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Author Topic: Mosquito VulcanM61 v2 (4.09 - 4.101 - 4.11 )  (Read 20677 times)

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Mosquito VulcanM61 v2 (4.09 - 4.101 - 4.11 )
« on: January 31, 2012, 11:28:46 AM »

Mosquito VulcanM61  ;), six-barrel(rotating!)  gun VulcanM61, 6000rpm, 950 rounds ammunition.

Original 3D by 1C
Java and classfiles by SAS~Skipper
Java and classfiles,Ordnance,3D by Melissa
update v2 by SAS~Epervier
New Flightmodel (TseTse) by SAS~Howlin
Reticles for TseTse based on work of NonWonderDog by SAS~CirX

Edited by SAS~Epervier with permission from the author!

Version 2

Features :
- Use the reticle of TseTse to compensate variation firing the Vulcan (see screen)
- Added two machineguns .303 with 500 rounds as defensive armament
- Vulcan disappears if you choose "none" loadout
- change FM for v4.09 & 4.10

for 4.09 : https://www.mediafire.com/?38wwv399ds01vnv

for 4.101 : https://www.mediafire.com/?3ko9hv1j3vcl1wq

for 4.11 : https://www.mediafire.com/?8m6e0murpsupngy

Version 1
for 4.11 https://www.mediafire.com/?0l2bx5oxkvadx6r

for 4.101  https://www.mediafire.com/?lahn1kkcc8f15lh

New samples for M61 https://www.mediafire.com/?jtm161ytrqg79ek  Replacement for ...\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\MOSQUITO_VulcanM61\Samples



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Re: Mosquito VulcanM61(for 4.11)
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2012, 11:51:16 AM »

A very dangerous insect!


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Re: Mosquito VulcanM61(for 4.11)
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2012, 12:59:47 PM »

Thanks  :)

but shouldn't be the destruction higher ? I mean if many 20mm bullets (it is 20mm isn't it ? Or is it the test gun T45 with 15mm bullets ?) hit one place it would rip off the wing off I guess no ? Now it only happens occasionnally, it doesn't seem to do more damagae than a MK108.

Just what I noticed, no offence meant  :)


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Re: Mosquito VulcanM61(for 4.11)
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2012, 01:08:43 PM »

but shouldn't be the destruction higher ?
What do you want from a 101g. shell? :) This projectile even weaker than Hispano WWII. Sorry my English


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Re: Mosquito VulcanM61(for 4.11)
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2012, 01:31:36 PM »

WOW!! thats going to sting!!
Thanks melissa!!


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Re: Mosquito VulcanM61(for 4.11)
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2012, 04:21:51 PM »

Hey that's a neat idea...could be a "what if" COIN plane along the lines of the Piper Enforcer....I'm gonna have to get around to downloading 4.11 soon!


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Re: Mosquito VulcanM61(for 4.11)
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2012, 11:04:50 PM »

Ok, sorry I thought this was the powerful and well known one that sits in all the American Jets.
Thanks  ;)


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Re: Mosquito VulcanM61(for 4.11)
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2012, 05:23:16 AM »

Damn! Now that's a pest that can kill you more than 10 times in one feeding :D It almost seems like a perfect fit, but since we're dreaming here.... lets put 2 of those on instead of just one. :D perfect for ground straffing. Hmm, maybe the B-25Gs and B-25Hs could use one too in place of the cannon... hahahaha :D Better not or these things will be flying backwards in the air and on the ground ;)

Cool plane.


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Re: Mosquito VulcanM61(for 4.11)
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2012, 08:38:50 AM »

Heres a short list of the most common rounds used in the M61:

Designation    Type    Projectile Weight [g]    Bursting charge [g]    Muzzle Velocity [m/s]    Description

M53    API     ?    4.2 g incendiary[7]    1030    6.3 mm RHA penetration at 0 degree impact angle and 1000 m range.

M56A3/A4    HEI    102[8]    9 g HE (RDX/wax/Al) and 1.5 g incendiary    1030    Nose fuzed round, no tracer. 2 m effective radius to produce casualties to exposed personnel. Fragmentation hazard out to 20 m.[8] 12.5 mm RHA penetration at 0 degree obliquity at 100m range.

PGU-28A/B    SAPHEI    102.4 [9]    10 g[8]                                    1050                                      Multi-purpose fuzeless round with an incendiary charge in the nose setting off the HE behind it with a slight delay to maximize lethality against aircraft. No tracer or self-destruct. A zirconium pellet at the bottom of the HE cavity provides additional incendiary effect.

Ok, sorry I thought this was the powerful and well known one that sits in all the American Jets.
Thanks  ;)

Yes, this would be the one- used in most US jets since the F104 Starfighter, F105 Thunderchiefs and A7D Crusaders of Vietnam vintage up to the F15's/16's/18's. Even got 2 in a pod slung underneath F4's (M12's/M25's), although innacurate, and a much modified version (M195) is fitted to the Cobra gunships. One of the most versatile aircraft weapons ever developed, its been everywhere from the tail turrents on B58 Hustlers and B52's, to being the sharp end of the Navy's 'Phalanx' anti-missile system, and to say it doesnt pack an awesome punch is to do it a disservice.

Neither can it be compared to the Mk108, which pumps out 30mm shells at a poultry 650 rounds per minute with a wheezing 540 Metres per second muzzle velocity. Our M61 blasts out the 20mm's at 6000 Rounds per Minute (6600 with the A2) @ 1050 Metres per second muzzle velocity, so the weight of the projectiles is more than made up for by the amount of them and the speed they are travelling (quantity over quality!).

As a matter of interest, the very versatile Hispano 20mm, for instance, the Hs404, had a rate of fire of 6-700 RPM (similar to the 108) but with a muzzle velocity of 840-880 Metres per second, firing heafty 130g HE or HEI shells, or as much as 168g for AP-T shells.

Maybe you are getting confused with the gattling gun in the nose of the A10 Warthog, which is a 30mm GAU-8/A Avenger, which is a truly awesome weapon. It fires its 360 gram depleted uranium shells at an incredible 3900 Rounds per minute (can be set for up to 4200!!!) with a muzzle velocity of 1070 Mps. It's rotary barrels are driven by twin 77hp electric motors and it is sometimes described as the "largest, heaviest and most powerful aircraft cannon in the US military arsenal" and is lethal against armour- or any thing else you care to mention!

Russia have a similar weapon, the Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-6-30, which is lighter and has an even faster rate of fire (up to 6000 RPM), but has a much lower muzzle velocity (845 Mps) and overheats faster.

Eeerrrrrmmm- sorry for the rant. ::) Great mod- much fun- thanks!


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Re: Mosquito VulcanM61(for 4.11)
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2012, 06:59:06 AM »

Great plane ;) can you make it for 4.101?


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Re: Mosquito VulcanM61(for 4.11)
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2012, 07:02:03 AM »

it works with 4101


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Re: Mosquito VulcanM61(for 4.11)
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2012, 09:38:07 AM »

it works with 4101

Are you sure? I've tried using it with 4.101 and I get a 20% CTD. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you need thew new Mosquito "Tse Tse" that is included in 4.11. If not, can you give me some tips on how to make it work with 4.101? Thanks in advance.
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