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Author Topic: P40F White 6, GC II/5, Tunisia January 1943  (Read 9859 times)

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P40F White 6, GC II/5, Tunisia January 1943
« on: February 25, 2012, 08:44:41 AM »

P40F White 6, GC II/5, pilot Jean Gisclon, Tunisia January 1943,  blank included

available here:


Sonny Tucson

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Re: P40F White 6, GC II/5, Tunisia January 1943
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2012, 09:23:15 AM »

Hello Boelcke

Nice skin indeed but could you be more precise about your sources.

Just want to point the following ...
CCII/5 flew F model. Your skin doesn't depict an F model.
It looks to me that the camo colours look spurious also.This based on colour picture. ( no green please ! )
This is not Australia , but North Africa. 
Just my 2 cents.

Do not want to critic somebody's whose work I couldn't do !.

Thanks for all the beautifull skins you already have provided us with.
I like your work and that's why I allow myself the few relmarks. ;)

Sonny Tucson   :)


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Re: P40F White 6, GC II/5, Tunisia January 1943
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2012, 09:42:08 AM »

There is no F model in the stock game, Thus the E has been used as a stand in in many instances.

Great looking skin!


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Re: P40F White 6, GC II/5, Tunisia January 1943
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2012, 10:15:11 AM »

Do not want to critic somebody's whose work I couldn't do !.

... and why are you doing it though?

Like CWMV said, there is no F model in stock game, i´ve used the E - forgive me please.

Considering the colours, what´s your source? Or is it just "a feeling"? I think that Cleas Sundin and Morten Jessen are reliable enough, i´ve taken it form Focke Wulfs over africa.


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Re: P40F White 6, GC II/5, Tunisia January 1943
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2012, 10:30:31 AM »

Just saw this, see your PMs over at A&A :)
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups - George Carlin

Sonny Tucson

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Re: P40F White 6, GC II/5, Tunisia January 1943
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2012, 11:31:17 AM »

Do not want to critic somebody's whose work I couldn't do !.

... and why are you doing it though?

Like CWMV said, there is no F model in stock game, i´ve used the E - forgive me please.

Considering the colours, what´s your source? Or is it just "a feeling"? I think that Cleas Sundin and Morten Jessen are reliable enough, i´ve taken it form Focke Wulfs over africa.

Dear Mr.Boelcke.

Far from me the idea of hurting you...

If I had only a feeling , I wouldn't have dared to post here.
I can understand that being critisized is not always funny, 40 years of modelling has learned me a lot !.
You'll notice that I used "critisized" and not "demolished".

I only trust what I see, and I am not used to say something without a proof of it. That's why I gently asked you for your sources.
I have multiple installs of Il-2 and in the UP02n install I have a P40-F mod installed from Karaya . So , you are right there is  not F variant "stock" ac. So I forgive you, and please , forgive me  ;)

Sure , Mr Claes Sundin, who is a talented illustrator and researcher is a reliable source. But , even this talented autor bring some corrections to his work , from time to time .
I don't know why I shouldn't trust Mr Jessen either...

But what I consider  more as a proof  than illustration or rendering are three different colour pictures of Lafayette's aircrafts line up taken during  the "handover" of the american aircrafts to the Lafayette unit in Alger-Maison Blanche in january 1943.There are no doubts about the colours. Sand-Dark Earth or Light Earth -Mid Stone- Dark Earth -Mid Stone. Add to that that these aircrafts were worn out and patched up with fresh colours were the "new owner " French colours were applied and you'll have a fairly good idea of what they looked like. Moreover the blue from the french cockade and flag was the american dark blue, not the french one ...

These pictures appear in a special issue of the french magazine "AVIONS" depicting 50 years  of french aviation in colour .Each picture I ve been talking about is from the NASM.

RONCO did some work on the french P40 and I think he has got them right .

I repeat that I do not want to be critical about somebody's work I couldn't do myself ... I can always be critical about  what I see... that's quite different !.

And if you are still not convinced these "critics" were just done to help you getting better and better. I FOR SURE DO NOT WANT TO KILL YOU .
Sorry if I hurt you .

Now , as far as I am concerned , you may paint them in pink, blue, or yellow , as long  as you are happy with them ,and took pleasure out of your work , it's the most important. :D

Sonny Tucson. 


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Re: P40F White 6, GC II/5, Tunisia January 1943
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2012, 12:04:12 PM »

that´s to stupid to answer - love it or leave it and for the most of all: leave me alone my friend


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Re: P40F White 6, GC II/5, Tunisia January 1943
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2012, 12:57:17 PM »

that´s to stupid to answer - love it or leave it and for the most of all: leave me alone my friend

Very disappointed to read this Detlef... Critique is all a part of the game.

RDDR Hangar19

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Re: P40F White 6, GC II/5, Tunisia January 1943
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2012, 01:03:17 PM »

Detlef, Cool off.
I have been critiqued more times than I can remember and lets take this back to the office.. Please leave it .
Lets work this out in a polite manner.


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Re: P40F White 6, GC II/5, Tunisia January 1943
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2012, 01:32:34 PM »

i have to agree, friends - that was just about the nicest, informative bit of criticism i've seen in a long time.
i really think you felt unnecessarily offended there, Boelcke.

the skin is still great, regardless of the possible color inacurracies.  8)
i'm d/l'ing it and will  definitely use it, cheers!
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: P40F White 6, GC II/5, Tunisia January 1943
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2012, 04:51:30 PM »

Good wip
The french CG II/5 La Fayette have P40-F et P40-L (not stock IL2 indeed)
More certainly with MTO camo Sand & Earth Brown extrados.

http://maquette72.free.fr/themes/lafayette/P40_normal/P40_avions.php (sorry in french)

possibly recolorized?

one vidéo:

"Bravo" for all of your beautiful skins 


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Re: P40F White 6, GC II/5, Tunisia January 1943
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2012, 12:37:06 PM »

I think this is one of those cases where color interpretation is very difficult. The shade of 'brown' on the P-40 in the above picture looks very close to the US officers' coats. Since there are likely no French P-40s with original paint, we can gauge the color based on the coats, many of which still exist today.

Here's a pic from the Smithsonian of a "Coat, Service, Type M1940, United States Army Air Forces":

Another picture for reference.

and another:

This shows haw difficult it can be to determine just what the real color is! The color of the coat is officially "olive drab shade no. 51". While an olive (which is usually a green) color, it was unofficially called "chocolate". As you can see by the above pictures, how the picture was taken can have a great deal of effect on the color you see on your screen.
None of this, of course takes into consideration that how the paint was applied can have a huge affect on the shade as well!  :o

Personally, I would lean more towards the P-40 being painted a dark brown shade, but a little more green would certainly be difficult to dispute.
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