:)Hello everyone,
New Release !
Plane_Selector Readme Version 2.1 March 10th, 2012 by S.Ansons
March 10th, 2012 Release 2.1
-Add a new feature to manage MapSets like PlaneSets. This allows the user to overcome the limitation of Maps being displayed in the FMB Map Selection form or the issue of having Maps displayed outside the form.
The Menu tab has new buttons to create/install/backup Mapsets.
A "Maps" subfolder has been added to contains Mapsets Backups and command files.
The Param tab has been updated to contain paths for the all.ini file. Check it to be sure that it matchs your install.
2 Tabs have been added in the tool "Maplist" and "All".
The "All" tab contains the data per Map to be stored in the All.ini file. The "Maplist" tab contains the list of Maps to be grouped as a Mapset. To Create a Mapset, it is just the same way as for Planesets. Select the Maps in the "All" tab by typing a "X" in the first column , then click on the button "Build_Maplist" at the top of the tab. The "MapList" tab will be updated with your selection.
Then go to the "Menu" tab, Click on the "Build Map file" button then on the "Install New Map file" button to install it. You will be prompted to make a backup first. As for Planeset you have to enter a keyword (No space, no _) to identify your Mapset. You can use the - as a separator character.
To add a new Map it is fairly simple: Just add it into the "All" tab, check that the data cell is correct and include it in a MapSet and install it. Note that sometimes modders put "tab" characters in the instruction pointing to the map's load.ini file
I provide also a map_ru.properties file to "clean" a bit the "titles" in the FMB MapList. This file must be copied manually in the #DBW\STD\i18n folder. copy/rename your old one first just in case of...
Other change: The Air tab has been updated with correct Country and Type per Aircraft. Thanks to kleinnak for providing me the updated list.
Jan 25th, 2012 Release 2.0 ! I have modified the tool to include the stationary and ships objects...
- A "Menu" tab is added in the plane_selector.xls file to access the different functions. There is no more buttons in the PlaneList tab.
- Add a feature to allow the user to backup and edit/install files used to add stationary objects and/or ships in the game. A "Stationary" subfolder is created in the main Plane_selector folder to store the backuped files thus avoiding mixing up the backups with the plane's backuped files. The 6 backuped files are chief.ini, stationary.ini, technics.ini, ships.ini, static.ini,technics_ru.properties .
- To backup these files, click on the "Backup_stationary_files" button in the Menu tab.
Same principle as for plane's files, you can add a keyword (no _, no space character) instead of the date to identify the backuped files.
- Editing/Installing files: Click on "Edit/Install_stationary_files" button. A form will pop-up with the available backups . Select one in the list. You have 6 buttons allowing the user to edit separately each file. Warning: To avoid overwriting backuped files, use "Save as" and add new in the filename once you have complete the editing. Once your edits are completed, mark the check boxes for each file you want to install. Click on the "Install" button and you are done !
The main advantage of this feature is to centralize backups and file editing/installing thus you can rollback easily if the addon does not work or if you messed up the game !
Jan 09th, 2012 Update 1.1 I made a small change in the Restore_backup function to use the EOF VB function to detect the end of the Plane_selector directory file. For those who downloaded the archive before Jan 09th, do it again.
Here is my small contribution to this community. I have designed a small utility based on XL to manage the planesets in IL2 1946. With this tool, we can overcome the plane number limitation of the game. you will able to select planes, create new planesets, make backups, restore backups, add new planes in the game etc... I have tested it successfully in my DBW1.6 install. Now the Ba65 and Ro37bis work perfectly in my install. Here below the full readme.txt. If you have any question let me know.
Plane_Selector Readme Version 1.0 Jan 07th, 2012 S.Ansons
What does this tool ?
This is a small utility based on a XL file to generate custom plane sets in IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
avoiding the user to manually edit and copy/paste the 3 usual files : air.ini, plane_ru.properties and weapons_ru.properties. The tool allows to overcome the nb of mods limitation !
It is configured for DBW1.6 but it can be adapted easily to other installs.
How it works ?
Instead of editing manually the air.ini, plane_ru.properties, weapons_tu.properties files and making manual backups and copy/paste in the target directories, the tool will allow the user to :
1. Create a set of selected aircrafts from a main list containing all installed aircrafts
The main aircraft list is stored in the Air tab
The First row contains the column headers
1 Row per aircraft
Col 5 contains the usual statement stored in the air.ini file
Col 1 is used to selecta plane: Just put a character like X into this cell to select the plane
Col 2 contains the aircraft's country
Col 3 contains the aircraft's type : Fighter, Bomber, Dive bomber, Attack etc...
Col 4 contains a formula to extract the plane name from the data stored in col 5
Note that the formula uses the space as a separator thus when adding new planes in this list (addons) you might need to insert a space into the air.ini statement stored in col 5 to get the correct plane name.
You can use the XL filtering feature to filter the planes by country, aircraft's type to ease the selection process
The plane_ru tab contains the usual plane_ru.properties statements
Row 1 contains the column headers
Col 2 contains the usual statements stored in the plane_ru.properties file
Col 1 contains a formula to extract the plane name
The weapons tab contains the usual weapons_ru.properties statements
Row 1 contains the column headers
Col 2 contains the usual statements stored in the plane_ru.properties file
Col 1 contains a formula to extract the plane name
Of course for a single aircraft you might have several rows , each one containing a weapon load
Important: Keep that tab sorted by aircraft, the rows contaning the weapons for the same aircraft must be adjacents !
The param tab contains the paths to the usual folders containing the air.ini, plane_ru.properties
and weapons_ru.properties files.
Note that there are paths to a Files folder located in #DBW, it used by the FMB.
The last path points to the Plane_Selector folder which can be installed in the main game directory.
If you want to open the Plane_selector.xls file from another location, just create a shortcut.
The PlaneList tab contains the generated plane set
How to generate a new planeset ?
1.Just put for each plane you want to select a X in col 1 of the Air tab
Don't forget to clear first the column (not the header in row 1 !) if you want to start a new list from scratch
2. Click on the button Build_PlaneList
A macro with read the Air tab and pick up all planes with a X and create the planeset in the PlaneList tab. Display the PlaneList tab to check that you have all you desired planes
3.Click on the button Build_new_files to create in the Plane_Selector folder the new Air.ini,
plane_ru.properties and weapons_ru.properties files. This might take a few seconds depending on the number of selected aircrafts.
3. Backup your original game files by clicking on the Backup_old_files button
A macro will copy your game files into the Plane_selector folder
By default the files are renamed with the backup date as a keyword (but you can choose another one with no space/blank nor _ in it!) in order to allow multiple backups.
Ex: 20120107_Air.ini is the backuped air.ini done on Jan 07, 2012
4. Click on the Copy_new_files to install the generated files. In the case of you have forgotten to make a backup (step3), the macro will prompt you to do it now.
5. Run the game, you should have only your selected planeset active.
How to install addons planes into the tool :
That's very easy:
1.Add the usual statements for the new plane in the data column of the Air, plane_ru and weapons tabs.
2.Copy/paste a formula from an existing aircraft to get the plane name.
3.Indicate the country and aircraft type in the appropriate cells of the Air tab. That's it !
It is quite easy to build and save different plane sets for different theaters.
How to restore a backuped planeset ?
In the PlaneList tab, click on the "Restore_backup" button
A form will pop-up with all the backuped air.ini files located in the Plane_selector folder
Click in the List on the backup you want to restore
The selected backup will be display in the top field.
Click on the "Restore" button.
Your backuped files have been restored in the game
Install procedure: Unzip the archive into your main game directory. Open the plane_selector.xls file allowing macros, check the param tab to be sure that the paths are correct for your install. You might create a shortcut to the XL file to open it from another location.
Reminder: The tool is free and cannot be used for making money.
S.Ansons France Jan 07th, 2012