Hallo @ all Costal Command addicts (like me

During the action in Norway, the Strike Wings needed more Fuel for longer flights over Norway. Since the RP`s were the best weapons for the anti shipping action they developped a new type of Rocket-Rail for these planes too. This combination gave them the long range AND the rockets.

I found this in the Book: Banff Strike Wing at war, by Les Taylor, Halsgrove
With great help of
Epervier (Classfiles) I made this addition to the loadout of
Ranwers CC-Mosquito for DBW 1.7.
You will have the "old" loadout with the "old" Rocket-Rails too.
1] remouved the (ugly) bomb racks from the wings. CC never used these things (only the Intruder Mossies used the wing racks)
2] added new Rocket racks
3] remouved flamehiders and implemented exhaust-tubes
3] added Wing-tanks (from the
SAS Tse-Tse-Mossie)
Anto`s Rockets included in DBW1.7
5] changed default skin
6] collection of skins (some altered by me to fit changed exhaust)
Version 1.1 for DBW 1.7 (or later) only ! ! ! ! ! !https://www.mediafire.com/?l0xraan0pm5arbrVersion 1.1 for DBW 1.6 or
UP3 (You have to remouve Anto`s RP-Update from Your #DBW or #UP-folder before !!)
https://www.mediafire.com/?5ijx6tm25ce320pAlternative FM made by
Sputnikshock: Combines aerodynamics of SAS BXVI, original Engine of FBVI and adjusted (historical) weight.
It is only tested in DBW1.71.
https://www.mediafire.com/download.php?vvqw7u21i3a9rr8Just drop it in Your main game folder and let overwrite (Backup before

Just drop the Mosquito_CC - folder it in Your #DBW / #UP -folder
drop the PaintSchemes-folder in Your main game root
Enjoy it Your CC and Mossie - nuts out there

Version 1.1 for 4.09 https://www.mediafire.com/?414jb9p8ru8vvxjAlternative FM made by
Sputnikshock for
Version 1.1 für 4.12.1 with SAS MODACT 5.2 https://www.mediafire.com/download/w3y6e56l25v4w69/DOCs_Mossiecc4.12.7z