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Author Topic: weird 1000 x 1000 boundary problem  (Read 4171 times)

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weird 1000 x 1000 boundary problem
« on: February 16, 2012, 01:09:00 AM »

Hello. I made a map that goes from Guadacanal to Rubaul at 1:1 scale and I am having a strange problem. In the mission builder map grid, there is a line that has a 1000 white/grey number that intersects another white/grey 1000 number line. I can't get a plane to start outside of this boundary. The game bumps me back inside the 1000 x 1000 boundary. Anyone knows what is this all about? Thanks.


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Re: weird 1000 x 1000 boundary problem
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2012, 04:16:18 AM »

Had the same problem with my European map (Norway to Italy, see the DBW Campaigns "Clash of Eagles" thread).

No answers as yet, I had to reduce to the 1000x1000 box, but what is weird is that this only affects aircraft spawns, you can place anything else anywhere, no problems, so must be in the aircraft spawning code somewhere.

Stock limitation or UP3, would have to ask Hades/ZUTI first, otherwise it's a question for TD, unless someone here actually knows. Would be very nice to get around this one, but no responses as yet.

Nice to see another megamap though, maybe post a screenie of the M03 (smaller), would be interested to see, and might generate some more interest in finding the cause?


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Re: weird 1000 x 1000 boundary problem
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2012, 07:03:19 AM »

Can you try if you can spawn a plane inside the 1000x1000km box and then let if fly to a waypoint outside the box?
If it doesn't work, then the problem is probably that no seven digit waypoint coordinates are possible in mis files.
If it works, I have no clue what the problem might be.  :(


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Re: weird 1000 x 1000 boundary problem
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2012, 08:08:15 AM »

You can fly outside of the 1000x1000km box. You can't spawn outside of the box. If you set up your spawn point outside the box, the game puts you on mission start at the closest edge of the box to the spawn point you made. During the mission you can fly outside of the box, and your map seems to be there.

sputnikshock, you might be right... it has to do with the waypoint coordinate system, not a stock limitation. I think the game can not "read", for airplanes, more than 1000x1000 in coordinates. All your waypoints appear in the in-flight map bunched up at the closest edge.

Maybe there is a way to expand this 1000x1000 limit to, say, a 3000x3000 limit without actually changing the "game engine" to eliminate the limit? Or tricking the game to think you are still inside the box? Becuase the map outside the box is there and you can fly to it... it is just the spawning and waypoints that is limited to the box.

I love megamaps! I got tired of waiting for mapmakers to do them, so I decided to start making my own this past winter... so I am a "newbie" on this. But so far I have made five 1:1s: Guadacanl-Rabaul, Sicily/South Italy-Malta-North Africa-Tripoli, Okinawa-Hiroshima-Nagasaki-Osaka, The Taiwan area, and Southern China.

I'll post an image of the Guadacanal-Rabaul if you tell me how, I have no idea how to do it. These maps are huge in file size, so I dont' know how to share them. But once they are finished (with all the actors, ect) I'll post them if I know how.


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Re: weird 1000 x 1000 boundary problem
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2012, 08:13:47 AM »

6 digit waypoint limit would explain why you can fly outside the box, yet AI (and also autopilot) can't.


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Re: weird 1000 x 1000 boundary problem
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2012, 08:27:18 AM »

Do you think there is there a way to modify this limit?


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Re: weird 1000 x 1000 boundary problem
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2012, 08:33:35 AM »

No clue.
If there is, I am sure it is not something that can be done quickly and/or easily.
But this is a question for the experienced modders out there.


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Re: weird 1000 x 1000 boundary problem
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2012, 08:57:43 AM »

Another question is, why is the limit there in the first place? It feels a bit arbitrary...



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Re: weird 1000 x 1000 boundary problem
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2012, 11:01:23 AM »

A 6/7-digit waypoint limit would have to be separate for planes and objects, I already successfully placed objects, vehicles etc. outside the box, they spawn and move without problems, it's only aircraft spawns that are limited. Curiouser and curiouser... and yes it seems totally arbitrarily rounded.

smg13, just go to http://photobucket.com and open an account (free), you can then upload your images and the site will provide you with a link for posting on websites like this one, you can also optimise pics for the web etc. but you may want to scale your originals down a bit first if you have limited upload bandwidth, I know how big they can get...

Do any of your 5 go up to the max map size? (half of the 65,536 pixels for MapC originally thought, i.e. 32,768 = 1,638.4 km = 1024 32-pixel units, limited by the max texture size limit of the graphic card (mine at least, go over and opengl32 will crash). Bigger? (different card)? Fascinated!


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Re: weird 1000 x 1000 boundary problem
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2012, 11:20:29 AM »

Thanks Slink, I'll post an image later tonight. Thank you for the info.

It is interesting that objects/vehicles don't have problems with waypoints outside the 1000x1000 box... maybe, and I am shooting a wild guess, it has something to do with the "skybox" (I think it is called CUBE in the load ini)? I am probably misunderstanding how CUBE works, but isn't this a sort of painted ceiling so we have a sky to look at? Maybe the size of this skybox is 1000kmx1000km? So the game can't understand a waypoint for something that wants to fly outside this limit...

You lost me with your last line: Do any of your 5 go up to the max map size? (half of the 65,536 pixels for MapC originally thought, i.e. 32,768 = 1,638.4 km = 1024 32-pixel units, limited by the max texture size limit of the graphic card (mine at least, go over and opengl32 will crash). Bigger? (different card)? Fascinated!

I have no idea what you are talking about. But I never had a crash of any sorts.

BTW, I checked you Clash of Eagles campaign thread and it looks very nice! That is a nice map you are preparing!


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Re: weird 1000 x 1000 boundary problem
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2012, 11:34:51 AM »

The max dimensions of MapC in pixels before your card crashes loading the map and the game dies, at least my card can't go over this limit.
(If you open the console and look at the first entries your graphic card specs are all there, including max texture size).

If it was the cube you would probably get graphic errors when you cross the limit, it just sets up the orientation of the world in virtual space, what is up, sky, north etc. That objects work and planes don't sounds like it was put in for some reason, or everything would have the same limit. Maybe an online limit for dogfight servers or something?

You can download the big map, it's just an empty test but could be interesting even though it's very basic. I moved onto the 1000x1000 soon as I found the limit, but if it could be modded out...


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Re: weird 1000 x 1000 boundary problem
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2012, 12:04:55 PM »

Maximum texture size : 8192

Is this it? It looks waaaayyyy to low... I'll check it tonight. It is good to know how these things work. And I'll check your map too.

The biggest map I have done is the Guadalcanal one, at 1:1, it is is roughly 2000km x 2000km. It doesn't crash. I can fly it ok. All the other maps are slightly less than this... my second largest map, the Okinawa to Osaka is about 900km x 900km. I figured that if I printed this map without scaling it would be about 30ft x 30ft... nice to wallpaper a wall with it, no?

I hope a solution can be found... once I am finished with all these "smaller" maps, as an exercise to learn mapmaking, I was planning on doing a huge one that goes from Iwo Jima to Hokkaido (including about 80% of Japan... just leaving Kyushu out) for B-29 raids. And later maybe extend it over 3000km to Saipan... I like long range flight and navigation...
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