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Author Topic: 5%, 60% & 70% crash Troubleshooters  (Read 185496 times)

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5%, 60% & 70% crash Troubleshooters
« on: July 16, 2009, 03:19:21 AM »

5% crash on loading indicates

~You just upgraded Il2. During this you missed an SFS file Somewhere. Go back and repeat.

~You just installed a mod enabler. Then , also you might have missed an SFS file (could happen with some enablers) or, your copy of IL2 is a direct to drive copy bought over the internet.That means One of your SFS files and some of your dlls are spiked by UBI. The fix for this is here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,1531.0.html

~Somehow your soundsetting is something other than 44.1KHz, and this is somehow screwing everything else. I personally have never been able to reproduce this crash. But know about it anyway, Access your sound settings through the IL2Setup.exe , or IL2SET.exe in your game folder. This seems to apply only to old UI installations anyway. One of those "funny little spies" :D

~You did nothing and now there is a 5% crash. One of your SFS files somehow got lost or corrupted. Count them and replace them if needed. Copy all SFS files over from a backup of your game

...you did make a backup right....

the 70% crash troubleshooter

a Much rarer crash, but more tricky to pin down.

70% cdt indicates a conflict between one of your ini files (static.ini, technic.ini or chiefs.ini ) and actual new objects in your mod files

To fix it you need to find out which line in any of those .ini's points to a worngly installed or missing object. Best thing is to revrt to backup and start over.

the 60% crash troubleshooter

This article assumes that you have a modded version of IL2 that worked in the past, but that now crashed to desktop at 60% load after you installed a new plane.

Here is a step by step guide that will get you out of it 99.9 % of the time.

The 60% crash explained :

60 % crashes are caused by a broken chain of reference between your games air.ini file, the contents of your mods folder, and your buttons file.

When you load the game, it boots up these three things in the following way.

1) It loads the air.ini file, which tells it what planes to load.
2) It then goes to look for these planes, first in your mods folder, and if it doesn’t not find them there, it looks for them in your game’s own “SFS” files.
3) When it finds the plane, the plane’s files will tell it which Flightmodel data’s needed for that plane. Flightmodel data is contained in the Buttons file.

If at any stage in this process, the game is told to look for something and it cannot find it, it will crash back to desktop at 60% loading time.

Steps for fixing your 60% crash:

Step 1:

Open up your main IL2 Sturmovik 1946 folder, that’s the one with your IL2fb.exe file in it. Click Search at the top of the window, enter the search term “BUTTONS”, with the parameters shown in the picture, and do a search of your Il2 Sturmovik 1946 folder.

NOTE: These screens were taken for an article I wrote for AAA, where the old "Files" folder is still used. People who uses the SAS Modactivator, your Buttons file will be inside your STD/Gui/Game file in the MODSs folder.

You should only have 1 buttons file, and it will be located in 1 of the two following places

…\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Files\GUI\GAME\buttons


… \IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Mods\STD\GUI\GAME\buttons

It can be in either of these places, but if there is a buttons file in BOTH places, the game will ONLY load the one in the mods folder. So make sure that  THATis the one you updated. Delete the other one to be sure.

Step 2: Download the latest buttons file from our Activators and Utilities forum, and MAKE SURE you replace yours with it as per the instructions there.

So, now you should have the LATEST buttons file for YOUR type of mod activation, and it should be at …\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\GUI\GAME\buttons

And there must be NO OTHER buttons files in your game directory. If you can confirm all of that, but still have a 60% crash, move on to step 3.

Step 3 : Open up your air.ini file. The air.ini file you want to use is found here:

..\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\air.ini

(Read the article I wrote on customizing your air ini file in the school forum)

Find the place where you entered the line for the new plane(s) you installed just before your game started crashing to 60%.
Disable it by placing “//” in front of the entry

SAVE the air.ini file, and try to relaunch your game. If it still crashes, repeat this step with every entry of new plane in your air.ini going backwards in time. See after each disable whether your game will start. At some stage it will. That is when you will know which plane is causing the crash.

If you had to disable more than one plane, go back and re-enable (Remove the “//”) them one by one, except of course for the one that first fixed the crash issue when you disabled it. This is unless you are SURE that the plane you disabled is the only one causing trouble.

Once you have done all of that, you can move on to step 4:

Step 4: Fixing the air.ini entries and plane files.

Go to your computer and find the file you downloaded for your new plane.

If it is an auto Installer, don’t auto install it again. Use 7zip or something similar to EXTRACT to contents of the installer to another folder, as if it was a zip file.


Inside it you will find a txt document that will give you a line to add to the air.ini file. Sometimes this info is not in the file you downloaded, but the author would then have written it in the post where you got it from.

Most of them will also give you lines to add to other files, like planes_ru.properties, but you need not worry about those now. Plane_ru and weapons_ru are not needed for your game to load a plane, they just add cosmetics in the game itself. So don’t worry about them now.

Now, compare the entry that the mod-maker provided for your air ini file with the entry you have

Verify that they are 100% identical. Copy and paste again if necessary.
Verify that there are no DUPLICATE entries for that plane in your air.ini file

If you have deduced that the crash is caused by the entries of more than one plane, repeat this step for all of them.

When you have fixed all the lines of errors (if there were any), don’t forget to re-enable them by removing your “//” from the entry, if it is still there.

Now, SAVE your air.ini file, and re-launch the game. If it boots, verify that your new plane is available in QMB. If it is not, that a whole different issue, but at least it is not a 60% crash.

If your game still crashes at 60%, move on to step 5:

Step 5:

If you have gotten this far, and your game still crashes at 60%, then the problem is in your mods folder, in the folder of the plane you installed.

Go back tot he file you downloaded and re-extract the files. Dont use windows' own extractor, it does not work. 7zip is recomended. You must be sure that you have extracted all the files, so use reliable software.

Then repaste the folder that has to be put in your mods folder, to the mods folder, Delete the old one in your mods folder. Verify that the file you downloaded is the same as the one you put in your mods folder, like the picture show and ect.


A Common mistake people make is to paste the aircraft folder into the mods folder at the wrong file depth. In other words, in the file I downloaded, there was a folder called “MODS”

And inside the mods folder was a folder called SPITMK1, and inside that was a folder called 3DO and so on.

The level at which it must be pasted into the mods folder is with the 3do folder on the second tier.

In other words, the file structure will follow
…IL2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\SPITMK1\3DO


If you have done this properly, your game should start. If it still crashes, then there is a conflicting mod in your mods folder. Go on to step 6

Step 6 :

If there is a conflicting mod in your mods folder, you can disable it by placing a “-“ in front of it.. Do this until you find the culprit. But BEWARE:

If you disable a NEW SLOT mod plane in your mods folder, you must ALSO disable it’s entry in the air.ini file, other wise you will just cause a NEW 60% crash.

Good Luck!


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Re: the 60% crash troubleshooter
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2009, 03:14:50 AM »

Very nicely done, thanks.

Just one little additional advice, set your conf.ini to log the loading of the game

[HotKey Console]
LOGFILE=log.lst (you can choose the name that you like)
LOGKEEP=0 (with option =1 will keep all the logs and the file will quickly become very heavy)

the loading of the game will be logged on your log.lst file (or any other you have chosen). In case of a 60% (and in many cases of 70%) crash you can trace the loading error (flight model or other) and save a lot of time in investigating the cause.   


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Re: the 60% crash troubleshooter
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2009, 03:46:40 AM »

Great stuff mate! I learn something all the time :D Thanx a mil!


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Re: the 60% crash troubleshooter
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2009, 11:27:10 PM »

Hello Mr CirX

One thing I would like to point out is a mistake that can often happen and that is leading to the dreadfull 60%.crash !

Actually most MODS we download are in zip or rar form. When we open the zip ,or else,  we use to copy and paste ( as instructed ) the MOD folder into our Il2-1946 MODS folder.We then check our air.ini, ru properties and weapons ru properties, and of course we also check if we have the last buttons installed . Then , with full self confidence we launch the game  and get the crash at 60%. WHY , WHY , WHY
Well,  most of the time we do not check into our MODS folder to see if the mod we just installed is complete.I mean we forget to compare what is inside  our mod after we put it in the MODS folder , with what it contains in his zipped form.
I experienced more than once ( in fact 4 times ) that all the class files were missing when the copy-paste method was used.

I hope that this explanation will be of some use to anybody and , please forgive my bad english.

It would be nice if people who has experienced the same phenomenom could post .




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Re: 5%, 60% & 70% crash Troubleshooters
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2010, 08:12:24 AM »


 Thank you for the detailed trouble shooting guide. It enabled me to get the P-38G-H series flying in UP2. I loaded fine, but got the ''NULL' error as soon as the program (QMB) got to the aircraft load.


This may help someone else who gets this error message  at the aircraft load point.

Well done!!!

Jack S.


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Re: 5%, 60% & 70% crash Troubleshooters
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2010, 04:34:35 PM »

Now I'm confused because in your guide about troubleshooting 60% crashes, you seem to say you can only have one buttons file. Only trouble is, when you have Ultrapack and want to use the switcher to run HSFX instead of UP, there has to be the buttons file under the "files" folder structure also. Otherwise HSFX will not run. It also has to have its own air.ini file it runs from.

And also I can't seem to get mods I added later into the mods folder to run in HSFX, they only run in UP. If I try to run the mods folder ( without a dash in front of it ) after I switch to HFSX, I get the 60% crash. If I put the dash back in front of the mods folder, then I can run HSFX once again. But of course those extra planes aren't in my HSFX. For example, just before AAA shut down, I downloaded and installed the Wellington bomber and the Shinden and got them running in UP, no problem. Then I later came here and got the P-47B and TA-183 Huckebein Light. Since they went into the mods folder, they are the ones I can't run in HSFX, have to put that dash in there. I can only fly those four planes in UP, never HSFX!!

I thought I'd copy the same air.ini file I use in my mods folder to the 'files' folder so HSFX would try to run the added on planes but I then get a 50% crash error, similar to the 60% one. I had to put the HSFX version of the air.ini back in the 'files' folder ( luckily I had saved it ) and all is well again but still can't get the extra add-on planes to run in HSFX of course.


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Re: 5%, 60% & 70% crash Troubleshooters
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2010, 05:04:09 PM »

You can have a buttons file in files, but the one in your mods folder will load over it, so it is the one you have in mods that will count.

HSFX, which was packed by my good freind CharlieChap, is FOR SEOW, made by SEOW PLAYER, for SEOW ONLY.

Since his SFS use makes such sense and is such an advanced feature, he gratiously made the HFSX sfs archives available to UP, with a few things added, so they could build their next pack using it as a base.

Ultra Pack IS THE PUBLIC VERSION OF HSFX. Unless you are a DEDICATED SEOW PLAYER, you should not use HSFX. Some sites tell guys to use HSFX, but that desicion has more to do with spite against UP, than with what is best for players. CharlieChap helped the UP guys get UP2.0 together, so that it could be a common offline/online pack for casual players like us, and so it could have all the extras and fiddly bits that are not used in SEOW campaigns.

This is why, even though I am great friends with the SEOW guys, and with Charlie, the I do not recommend that you install pure HSFX, unless you know what SEOW is, and it is a big part of your yearly social planning. Get UP (which contains HSFX anyway) and be done with it.

If you get into further hassles adding extra mods to UP, open a tech help topic here or at UP, we will gladly help you.


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Re: 5%, 60% & 70% crash Troubleshooters
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2010, 02:35:56 PM »

Another big 'Thanks' for this troubleshooter [my first 'Thanks' was back in May, at Reply #7].  After upgrading my buttons file with the latest one, and then downloading the new Float Swordfish, I stumbled at the 60% CTD.  Following these excellent instructions, I found that the upgrade UP buttons did not overwrite the previous version and 'buttons' files were all over the place.
When that was sorted out, and with 60% CTD still happening, I isolated the Float Swordfish with the "//" with the result that the loading went normally.
So, for now, I will stick with the wheeled Swordfish until I can further troubleshoot the Float Swordfish download/install.
Thanks, SAS~CirX.


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Re: 5%, 60% & 70% crash Troubleshooters
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2010, 02:46:50 PM »

I think the floater swordfish is simply a case of downloading and putting the DiFFFM mod in your Mods folder. https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,3988.0.html , try it out.


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Re: 5%, 60% & 70% crash Troubleshooters
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2010, 04:17:55 PM »

Thanks, again.  I downloaded the DiFFFM mod and placed the file -- not the folder containing the file -- in the MODS/Swordfish-2 folder.  The sim loaded properly and the Float Swordfish showed up in QMB.


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Re: 5%, 60% & 70% crash Troubleshooters
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2010, 01:35:40 PM »

SAS~CirX, the pope's around cant we get you made a saint or something? 2 weeks ago i upgraded from 4.09 to HSFX, and I've had a ruddy nightmare trying to get MODS to run at all.  Then i came across your idiots guide (and i should know, with a surname of Pratt) and within seconds id sorted it out.
Thanks for a really great guide to where allot of use mere mortals have gone so wrong. ;D many thank Gary


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Re: 5%, 60% & 70% crash Troubleshooters
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2010, 01:52:11 PM »

SAS~CirX, the pope's around cant we get you made a saint or something? 2 weeks ago i upgraded from 4.09 to HSFX, and I've had a ruddy nightmare trying to get MODS to run at all.  Then i came across your idiots guide (and i should know, with a surname of Pratt) and within seconds id sorted it out.
Thanks for a really great guide to where allot of use mere mortals have gone so wrong. ;D many thank Gary

Wow, thanx for the nice words man, I realy appreciate them. :)
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