This is a compilation of my favourite effects mods altered to my personal taste, based largely on plutonium effects. Includes high quality explosion effects and low particle fires so more destruction can be displayed on screen at one time.
No consideration was made to be FPS friendly. Emphasis is on being able to display more effects at once before game engine limits are exceeded. Good compilation if you have a powerful computer and want to see large dramatic battles and wholesale destruction!
Realistically you'll probably need a modern processor, 4GB ram and a decent GPU. But let me know if I'm wrong!
New smoke effects

This compilation is based on Plutonium, without which it would not work. Credit for the mods included in this compilation go to the following modders, artists and compilers, in no particular order:
Holygrail and Potenz Hguderian and Getter
Sani Ton
Steppenwolf Stuka_40
Aed Eaxhaton
Sanka Santobr
Socorrista Wolfighter
RusPs Manysh
CirX Pablo
VPMedia Uufflakke

Includes the following and probably more that I've forgotten...
NEW IN V4.3Building destruction effects improved
Small bomb eg 100kg and rocket ground explosions improved
Direct hit effects improved
Flames as buildings explode removed (no longer necessary with new direct hit effects)
Smoke height from building fires increased - now goes up to 800m
Different buildings now produce slightly different flames
Improved smoke from burning ground vehicles
Improved fire effect from burning aircraft engines
Thinned smoke effect from burning aircraft as much as possible without substantially increasing particles
Steam from trains improved thanks to
UufflakkeR4M and X-4 2d smoke trails replaced with 3d
Fixed target indicators, set realistic visible distance
Altered visibility distance of all effects to suit visibility mod
Altered tank dust - now brown instead of grey
Added old aircraft ground dust from Plutonium
Spring cleaning - removed outdated dead pilots mod, engine hooks, propellers and exhaust flames
Also includes:
Pablo's Weapon contrails and tracers
Steppenwolf's high altitude contrails and flak tinkered with by Manysh
Use in conjunction with VPMEDIA's static smokes and fires mod if you have issues with
static smokes and CY6s C&C Mod:,25268.0.htmlHere's the
prop mod I was using if you want to continue using it. By Stuka_40, I believe: - V4.3Gonna do things a little differently from now on. As the class files usually remain the same and only the 3do and Effects folders change, new versions will only comprise those 3do and Effects folders for you to replace your old ones with. That said, this time the class files did change, so please grab them below and combine them with the new 4.3 3do and effects folders. Also check out new 30k distance mod below if you have a decent pc.
So for beginners:
Download the appropriate 4.3 class files for your install.
Download the new 4.3 3do and Effects folders.
Remove the new 3do and Effects folders from their containing folder and place them in with all the class files. (#UP_Gurnerfx/#UP#/files, for example)
If using DBW or UP, place the whole lot in your JSGME folder and activate it.
Blow shit up.
Here it is - V4.3 3do & Effects folders - Class files in JSGME packs for DBW171 and #UP3, HSFX6 and Modact can go in Mods folderDBW 171 - 3 - 5 + 6 - - View Distance Mod Add these class files to your mods/dbw/up folder and you'll be able to see the smokes from absolutely miles away! It rocks
DBW versions30km version to go with 800m V4.3 smokes, 20 and 10k Versions for DBW uploaded by Korrigan: link thanks to PA_Willy: Version (15km) Version 6 10 km:!
JET JOCKEYS!You will need this to change to a white flashing tail light - will make the tail lights of all aircraft old and modern, jet and prop flash in the manner of a more modern aircraft
Replace the one in the 3do/effects/fireworks folder in the mod pack
DBW with AI mod- without AI mod and 4.10 modact- - DBW 1.71 - This is for DBW with the AI mod or DBW 1.7/1.71. courtesy of Slipper - thanks mate:
DBW - - - - 1.71 V 4.2 for nightfighters: smokes removed to improve FPS - Gerax:
here (reply #1060) for a
HSFX7/412 version by andqui: