FMB Tutorial Home
OK fellas. Since you've got the basics down pat, lets have a look at some more advanced techniques to populate your airfields, starting with managing your static.ini:
Your install may already have a LOT of objects, possibly even more than 2000! (UP3 and DBW for example.) They
can get to be a handful to manage. One handy tip is to keep a notebook and write down the Object 'numbers' of your favorite objects - that is, the number of the object in the drop down menu - so you can easily find them again. Often, there will be a
group of objects you like, that are close together in the menu (like the stock human figures for example) so sometimes just one number in your notebook will get you in the right area of the menu for multiple objects.
To take it a level further, you may intend to keep a custom collection of objects you have downloaded yourself (it can be
quite addictive!) in which case you owe it to yourself to get a copy of the Universal Static.ini Checker v1.3 - hell, get it even if you have stock objects! As well as identifying missing objects for downloaded maps (if a map uses an object you don't have installed already - the map will load ok in FMB, but missions you create on the map won't save) this baby will create an enumerated list of your objects, with descriptions
and headers - just invaluable!! Read about it here:,762.0.htmlAnd GET it here! (Good link - 21 February 2012):'s an excerpt from the enumerated Static_list_FMB.txt:
Title Humans
(870) Human_01
(871) Human_02
(872) Human_03
(873) Human_04
(874) Human_05
(875) Human_06
(876) Human_07
(877) Human_08
(878) Human_09
(879) Human_10
(880) Human_11
Title Ruler_KDP
(881) Ruler_KDP
(882) RulerVertical_KDP
and in the FMB:

(873) Human_04

Something that comes up often at the various IL-2 forums is raising or elevating objects. Most forums will tell you can
only elevate smoke, fire and lights objects from the Stationary Objects menu - which you do by selecting the stationary object in the 3D world and holding down the F4 key and right mouse-button, while moving your mouse backwards and forwards to move the stationary object up and down. You can see the elevated light in this night time image (above the hangar door).

But, we're modders right? Here's how to elevate the little guy on the stepladder in this picture: He's Object
'(873) Human_04' in my install. To elevate him (or any other object from the static.ini) we create a clone in our static.ini by copying the code and giving it a new name like so:
This is the original code in the static.ini:
Title Human_04
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/addobjects/Human_04/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/addobjects/Human_04/dead.sim
AlignToLand 0
Body FuelSmall
Panzer 0.005
Note: the enumeration between the
actual static.ini
(1121) and the Static_list_FMB.txt
(873) don't match. If you were to enable the FMB+ mod and create a Static_list_FMB+.txt - you would find they match exactly. The reason is that FMB+ adds to the full mission builder those objects from the actual static.ini which are normally only available with a map-building configured install. This
sounds a lot more confusing that it is in practice - just remember that the enumeration
will correspond between the Static_list_FMB.txt and the object numbers in your FMB.
This is the re-named clone:
Mechanic_03MeshLive 3do/Buildings/addobjects/Human_04/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/addobjects/Human_04/dead.sim
AlignToLand 0
Body FuelSmall
Panzer 0.005
Next, all we need to do is edit this figure to elevate him in meters:
Title Mechanic_03
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/addobjects/Human_04/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/addobjects/Human_04/dead.sim
AddHeightLive 1.18
AddHeightDead 0.0AlignToLand 0
Body FuelSmall
Panzer 0.005
AddHeightLive 1.18 = object raised 1.18 meters.
Add your new piece of code where ever you like in your static.ini, say at the end, or the beginning, or with the other human figures or whatever, and Bob's yer uncle. Remember to denumerate your static.ini and then enumerate again whenever you add a new object to your static.ini.

You might like KevinP's ruler mod for this job: SAS~Skylla: alternative SourceTip: You can only zoom the camera in so far on the ruler object. For a really close-in detail view as above, just add a temporary object to your mission near the ruler object and zoom the camera in on the temporary object. Then, just maneuver the temporary object so a close-in view of the ruler comes into your camera's field of view.
So, if you're cool with all of that, lets have a look at some more advanced techniques. One of the themes of this tutorial series has been the 'template' concept. Here's another way we can access that idea to make our mission building time more effective. Go to IL-2 Sturmovik 1946/Missions/Single/USN/My/

Remember our folder structure? This is where we saved our mission files. Have a look at 'Two-Ship Scramble.mis' and 'Two-Ship'. These two files are the
code for our mission. If you open the .ru file in Windows Notepad, you'll see its the code from the 'Description' interface in the FMB, in other words our mission 'briefing'. You can edit your briefing here if you want, but honestly, it's easier to do it in the FMB.
MAP Hawaii/load.ini
TIME 7.0
CloudType 1
CloudHeight 1500.0
player UN_NN00
army 1
playerNum 0
Year 1940
Month 7
Day 15
WindDirection 0.0
WindSpeed 0.0
Gust 0
Turbulence 0
MDS_Radar_SetRadarToAdvanceMode 0
MDS_Radar_RefreshInterval 0
MDS_Radar_DisableVectoring 0
MDS_Radar_EnableTowerCommunications 1
MDS_Radar_ShipsAsRadar 0
MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MaxRange 100
MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MinHeight 100
MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MaxHeight 5000
MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MaxRange 25
MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MinHeight 0
MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MaxHeight 2000
MDS_Radar_ScoutsAsRadar 0
MDS_Radar_ScoutRadar_MaxRange 2
MDS_Radar_ScoutRadar_DeltaHeight 1500
MDS_Radar_HideUnpopulatedAirstripsFromMinimap 0
MDS_Radar_ScoutGroundObjects_Alpha 5
MDS_Radar_ScoutCompleteRecon 0
MDS_Misc_DisableAIRadioChatter 0
MDS_Misc_DespawnAIPlanesAfterLanding 1
MDS_Misc_HidePlayersCountOnHomeBase 0
MDS_Misc_BombsCat1_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
MDS_Misc_BombsCat2_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
MDS_Misc_BombsCat3_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
Bigship 1800
Ship 1800
Aeroanchored 1800
Artillery 1800
Searchlight 1800
Planes 2
Skill 1
Class air.KI_46_RECCE
Fuel 100
weapons default
NORMFLY 228532.91 59013.67 1700.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 248315.16 51401.13 1700.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 253759.01 51793.34 1700.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 261873.50 59426.52 1700.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 264212.86 67431.77 1700.00 300.00 &0
Planes 2
Skill0 1
Skill1 0
Skill2 1
Skill3 1
skin0 zsf-f8f-V44-nas.glenview-1947.bmp
skin1 zsf-f8f-P17-nattu-pensacola-1949.bmp
noseart0 Queen_Of_Hearts.bmp
noseart1 Swell_Time.bmp
numberOn0 0
numberOn1 0
Class air.F8F2
Fuel 100
weapons default
TAKEOFF 264614.19 34787.87 0 0 &0
NORMFLY 266944.07 38197.94 300.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 262149.35 50045.91 1000.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 257830.93 54117.01 1000.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 253152.92 52584.31 1000.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 244653.34 43893.13 1000.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 243105.66 37638.03 1000.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 251619.41 31179.53 1000.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 261153.65 29905.03 1000.00 400.00 &0
LANDING 263675.31 33656.92 0 0 &0
Planes 3
Skill 1
Class air.F4U_4
Fuel 100
weapons default
NORMFLY 265177.74 37235.91 50.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 263792.37 32199.55 50.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 263048.70 29767.51 300.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 258624.10 31827.06 300.00 400.00 &0
NORMFLY 268097.47 35082.87 300.00 400.00 &0
LANDING 265307.03 32566.46 0 0 &0
Planes 2
Skill 1
Class air.F4U_4
Fuel 100
weapons default
NORMFLY 296062.56 23492.81 2000.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 251359.58 29971.23 2000.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 241801.44 37328.12 2000.00 300.00 &0
NORMFLY 243506.67 44090.24 2000.00 300.00 &0
0_Chief Vehicles.J2F_MOV 1
1_Chief Vehicles.WillisMB_US 1
2_Chief Vehicles.USACarsColumnC 1
4_Chief Ships.MAS501UNP 1 10 2 1.0
264156.38 34013.00 120.00 2 2 1.25
264269.13 34175.82 120.00 0 2 1.25
264783.75 34908.12 120.00
264237.22 34162.00 120.00 60 2 2.6388890743255615
263777.94 33507.31 120.00
264507.81 34969.30 120.00 10 2 2.6388890743255615
264391.25 34808.30 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
263541.97 33590.28 120.00
264360.22 35725.02 120.00 0 2 8.333333969116211
264820.03 35548.20 120.00 0 2 8.333333969116211
266039.72 34992.99 120.00 0 2 8.333333969116211
266073.88 35591.23 120.00 0 2 8.333333969116211
264363.88 35793.24 120.00
0_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F8F2 1 263669.12 34031.72 360.00 0.0 us
2_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$DiamondT_US 1 263661.47 34024.78 502.40 0.0
1_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F8F2 1 263669.49 34044.56 509.10 0.0 us
3_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F8F2 1 263653.82 34060.26 424.50 0.0 us
4_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$DiamondT_US 1 263702.93 34109.44 562.40 0.0
5_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$DiamondT_US 1 263697.61 34104.20 596.95 0.0
6_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$DiamondT_US 1 263712.48 34113.30 374.70 0.0
7_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F8F2 1 263692.28 34114.12 537.70 0.0 us
8_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F8F2 1 263551.79 33927.83 372.80 0.0 us
9_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F8F2 1 263590.51 33980.24 344.20 0.0 us
10_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F4U_4 1 263636.83 33981.88 386.30 0.0 us
11_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F4U_4 1 263627.60 33955.05 360.00 0.0 us
12_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F4U_4 1 263589.57 33922.41 331.50 0.0 us
15_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F8F2 1 264854.50 34492.45 484.50 0.0 us
16_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F8F2 1 264823.40 34484.27 184.10 0.0 us
17_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$DiamondT_US 1 264827.60 34468.09 562.40 0.0
18_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F8F2 1 264837.44 34464.93 420.00 0.0 us
14_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F8F2 1 264772.72 34530.30 475.60 0.0 us
19_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F8F2 1 264703.24 34568.17 497.60 0.0 us
20_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F4U_4 1 264337.21 34995.01 331.50 0.0 us
21_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F8F2 1 264299.43 35000.43 372.80 0.0 us
23_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F8F2 1 264532.24 34220.25 237.80 0.0 us
24_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F4U_4 1 264570.18 34260.13 528.40 0.0 us
25_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F4U_4 1 264573.77 34243.94 196.50 0.0 us
26_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F4U_4 1 264580.47 34205.99 512.20 0.0 us
27_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F4U_4 1 264372.93 34173.38 350.00 0.0 us
28_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$C_47 1 264097.76 34534.98 305.40 0.0 us
29_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$C_47 1 263970.92 34814.59 423.20 0.0 us
30_Static vehicles.planes.PlaneNewStatics$F8F2 1 263978.31 34644.27 305.70 0.0 us
32_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$DiamondT_US 1 263975.64 34825.63 653.02 0.0
34_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$DiamondT_US 1 263967.09 34804.20 562.40 0.0
13_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$_50calMG_US_M2HB 1 263649.38 34051.59 716.01 0.0
31_Static ships.ShipJ2F$J2F_sea 1 264863.05 34961.39 360.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
33_Static ships.ShipJ2F$J2F_sea 1 264886.25 34940.29 360.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
35_Static ships.ShipPack$Destroyer0 1 264834.97 35641.32 360.00 0.0 0 2 1.0
22_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Bofors_40mm_US 1 263631.61 34382.83 525.90 0.0 0
38_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$M16_US 1 263634.96 34398.97 625.32 0.0 0
37_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Chevrolet_flatbed_US 1 263637.81 34388.14 605.90 0.0
39_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$WillisMBt_US 1 263644.96 34377.96 581.02 0.0
40_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 263644.01 34372.56 543.44 0.0
41_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke6 0 263644.21 34372.37 463.34 2.44
42_Static vehicles.stationary.Smoke$Smoke6 0 265106.54 34710.05 673.34 2.44
43_Static vehicles.stationary.Campfire$CampfireAirfield 0 265106.61 34709.79 393.44 0.0
44_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$WillisMBt_US 1 265104.02 34701.08 436.30 0.0
45_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Chevrolet_flatbed_US 1 265104.19 34693.19 455.90 0.0
47_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Bofors_40mm_US 1 265112.22 34694.69 375.90 0.0 0
36_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$WillisMBt_US 1 265099.89 34688.95 427.60 0.0
46_Static ships.ShipPack$Boat 1 264883.41 34934.09 384.12 0.0 0 2 1.0
48_Static ships.ShipPack$Boat 1 264886.03 35638.38 714.12 0.0 0 2 1.0
49_Static ships.ShipPack$Boat 1 264782.88 35647.42 714.12 0.0 0 2 1.0
52_Static vehicles.stationary.StationaryPOMP$Fourgon_POMP 1 263948.76 34327.71 397.12 0.0
54_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$DiamondT_US 1 264873.39 34881.34 502.40 0.0
50_Static vehicles.stationary.StationaryGAB7$J2F_MOV 1 264882.09 34888.63 447.59 0.0
53_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$WillisMB_US 1 263931.30 34309.86 612.12 0.0
51_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Chevrolet_medic_US 1 263951.45 34330.48 397.12 0.0
55_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$DiamondT_US 1 263906.49 34186.79 397.12 0.0
56_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$DiamondT_US 1 263904.84 34177.10 413.12 0.0
57_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$C_47 1 263868.32 34120.65 433.50 0.0 us
58_Static vehicles.planes.Plane$C_47 1 263960.54 34246.11 356.90 0.0 us
59_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Chevrolet_flatbed_US 1 263874.75 34130.99 674.10 0.0
60_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$Chevrolet_flatbed_US 1 263967.91 34254.43 689.10 0.0
0_bld House$Ruler_KDP 1 263635.85 33869.64 715.18
1_bld House$46SteeLadder 1 263666.64 34030.50 455.78
2_bld House$46SteeLadder 1 263670.81 34030.42 390.10
3_bld House$Mechanic_02 1 263666.80 34030.80 659.49
4_bld House$Mechanic_02 1 263670.34 34030.56 576.50
5_bld House$46TRBoxes 1 263666.60 34033.65 695.20
6_bld House$46MCycle 1 263665.40 34034.60 360.00
7_bld House$Human_01 1 263664.73 34035.21 394.50
8_bld House$Human_10 1 263665.61 34035.44 511.29
9_bld House$46FTankRU 1 263665.49 34028.51 490.30
10_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 263671.77 34033.15 502.40
11_bld House$Human_04 1 263670.85 34031.01 536.20
12_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 263642.12 34043.42 360.00
13_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 263641.94 34042.63 360.00
14_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 263707.83 34106.05 360.00
15_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 263706.88 34106.23 360.00
16_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 263707.35 34105.42 360.00
17_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 263707.46 34107.44 653.59
18_bld House$Human_10 1 263707.38 34109.10 423.40
19_bld House$Human_05 1 263706.67 34105.50 386.40
20_bld House$Human_02 1 263708.30 34106.05 551.50
21_bld House$Human_10 1 263698.16 34106.58 440.30
22_bld House$46SteeLadder 1 263655.78 34059.21 394.80
23_bld House$Engine_Hoist 1 263654.34 34056.39 717.51
24_bld House$Engine_Hoist 1 263634.53 34045.73 460.20
25_bld House$Engine_Hoist 1 263694.06 34139.68 521.59
26_bld House$Brit_IronBSA 1 263675.74 34043.55 446.81
27_bld House$Human_01 1 263675.17 34043.73 370.10
28_bld House$Egypt_boxes_all003 1 263627.97 34045.32 401.90
29_bld House$Egypt_boxes_all003 1 263604.66 34111.22 436.79
30_bld House$Egypt_boxes_all005 1 263702.38 34098.89 360.00
31_bld House$Egypt_boxes_all004 1 263704.89 34101.20 438.20
32_bld House$Egypt_boxes_all004 1 263612.54 33996.90 360.00
33_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 263549.30 33930.98 562.40
34_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 263554.93 33930.74 562.40
35_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 263550.29 33931.46 562.40
36_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 263550.86 33930.25 562.40
37_bld House$Human_10 1 263595.61 33976.29 699.00
38_bld House$Tug 1 263628.54 33970.87 509.10
39_bld House$Trolley1 1 263631.94 33967.26 489.10
40_bld House$Trolley1 1 263636.58 33965.23 465.60
41_bld House$Tug 1 263603.30 33922.78 707.10
42_bld House$Trolley1 1 263601.45 33927.06 691.50
43_bld House$Trolley1 1 263598.40 33931.21 680.10
44_bld House$Human_06 1 263598.82 33929.62 473.13
45_bld House$Tug_Driver 1 263603.16 33923.38 428.85
46_bld House$Human_10 1 263598.74 33928.76 623.80
47_bld House$Human_05 1 263632.40 33967.76 520.40
48_bld House$46SteeLadder 1 263635.38 33983.99 653.30
49_bld House$Human_04 1 263638.98 33979.92 496.09
50_bld House$Mechanic_03 1 263635.29 33983.35 444.92
51_bld House$Egypt_boxes_all003 1 264828.64 34507.37 461.90
52_bld House$Engine_Hoist 1 264832.28 34501.89 520.20
53_bld House$Engine_Hoist 1 264851.41 34490.07 417.51
54_bld House$46SteeLadder 1 264854.58 34490.23 454.80
55_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 264833.30 34493.92 420.00
56_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 264834.07 34494.16 420.00
57_bld House$Human_04 1 264837.69 34463.08 596.20
58_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 264840.00 34463.35 562.40
59_bld House$46FTankRU 1 264832.84 34466.47 550.30
60_bld House$Human_10 1 264838.90 34469.83 571.29
61_bld House$Human_01 1 264838.27 34470.48 454.50
62_bld House$46MCycle 1 264838.07 34469.59 420.00
63_bld House$46TRBoxes 1 264837.85 34468.08 395.20
64_bld House$Mechanic_02 1 264837.04 34463.29 636.50
65_bld House$Mechanic_02 1 264835.48 34466.48 719.49
66_bld House$46SteeLadder 1 264837.16 34462.82 450.10
67_bld House$46SteeLadder 1 264835.14 34466.47 515.78
68_bld House$Tug_Driver 1 264350.80 34995.98 428.85
69_bld House$Trolley1 1 264349.09 34999.66 691.50
70_bld House$Tug 1 264350.94 34995.38 707.10
71_bld House$Human_10 1 264346.38 35001.36 623.80
72_bld House$Human_06 1 264346.46 35002.22 473.13
73_bld House$Trolley1 1 264346.04 35003.81 680.10
74_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 264298.50 35002.85 562.40
75_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 264297.93 35004.06 562.40
76_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 264302.57 35003.34 562.40
77_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 264296.94 35003.58 562.40
78_bld House$Tug_Driver 1 264499.06 34259.72 653.85
79_bld House$Trolley1 1 264497.67 34255.91 556.50
80_bld House$Tug 1 264499.38 34260.25 572.10
81_bld House$Human_10 1 264498.38 34252.79 488.80
82_bld House$Human_06 1 264497.72 34252.24 698.13
83_bld House$Trolley1 1 264496.89 34250.82 545.10
84_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock1 1 264531.18 34217.88 427.40
85_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 264530.73 34216.62 427.40
86_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 264527.96 34220.41 427.40
87_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 264531.77 34216.26 427.40
88_bld House$AirdromeBarrelBlock2 1 263968.25 34808.83 360.00
89_bld House$46SteeLadder 1 263968.80 34809.93 508.78
90_bld House$46SteeLadder 1 263970.71 34819.24 696.29
91_bld House$Mechanic_02 1 263970.39 34819.19 539.59
92_bld House$Human_01 1 263973.97 34813.44 625.84
93_bld House$Human_10 1 263971.67 34803.91 481.50
94_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 263971.33 34821.98 562.40
95_bld House$Human_04 1 263975.80 34821.76 596.20
96_bld House$Human_01 1 263970.63 34803.40 478.47
97_bld House$Human_10 1 263970.07 34808.45 571.29
98_bld House$46FTankRU 1 263972.39 34802.55 550.30
99_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 263969.56 34823.93 687.38
100_bld House$Human_04 1 263974.95 34814.38 541.90
101_bld House$kucha_meshkov_2 1 263632.40 34379.66 697.09
102_bld House$kucha_meshkov_1 1 263628.02 34383.69 648.20
103_bld House$FurnitureSandbags_Round 1 263630.72 34382.64 360.00
104_bld House$Human_04 1 263640.18 34385.76 581.50
105_bld House$Human_05 1 263635.35 34381.42 509.58
106_bld House$Human_10 1 263634.16 34384.40 525.90
107_bld House$Human_10 1 263639.43 34385.12 661.10
108_bld House$Tug_Driver 1 263637.08 34388.89 605.90
109_bld House$Human_10 1 263636.29 34388.73 360.00
110_bld House$46TRBoxesRaised 1 263638.16 34388.06 699.10
111_bld House$46TRBoxesRaised 1 263639.17 34386.83 427.99
112_bld House$Mechanic_02 1 263638.10 34386.25 718.37
113_bld House$Human_10 1 263644.20 34377.19 646.92
114_bld House$46TRBoxes 1 263634.37 34381.05 360.00
115_bld House$46Radio 1 263638.50 34374.86 525.90
116_bld House$Tente-abri 1 263638.40 34375.42 647.87
117_bld House$Human_06 1 263638.04 34374.94 703.80
118_bld House$kucha_meshkov_2 1 263640.12 34374.83 470.41
119_bld House$kucha_meshkov_2 1 263639.74 34376.49 564.31
120_bld House$kucha_meshkov_2 1 265108.35 34704.25 414.31
121_bld House$kucha_meshkov_2 1 265108.85 34705.88 680.41
122_bld House$Human_06 1 265110.59 34704.74 553.80
123_bld House$Tente-abri 1 265110.04 34704.50 497.87
124_bld House$46Radio 1 265110.24 34705.04 375.90
125_bld House$46TRBoxes 1 265110.72 34697.61 570.00
126_bld House$Human_10 1 265105.14 34701.05 544.34
127_bld House$Mechanic_02 1 265104.89 34694.98 568.37
128_bld House$46TRBoxesRaised 1 265103.67 34695.01 637.99
129_bld House$46TRBoxesRaised 1 265103.93 34693.44 549.10
130_bld House$Human_10 1 265105.22 34691.92 570.00
131_bld House$Tug_Driver 1 265104.45 34692.18 455.90
132_bld House$Human_10 1 265104.30 34696.62 511.10
133_bld House$Human_10 1 265109.22 34694.61 375.90
134_bld House$Human_05 1 265109.68 34697.78 719.58
135_bld House$Human_04 1 265103.33 34696.44 431.50
136_bld House$FurnitureSandbags_Round 1 265113.08 34694.41 570.00
137_bld House$kucha_meshkov_1 1 265114.90 34692.15 498.20
138_bld House$kucha_meshkov_2 1 265113.12 34697.83 547.09
139_bld House$Human_05 1 264882.82 34933.97 403.84
140_bld House$Human_05 1 264881.07 34935.15 557.11
141_bld House$Tug_Driver 1 264888.17 34932.66 693.52
142_bld House$Tug_Driver 1 264886.18 34939.50 553.12
143_bld House$Mechanic_01 1 264885.10 34934.26 693.31
144_bld House$Tug_Driver 1 264890.86 35639.52 663.52
145_bld House$Human_05 1 264883.47 35638.13 527.11
146_bld House$Human_05 1 264885.57 35637.98 373.84
147_bld House$Mechanic_01 1 264784.55 35647.68 465.51
148_bld House$Tug_Driver 1 264787.72 35648.56 663.52
149_bld House$Human_05 1 264780.32 35647.17 527.11
150_bld House$Human_05 1 264782.43 35647.02 373.84
151_bld House$Mechanic_01 1 264887.77 35639.33 663.31
152_bld House$sockstrong 1 264019.59 34332.02 710.03
153_bld House$Kherson-Ph 1 263114.26 35027.85 360.00
154_bld House$Kherson-Ph 1 262815.54 31816.83 360.00
155_bld House$Kherson-Ph 1 264704.48 33352.85 360.00
156_bld House$Cuve-horiz 1 263914.65 34227.94 360.00
157_bld House$Cuve-horiz 1 263870.01 34170.09 360.00
158_bld House$Cuve-horiz 1 263884.40 34188.97 360.00
159_bld House$Cuve-horiz 1 263900.22 34208.85 360.00
160_bld House$Tour-obs-metal 1 264304.68 34624.74 484.79
161_bld House$QG-GrB 1 263912.95 34319.88 396.34
162_bld House$atelierB 1 263904.94 34333.03 486.78
163_bld House$Atelier-grueB 1 264863.57 34891.28 565.02
164_bld House$TourContr+beton 1 263937.89 34335.94 666.80
165_bld House$Human_04 1 264877.06 34882.49 494.92
166_bld House$Human_02 1 264875.49 34884.51 476.30
167_bld House$Human_10 1 264876.47 34885.06 447.59
168_bld House$Human_10 1 263948.91 34325.31 637.48
169_bld House$Human_10 1 263926.58 34316.54 393.54
170_bld House$Human_10 1 263929.99 34309.73 371.55
171_bld House$Human_10 1 263906.74 34183.65 612.12
172_bld House$46FTankRU 1 263901.06 34181.04 397.12
173_bld House$46FTankRU 1 263901.69 34189.45 373.73
174_bld House$Human_02 1 263900.08 34181.95 425.63
175_bld House$46SteeLadder 1 263964.56 34250.77 644.01
176_bld House$46SteeLadder 1 263869.06 34125.32 707.20
177_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 263870.01 34128.04 717.80
178_bld House$46GRBoxes 1 263962.51 34252.82 617.99
179_bld House$Human_04 1 263963.52 34248.78 644.70
180_bld House$Human_04 1 263871.67 34129.70 689.10
181_bld House$Human_05 1 263868.36 34128.68 717.50
182_bld House$Mechanic_02 1 263868.66 34125.28 543.71
183_bld House$Human_10 1 263869.41 34126.97 618.80
184_bld House$Human_10 1 263965.59 34248.81 560.40
185_bld House$Mechanic_03 1 263964.46 34250.30 443.80
186_bld House$Tug 1 263967.92 34247.54 619.90
187_bld House$Tug_Driver 1 263967.37 34247.40 719.09
188_bld House$Tug 1 263899.17 34334.00 486.60
189_bld House$Tug 1 263909.99 34348.45 488.08
0 0 1 20 1000 253976 51378 0 2 ja0100 253759 51793
3 1 1 0 501 264118 34206 1000
3 2 1 0 501 263699 34024 100
264875 34713 100
If you open up the .mis file in Windows Notepad, things are a LOT more interesting. We may came back to the .mis file another time, but for now, take a look at the [NStationary] and [Buildings] sections. This is the code for all the objects and stationary objects we just added to Ford Island in the FMB. Carefully copy the lines for the objects and paste them into a NEW Notepad file, then save the new file in a convenient folder somewhere. You could call it 'Ford_Island_1945_template.txt' for example.
Why would you even want to?
Well, for one thing, you could easily open the .mis files for our earlier missions like 'Ford Island Scramble' and 'Carrier Scramble' and add these lines in the [NStationary] and [Buildings] sections for your
other missions. Presto! You've populated Ford Island in a couple minutes. Once the objects are in the .mis files for the other missions, it's a snap to quickly go into the FMB and swap a few things around if you want some variety between missions - and its a LOT easier than re-populating from scratch, especially if you like to have lots of objects.
Why not do the same trick and create a template for Wheeler Field? If you create a new 'dummy' mission and populate
just Wheeler Field you'll end up with a discrete list of objects to save as a 'Wheeler_Field_1945_template.txt' file - which you can then also copy into your existing missions. Or, if you're really confident with the .mis file, you can populate Wheeler Field in an existing mission and cut-out
just those objects to create a new template.
Soon, you'll have a library of object templates for various locations on the Hawaii map. Let's say you decide to create a December 1941 campaign one day... open a new mission, save it and copy your object templates in tothe .mis file... swap out the Bearcats and Corsair static planes for 'Hawks and B-17s, adjust things around a bit to suit, and bada-bing you've got a really good start on your new campaign with minimum effort.

Cool right?

Here's a guide to what the code in the .mis file means. I've had this guide a long while, but don't know the author, let me know and I'll add the proper credit.

This guide can be put to
really good use. One way is to use the code to plot waypoints in places the FMB won't let you, for example, ships in harbour:

This is where the FMB will
let me plot waypoints for my PT Boat. Let's say I want to go for a harbor cruise...

I plot where I
want to go using an aircraft.
Then I merge the waypoints inside the .mis file, by taking the waypoints from the plane:
Planes 1
Skill 1
Class air.BF_109E4
Fuel 100
weapons default
264138.63 35786.45 500.00 300.00 &0
265666.33 35070.67 500.00 300.00 &0
265580.87 34557.88 500.00 300.00 &0
264704.84 33938.25 500.00 300.00 &0
264266.82 33510.92 500.00 300.00 &0
263401.48 33307.93 500.00 300.00 &0
263059.62 32805.82 500.00 300.00 &0
263219.86 32068.67 500.00 300.00 &0
262952.78 31449.04 500.00 300.00 &0
263113.03 30615.75 500.00 300.00 &0
263786.08 29365.81 500.00 300.00 &0
... and merging them with the PT Boat:
0_Chief Vehicles.J2F_MOV 1
1_Chief Vehicles.WillisMB_US 1
2_Chief Vehicles.USACarsColumnC 1
4_Chief Ships.MAS501UNP 1 10 2 1.0[0_Chief_Road]
264156.38 34013.00 120.00 2 2 1.25
264269.13 34175.82 120.00 0 2 1.25
264783.75 34908.12 120.00
264237.22 34162.00 120.00 60 2 2.6388890743255615
263777.94 33507.31 120.00
264507.81 34969.30 120.00 10 2 2.6388890743255615
264391.25 34808.30 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
263541.97 33590.28 120.00
264138.63 35786.45 120.00 0 2 8.333333969116211
265666.33 35070.67 120.00 0 2 8.333333969116211
265580.87 34557.88 120.00 0 2 8.333333969116211
264704.84 33938.25 120.00 0 2 8.333333969116211
264266.82 33510.92 120.00 0 2 8.333333969116211
263401.48 33307.93 120.00 0 2 8.333333969116211
263059.62 32805.82 120.00 0 2 8.333333969116211
263219.86 32068.67 120.00 0 2 8.333333969116211
262952.78 31449.04 120.00 0 2 8.333333969116211
263113.03 30615.75 120.00 0 2 8.333333969116211
263786.08 29365.81 120.00

...and here's the merged code in the FMB. Be sure to remove all traces of the 'dummy' airplane from your .mis file.

If you're methodical and systematic, you'll easily figure out your own system for doing this quickly and efficiently by copying and pasting. For more examples have a look at this thread (from about page 2 on):,19518.0.htmlOK. I promised you I'd show you how to make the FMB into a virtual station commander. Are you ready?
Here's the idea. If you read mission building forums you'll soon realise a lot of time is spent anguishing over problems like 'my bomber won't take off from xyz airfield' or 'my planes hit the fence at the end of the runway at ABC' or my 'flight always crashes into the hill at...'
You can always try reducing bomb and fuel loads or reducing your formations to give the lead aircraft a longer take-off run... but why compromise your missions? Usually what has happened is that the map builder has added some elevation, or trees, or buildings... that your AI aircraft (or perhaps even the player) are unable to negotiate. What if you could just move those half dozen trees that are in the way, or that fence... or reduce the elevation of that hill 30 metres so the aircraft can clear it with a full bombload? Not only is it possible.. it's as much fun as planning the mission in the first place. UP~Boomer has created a fantastic toolkit and tutorial that will equip you with a handful of basic map skills that could potentially transform those 'problem' missions. You can have an absolute ball with this stuff!

Check it out here:,1977.0.htmlYou DO NOT have to be a map building guru to do this stuff - hell, even I can do it. The ability to solve map problems will be at your finger tips.
But WAIT! There's more.
When you start building missions, you'll soon realise that a lot of airfields, even stock ones, have 'issues'. Even if you've only played some dynamic campaigns I'll
bet you've come across those situations where you have a 16 plane strike all set to head off into Indian country to wreak havoc on the Evil Empire... except, soon as you get in mission, you find the leading aircraft already falling off the end of the runway which is just
way too short. The first plane crashes and burns before the wheels even get off the ground. Then all the dumkopffs behind him crash too. All you need is the 'Benny Hill' soundtrack - right? Sooner or later you'll run into these sorts of problems, or planes that can't taxi or crash into buildings, or airfields too bumpy to navigate...

What if you could tailor design the airfield to work JUST the way
you want? What if, for example, you could build a grass airfield, friction modified so you could land and taxi where ever you want, just like a real BoB ace? Well you can, and it's about as much fun as you can have with your pants on. To find out how, visit Spdr109's brilliant airfield tutorial here:,14115.0.html... and if you like grass fields, you'll like this link too:,247.0.html
This is Mast Field in map editing configuration. Unfortunately you can't build missions in this configuration, but
one useful thing to do is look at the taxi routes and parking spots and plan where you'll add objects in your missions so they don't conflict with the operation of the airfield (an object will shut down a taxi route or parking stop if it's too close). Of course, the next level is to customise your
own airfield plan with discrete areas for your object 'scenes' and for your
own taxi routes and parking spots, you'll feel like you're commanding a
real airfield!

That's about everything I have to show you about objects, aside from a few specific things that will apply in the next few missions. Come back soon... next tutorial we're going to WAR!
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