguishing between Internal Errors is also something to study further on down the line. Use the color trick to find what .effs control what effects and use .trks to record the effects you are trying to isolate. Make changes one at a time and reload your game to see what happened. This is where having a .trk with the effect you're testing will come in handy. I wouldn't be surprised if I loaded my game a thousand times while trying to make LPE. I hope some of this information can help others in bringing more to our beloved IL2. Contact me via PM, or just ask here so others can read, for any further info. Good luck!




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Re: LowerParticleEffects
« Reply #56 on: January 20, 2012, 01:11:46 AM »


This is great help - and let me go from just enjoying the end result of a mod to understanding what's behind the scene, with the knowledge to begin experimenting.  Thank you again - not only for the mod but also an education.



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Re: LowerParticleEffects
« Reply #57 on: January 20, 2012, 01:57:29 AM »

I reference you to my topic, with this and other help I have finally filled all the entries with some brief explanation:


Also are links to every other topic on effects subject.  ;)


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Re: LowerParticleEffects
« Reply #58 on: January 20, 2012, 08:34:28 AM »

You're welcome ben_wh. Please post any questions here if you have any.
Verhangnis, thank you for sharing on this topic. I hope our information will be useful to other modders.

Good luck!



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Re: LowerParticleEffects
« Reply #59 on: January 23, 2012, 12:00:02 AM »

Version 2 available for download, see first post. In this version I reworked the heavy and light aircraft damage smoke, flaks, explosions, and V1 and V2 contrail. I was unable to get my video capturing software to record at a high FPS, but the mod itself performs relatively well.

Best regards,

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