=== NoOpenCanopyAI MOD (BETA) ===
WWII time Navy planes had sliding type canopies.
Pilot open that canopy when take-off from a carrier or land to a carrer,
and this behavier is implemented in IL-2 1946 AI.
Early time Navy Jets are the same... like FJ-3, F9F.
But F-8 Crusader or F-4 PhantomII, they have hinge up/down type canopies.
Those canopies weren't opened when take-off/land.
I make this F-8, F-4 behavier in AI.
F-8, F-4's AI at first open the canopy on carrier deck, and close it on a Catapult.
This is BETA version.
I hope this MOD will be merged into SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod in the future.
And this MOD needs plane MOD side implement.
I hope Jets MOD makers to implement this by themselves.
This version contains F-8 class files replacing, but this is only sample.
About F-4 MOD, at that ver1.2 contains this MOD and inplemented.
F-4 MOD ver1.2's NoOpenCanopyAI is the same version of this.
This MOD based on "SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.4" and needs it.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,23327.0.htmlDownload - (link deleted) - Today's il2freemodding
F-4 PhantomII or
F-8 Crusader Hotfix contain this MOD. Get from them.
For Jets MOD makers...
Implementing this NoOpenCanopyAI is very easy.
In your plane's Java code, only write this
public class F_foobar extends Scheme1
implements TypeSupersonic, TypeFighter, TypeBNZFighter, TypeFighterAceMaker, TypeStormovik, TypeGSuit, TypeNoOpenCanopyFly
TypeNoOpenCanopyFly ".