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Author Topic: SAS Engine Mod v2.6RC Final  (Read 209125 times)

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  • Aussie Bush Pilot
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SAS Engine Mod v2.6RC Final
« on: February 17, 2012, 07:38:04 AM »

SAS Engine Mod v2.6 Release Candidate Final
Download 2.6 Release Candidate Final *Both Game Versions*(updated 02 May 2013)

Hotfix for non-destructive missile effects

*NB* Comprehensive readme included in download. Whilst this is a release candidate, it is currently considered stable for offline play. The experience may vary online. Please delete ALL old versions before installing and make sure it is running BEFORE your JetWar files.

*NB FOR 4.101M USERS* Some users have noted that catapults don't seem to work in 4.101m. This is due to an outdated Catapults.ini being included in that folder. To fix it, please take the Catapults.ini from the 4.111m version and replace yours with it.

v2.6 Notes:
- 'No Open canopy' AI is assigned in flightmodel .fmd as "CCockpitDoor 2",  old "TypeNoOpenCanopy" is erased
- Dragchute is assigned in flightmodel .fmd as "CDragChute 1"
- AI process using Airbrake and Dragchute is coded in this AI MOD , no need to write in several aircrafts' classes
- Enable Open/Close refueling probe is assigned in flightmodel .fmd as "CRefuel 1"
- old "TypeBayDoors" is erased. Now manual bay doors is assigned in flightmodel .fmd as "CBayDoors 1"
- wingspan of folded wings is assigned in flightmodel .fmd like "WingspanFolded 7.0" <--7.0 is meters
  wingspan folded is mainly automatic calculated in this Carrier MOD , this new parameter is not neccesary for all
  when you see your new aircraft overwrapping wings left/right on a carrier, then set WingspanFolded in .fmd as you like
- HydraulicPressuerSystem is coded partly in this Engine MOD , no need to write in several aircrafts' classes
  To enable it in "public void onAircraftLoaded()" ... using
  and you can read HydraulicPressuer in "getHydraulicPressure()"
  some codes to set CT.bHasAileronControl = false; or CT.AirBrakeControl = 1.0F; are still needed in each aircrafts' classes
- Note a bug with BombBayDoors still remains in 4.11.1m version. It will automatically close on some aircraft at random
- Restored supersonic flight in 4.101m (previously excess default drag was being applied causing aircraft to explode at sound barrier)
- Corrected folder names to allow for correct loading order on all systems
- Removed TypeSchrageMusik form 4.101m and replaced it with 4.11.1m's TypeJazzPlayer
- Packaged both versions into one simple download. Freezing development at this point and writing new documentation for release.
- Small update to Motor and MotorSound class. Aircraft with Coffman starters will now have a distinct 'gunshot' on engine start
- Fixed AI pairs take-off issue in 4.111m version. As long as you align the first waypoing along runway, AI will now stay the course when taking off in pairs
- Carrier take-off restored in 4.11.1m
- Missile selection code fixed thanks to Storebror. Missiles will now track targets properly in their correct tracking mode
- Net code updated (big thanks to Storebror for this!) Weapon firing mod, release delay and missile selection will now display accurately online and on recorded tracks
- Fixed issue in 4.11.1m version prevent AI from taking off on carriers (thanks Bravo for the bug report)
- Blown flaps added. Simulates 3 types: internally blown, Russian SPS (essentially internally blown) and externally blown. Please see readme for more details
- Fixed bouncing bug in 4.11.1m version, which was due to missing effects files
- Added new 'thrust' parameters to engine presets, allowing you trigger sound effects based on thrust being produced. Useful for afterburning aircraft.
- Fixed a rare taxiing bug, which caused aircraft to freeze mid-runway. Only occurred on specific maps where there were no defined taxiways.
- First test version for 4.11.1m!!
- Further class clean-up and additional commenting
- Added new Conf.ini parameter: printFMinfo. When set to 1, prints FMD data to log as it loads. Useful for modders troubleshooting 60% crashes. Set to 0 by default.
- Introduced new Catapults.ini file. This will allow ship builders to add new carriers and catapults without having to touch core classes. In it, you can define the position of the catapults (maximum of two), the power produces (for prop and jet aircraft respectively) and whether it is steam powered. A set of values for the currently available carriers is provided
- Fixed bug preventing individual release of RocketBombGun ordnance
- Included all core classfiles from JetWar v1.2 mod. Considering JetWar alters many core classes, it makes sense that all important classes (such as GuidedMissileUtils) are packaged with the default core classes. This should hopefully end ANY compatibility issues people have with JetWar etc.
- Added western0221's Variable Temperature mod
- Enabled nuclear armed rockets
- Added flight model value for drag chute and refuelling gear respectively (CDragChute and CRefuel)
- Variable geometry/incidence wings hotkeys and animations added. This is visual only and has no affect on flight model. Coded as follows by adding extra parameters to flight model:
Code: [Select]
  CVarwing 1 //Turns variable wings on
  CVarwingPos 2 //How many stages
  CVarwingStage0 25 //Angle in degrees of first stage
  CVarwingStageMax 44.5 //Angle in degrees of final stage
  CVarIncidence 0 //When set to 0, variable sweep. Set to 1, variable incidence
- New triggers for flares and chaff. Assign your flares to trigger 7 and chaff to trigger 8
- New missile selection hotkey. Add you missiles to triggers 2, 4, 5 and 6. Using this key it will cycle through them. N.B. Bug present when AGM and AAM are carried, tracking mode won't switch
- Deployable refuelling gear added. Animated by using moveRefuel(f) method
- Passive front wheel steering 'spin' bug resolved. Previously there were no limit set on how far they would move.
- Entire game flap system redone. Based on kumpel's original customizable flap mod, this has been expanded significantly to create new flight model parameters to allow you to define as many stages of of flaps as you wish. The code also shows the correct flap setting (in degrees) on the HUD. This was required to remove a major compatibility bug with the MiG-21 project. Defined as below:
Code: [Select]
  CFlapPos 2 //How many stages of flaps
  CFlapStage0 25 //Angle in degrees of first stage
  CFlapStageMax 44.5 //Angle in degrees of final stage
- Fixed problems with engine statup for some engine types (e.g. Rotary)
- Added level stabilizer as a flight model setting. Enabled by setting "CStabilizer 1"
- Added differential brakes as a flight model setting. Enabled by setting "CDiffBrake 0". 0 is default, 1 is passive steering with normal brakes, 2 is semi-differential brakes, 3 is true, 4 is passive steering but with brake pedal disabled (handbrake only)
- Cleaned files
- Deleted class AircraftHotkeysAlt as it is now redundant.
- Support for aircraft with 8 engines added.
- New engine starters. There is now a new variable in engine models called 'Starter' which allows you to define a starter motor type. You can choose "Inertia", "Manual", "Electric", "Cartridge" and "Pneumatic". Still WIP but example buttons included. Suggested you try out Bf-109G (inertia, inline), Fw-190 (inertia, radial), Spitfire Mk V (electric inline), Tempest Mk V (inline cartridge) and Tiger Moth (inline manual).
- Engine startup and windmilling behaviour tuned. No long will you see aircraft with rediculously long shutdown times. With exception to a few aircraft variants, all aircraft have a more realistic windmilling time.
- Engine cut-out on prop-strike added. When the windmilling code was introduced, it had a side-effect of causing engines to continue to run for a while after a prop strike (even after hitting ground). Now engine shutdown occurs almost instaneously.
- Auto DiffFM by Benitomuso added.
- 'No Open canopy' for high-speed jets on carriers added. Prevents aircraft such as F-4 Phantom from opening canopy before take-off. Adapted from code by wasted and western0221
- Airbrake period parameter added. In flight model can now define how long it takes for airbrakes to deploy.
- MiG-21 flap positions added to AircraftHotkeysAlt.
- Added custom ejection seats code (for use with MiG-21 and future JetWar versions)

AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.5 Public Release

Download from Mediafire
Download from SAS

Update 2.5 notes
- Catapult bug fixed. Should now work for most, if not all carriers
- Updated to include new features by western0221 and resolve outstanding carrier bugs

This is not an AI mod per say, instead this is a collection of over a dozen related mods which alter engine behavior, add additional hotkeys, new aircraft features and most of all, tweak the default AI routines. For a while, many of these mods weren’t compatible with each other as they all used the same core class files. This compilation has taken away that difficulty and combined them all in one, easy to use pack.

Now standard in the DBW compilation (from v1.7 onwards), it is hoped this pack will one day be part of the standard ModAct and help achieve the dream of a unified modding code base. For the end-user, it means expansion of the games features and access to new elements such as air-to-air refueling, fuel dumping, realistic air start procedures, carrier operations and eventually, radar and modern electronic warfare.

It is a continual work in progress and is be updated to allow for new features. Currently it is only compatible for 4.101m, but in future will be made compatible with 4.11m (albeit minus Cert’s AI component).

Installation Instructions
For DBW Users
1)   This pack is virtually identical to what is included in DBW1.71 already. There is a minor tweak to gunner behavior. Otherwise the rest is the same
2)   To install, add to your #DBW directory
3)   Enjoy

For ModAct 4.101m Users
1)   Extract to your #SAS or MODS directory
2)   Enjoy

- Certificate's AI (HSFX5 version) with Anto's AI throttle fix and Nightfighter AI tweak. Additional AI tweaks by Recruit, Skipper and JG53_Valantine
- Carrier & Catapult Mod by Fireball, Benitomuso and western0221
- GATTACK mod by CY6, updated by Anto
- Ground Attack Orders mod by CY6
- Sniper Gunner fix by CY6, Riken, Lutz and Sputnikshock
- AI Overheating and Supercharger mod by Sani and Burn
- Zuti’s Friction mod
- Engine Mod by Sani and Anto
- Aircraft Hot Keys by Fireball, Zuti, Anto, Gerd, Kumpel and benitomuso
- PAT Air Show Smoke (extracted by F22-Raptor)
- Full Throttle Mod by Aed and Br!x
- New flap settings, differential brakes and steering by Kumpel and Gerd
- Compatible with realistic lights mod by Santobr
- Weapon control mod (inspired by Zloy_Peroshki), updated Fuel Dumping and Drag Chute by Anto
- Radar (still WIP and not yet functioning) by Anto and benitomuso
- SAS Superschool for testing
- Special thanks to SAS~Storebror for his patience and troubleshooting. Without him guiding me, this mod wouldn’t be here.



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Re: SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.3 Public Release
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2012, 07:40:26 AM »

Features at a glance

-   Certificate’s AI mod, coupled with a few additional tweaks, offers a brand new gameplay experience in single-player missions by breaking up the previous monotonous AI routines. Based on skill set, AI pilots will demonstrate a different degree of maneuverability and difficulty. No more AI planes outrunning you and climbing endlessly to the moon. In addition, some tweaks have been done to improve ground detection and stop crashing during low-level maneuvers and landing. This mod will be superseded by Team Daidalos’s code in the 4.11m release.
-   AI Overheating and Supercharger mod is self-explanatory. AI will now experience engine overheating and they can now properly switch supercharger stages.
-   The night-fighter tweaks allow aircraft with Schrage Musik to attack aircraft from below. The Bf-110G-4 and He-219UHU use this as their default attack pattern, but can switch to a zoom and boom pattern if better suited. This feature will be altered in 4.11m to use the new code.
-   Ground Attack Mod + Orders improves the way AI attacks ground targets, in addition to allowing them to sight them earlier
-   Sniper Gunner fix prevents AI from targeting the player with perfect accuracy. In addition the turret rotation speed is reduced and the detection range is significantly reduced at night time

-   As previously described, AI now suffer from overheating and now properly use Superchargers
-   More realistic engine start-up/shutdown/windmilling behavior. This code is now designed so specific engine types will be a bit more characteristic of their real-life counter-parts. Radials feature more misfires and may need restarting whilst big inline engines will have long shutdown/windmilling times compared to their smaller counterparts. Also the normal windmilling behavior has been altered, preventing the previous unrealistic complete shutdown on gravity-feed carbureted aircraft in temporary G’s (though excess negative G’s will cause an eventual starvation)
-   Added two new engine types: Rotary and Turboprop. The Rotary engines feature hand-starting, long wind-down times. With future tweaks, we hope to model the ‘blipping’ and mixture controls more realistically. The Turboprop is still WIP but may be used as a placeholder (for now, it is a modified clone of an Inline engine).
-   Full Throttle Mod is included, though the smoke effect has been reduced significantly to more realistic (and better performance) levels.

-   Based on the old ‘Bomb-bay Doors’ mod, this new version of Aircraft Hotkeys is significantly expanded. In addition to the bomb bay doors mod, there are now multiple new hotkeys for features including fuel dumping, weapon salvo size, delay time etc. A full listing is included below
-   Differential braking has been added as well as passive wheel steering (more instructions included below for modders)
-   Flap mod added, allowing modders to assign addition flap positions to aircraft beside the 3 defaults
-   One of the main new features is the 'Weapon Salvo Size' key, which allows you to define the salvo size for rockets and bombs. On aircraft which fire in pairs, it offers 3 modes: single fire, pair fire and full salvo. For aircraft that fire in salvos by default, the modes are: half normal salvo, normal salvo, all salvos (e.g. if normally 12, it’s now 6, 12 or all). In addition you can define the delay between ordnance using the 'Weapon Release Delay' key. You can set a delay between 125msec to 1sec, which functions in single fire mode (when held down) and for large bombers, during automated release. These features were inspired by ZloyPetruskO's mod.
-   Fuel dumping has been changed. For modders, they can define if an aircraft can dump fuel and using the ‘Dump Fuel’ key, allow release of fuel from predefined valve locations. In game, if the selected tank (defined in code) has fuel, the valve will open and fuel vapor will be seen externally. When empty, fuel will automatically stop flowing or you may close valve when desired amount is reached.
-   Drag chutes have been added for new aircraft. To deploy, press “Deploy Drag Chute” key. If you are above a pre-determined speed (usually >600kmh), it may rip off. To release, press “Deploy Drag Chute” again. It may only be deployed once. Currently features on F-86D-45 and F-86K (soon MiG-21PFM).
-   Legacy features from original Bomb Bay Doors mod are mentioned at the end of the Readme (under ‘Advanced Settings’), along with the ‘just for modders’ section
-   PAT Smoke included too

-   This section needs no introduction. This mod contains a significantly’ updated version of Fireball’s Carrier and Catapult, given a new treatment by western0221 and Benitomuso.
-   In addition to improving AI carrier behavior and enabling catapults, this mod now sets custom catapult settings for multiple carrier types, increased arrestor wire strength and has code for future steam-powered systems
-   Please see ‘Advanced Settings’ in Readme for more details.

For modders, there is a special section regarding how to implement these features


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Re: SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.3 Public Release
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2012, 08:04:13 AM »

Excellent, thank you Anto and company.
Now really quick, is td's new Ai really any better than certs Ai? To the point that its going to be disregarded in the future?


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Re: SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.3 Public Release
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2012, 08:43:52 AM »

Wow! Fantastic mod! :o 8)



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Re: SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.3 Public Release
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2012, 08:49:48 AM »

Outstanding! Thank you for sharing the results of this hard work guys!



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Re: SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.3 Public Release
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2012, 08:57:37 AM »

This looks absolutely fantastic! Thank you, gents.  :)

Sadly my download's also duff ("Unsupported compression method").


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Re: SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.3 Public Release
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2012, 09:05:30 AM »

Now really quick, is td's new Ai really any better than certs Ai? To the point that its going to be disregarded in the future?

Can't really answer that question. BUT for what I've read, TD's AI is better than Cert's AI and instead, we will opt to ditch Cert's AI in favour of it. Anyway something to worry about when we start work on the 4.11m version of this compilation


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Re: SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.3 Public Release
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2012, 09:35:53 AM »

Of course.
I was just curious as I have yet to try 4.11.
Regardless excellent stuff here as is the norm. Many thanks.


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Re: SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.3 Public Release
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2012, 09:37:10 AM »

Also get "Unsupported compression method" when unpacked with 7zip, what is decompressed contains the "read me" PDF but this is also faulty.

Thanks for all the work, am sure all will be fixed in an update.  :)

Cheers Dakpilot

**Edit tried from both mediafire and SA downloads with same result **


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Re: SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.3 Public Release
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2012, 10:09:14 AM »

Also get "Unsupported compression method" when unpacked with 7zip, what is decompressed contains the "read me" PDF but this is also faulty.

Thanks for all the work, am sure all will be fixed in an update.  :)

Cheers Dakpilot

**Edit tried from both mediafire and SA downloads with same result **

Yep, I get the same results!



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Re: SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.3 Public Release
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2012, 10:11:05 AM »

No probs here while dll'ing. All just fine, it's really fantastic work.
Flew first mission in Ta 152 H-0 vs. Tempest Mk.V, no moon circling,
I could smell fear from AI  ???
My AI-Opponents don't acted über, vectoring Player, but reduced tracking ability to more human state.
With this Mod advantages really count and the surprise effect is coming nearer.
Thanks for giving us a chance.  8)
As far as I tested different scenarios, I'll give feedback
Next ride Me 262 against some heavies and more late war scenarios I couldn't
enjoy the previous years
Now I'll make a fresh coffee dedicated to Anto and all involved, enjoying afterwork
Thanks a bunch
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Re: SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.3 Public Release
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2012, 11:45:03 AM »

Yep, tried 7zip, said: unsupported. Any ideas? Appreciate any help.
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